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Realistic Summer Targets


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I don't like this talk of buying squad players. To me we need to buy the best players that we can and make the players they replace in the first team squad players. Worry about adding cheap players to fill out the squad once the first team is sorted.

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haaaaarsh :lol:


Its not harsh mate, even I can admit that going from Newcastle to Man U is always a step up as much as I hate to admit it.


We have got to stop playing ouselves down, Newcastle is much the more attractive proposition to a player than Blackburn any way you want to look at it bar the last couple of years league positions I'll give you that one :lol:





:lol: :lol:


sorry for the confusion

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Why exactly would Nobby suddenly come back here again after only leaving us in the first place for family-based circumstances that still exist?


and Solano's told you this recently?


No, has he told you differently? Didn't realise his kids had moved back up here without him. My bad.


if he hasnt told you directly then you're presenting guesswork as fact. imagine that happening on here  :frantic:


Alright then - call it a presumption. I thought that was obvious but I guess not. My fault.

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haaaaarsh :lol:


Its not harsh mate, even I can admit that going from Newcastle to Man U is always a step up as much as I hate to admit it.


We have got to stop playing ouselves down, Newcastle is much the more attractive proposition to a player than Blackburn any way you want to look at it bar the last couple of years league positions I'll give you that one :lol:





:lol: :lol:


sorry for the confusion


:lol: :knuppel2:

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Should be looking at




Petrov- from man city


Also Zaragoza look like being relegated from La Liga and they have got some quality players




D'Allesandro- out on loan

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Should be looking at




Petrov- from man city


Also Zaragoza look like being relegated from La Liga and they have got some quality players




D'Allesandro- out on loan


Saw the Zaragoza - Real Madrid game. Zaragoza was playing some quality stuff and were very unlucky not to have won it. Dudek of all people denied them with some fantastic saves near the end of the game.

Was especially impressed by Sergio Garcia, seems like a cracking player although he missed quite a few chances.

Their final game is a difficult one away against Mallorca but if they'll play as well as they did yesterday they have a very good chance of keeping themselves up.


15. Valladolid      37 11 11 15  41:56  44

16. Osasuna      37 12  7 18  37:43  43

17. Recreativo    37 11 10 16  39:59  43

18. R.Zaragoza    37 10 12 15  48:58  42

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Guest MaetihS

Cant believe some pple in here still think we have the pulling power of a big club. We need to accept that we are mid-table also-rans now who are quite a distance (not a lot away but still...) from clubs like Everton, Blackburn, Spurs and Villa. No first teamer from these clubs will want to come to us to improve their profile or ambition maybe for money. Forget Bentley, he is too good for us atm. I am a big Newcastle fan but sometimes such arrogance from us is why we are the butt of jokes and slagging from press and the industry. Yes we need to think big but we have to be realistic.

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Guest MaetihS

we're not exactly demanding the likes of Kaka, Messi or Ronaldo, are we?!!




Seasons ago when we are in the Champ League, Bentley is the type of player we go far in terms of "big signing". Even then, players like Messi are out of the reach. So naturally, considering our status now, Bentley is exactly the type of "Messi" signing that is out of our reach now.

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Guest MaetihS


I bet  that we will not be signing any "big name" or Modric type of players just because we do not have the pulling power. Not to be mean or arrogant, it hurts me as bad that we cannot attract proven good players if other bigger clubs are in for them...these bigger clubs include Villa not to mention the Big 4. Trust me, if rumors are true that Spurs, Everton and us are in for Mbia, we stand no chance. Have seen him play a few times and always impressed; a player that we need but sad to say, he will not choose us over the rest unless Geremi can convince him that we are bigger.


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The relegated teams were so poor it didn't take alot to be their top player. So no thanks for Larsson, Muamba etc. Seriously we should be aiming alot higher!

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The relegated teams were so poor it didn't take alot to be their top player. So no thanks for Larsson, Muamba etc. Seriously we should be aiming alot higher!


You just can't really go by such sweeping statements.


Reading are down. I wouldn't mind Nicky Shorey though, we need another left back. I also wouldn't mind Larsson from Birmingham. I'd also take a punt on Giles Barnes from Derby if he could prove his fitness.


The point is, it is about getting the right players at the right time. If they're decent players, they're decent players, no matter where they've come from.

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Guest MaetihS

The relegated teams were so poor it didn't take alot to be their top player. So no thanks for Larsson, Muamba etc. Seriously we should be aiming alot higher!


No offence meant, this is the typical attitude we display that make us the butt of "big club" jokes. Like Brummie say, these are decent players for us. Yes the bigwigs do not want them because they have better and more expensive choice. We cannot be choosers at this point. Any decent player is good for us; will be delighted if we can get Zarate, Larsson and Shorey.

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Wouldn't be surprised to see Keegan (aswell as a LOT of other managers) take a punt on Shorey this summer, or atleast enquire. You'd think, given all the speculation surrounding Reading while they were in the league, Shorey surely won't stay?


Someone said Zarate would be a great 'replacement' for Owen... is he an AM/FC? [/footballmanager]

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Guest DazzaNufc1892

been thinking alot about this, and i feel the list we could go for, and achieve realistically could well be...





M.G. Pedersen

jaoa moutinho





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Dunne and Shorey in this summer and we'd have the best defensive squad we've ever had in the Premiership imo. Obviously, we'd only have one right-back in the squad, but we'd have playesrs that can fill in there.


Beye --- Faye --- Dunne --- Shorey


(Taylor) --- Taylor --- Caçapa --- Enrique



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Guest NorthernSoul

I was thinking the Chelsea bargain basement again, and perhaps Shaun Wright Phillips and/or Steve Sidwell?


I reckon Richard Dunne looks odds-on and I wouldn't, and Shorey's certain to move on if he wants to keep any England ambitions burning?

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Guest sondre

Think Kitson would be worth a punt as well if we're going to the Reading summer sale.




Scored 10 goals in 28 starts for a relegating team. Looked impressing many times I've seen him this year. Wouldn't be to expensive. There are of course a lot of players I'd like before him, but if we don't get any of them or Owen/Martins goes, then I believe he would be a good signing. The ginger-fact is obviously an issue, but I will stay strong and cope with it.

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