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The official I Love NUFC thread

Guest Knightrider

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Guest Knightrider

Post all your greatest, proudest, happiest or simply amazing moments following this great club of ours, be it with pictures or anecdotes, on the pitch related or on the stands/with fans i.e. an away trip or whatever. Or memories of your fave players.




Your club!


I'll start:




Andy Cole, my first Toon hero. I doubt we'll see another striker as prolific for this club as he was. I do believe he is the most prolific striker in the club's history. To score 41 goals in one season was a remarkable achievement. What a bargain, what a spot by Keegan. One of our best ever signings in my opinion. £1.75m I think it was. I don't think anyone in the club's history with the exception of KK when he joined as a player and Hughie Gallacher possibly, made as big an impact or as instant an impact as Cole did, not just footballing wise but socially too, him being our first black hero at a time when not too long before he arrived, racism was evident on the stands. My brother used to tape the goals commentary from Toon matches off the radio back in the 90s, he taped the Villa goals at SJP when Cole got his 40th with Andrew Dolby commentating. Anyway a few years back I heard the clip of his goal and I won't lie, I had a lump in my throat and if I kept on playing it I think a tear or two would have rolled like. Would love to hear that clip again.


Despite singing anti-Toon songs along with Man Utd fans and of course winning titles for them, I always gave him a huge round of applause whenever he played back at SJP, even as a Man Utd player. People forget he was devastated to learn he was leaving Newcastle and was hoping it would break down so he could return. It didn't of course and he want on to win a shit load, but I'll tell you what, I don't think he enjoyed his football as much after he left us. He was a free spirit here, he was a cog in a machine at Man Utd. At Man Utd he was moody and sullen looking, at Newcastle he couldn't stop grinning and him and Clarkie, their celebration when either scored... that's the imprint in my mind of that whole '93-94 season. That's how we all felt inside at that time I think. I certainly did. If anyone has a picture of those two celebrating a goal or Cole peeling away after his 40th against Villa, please post. Anyway, Andy Cole  :clap2:




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Guest Knightrider

Nothing beats the grandad collar. Nothing.


Oh I agree, but that shirt was still class. The one with the gold McEwans one especially and the long sleeved one.

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I can't be arsed thinking very far back so, off the top of the head i'll pop forrrrrrr...


... celebrating Steven Taylor's equaliser at my first PL game with the love of my life, with the volume reverberating around the whole place. That was a quality moment.

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Guest Knightrider

2J do you have any pics of the team bus and fans celebrating promotion back in '93? Or does anyone?

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2J, get one of those vids of Cole knocked up man  :thup:


93/94 Season is next up that's for sure as a review compilation, as 92/93 have been done and 95/96. I'll make a Cole one at some point after that and 94/95 seasons have been done. So many class memories from back then. Shame I was only a bairn really as I obviously didn't comprehend it all at the time, but I certainly knew I was part of something special.

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Guest Spark



This goal against Everton. I screamed like a girl when it went in. Amazing stuff. Amazing player.

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2J do you have any pics of the team bus and fans celebrating promotion back in '93? Or does anyone?


I'd have to take some screencaps really of the Season Review and the quality wouldn't be all that good. I've still got taped off the tele as well the actual program that was on Tyne-Tees that day of the bus going from Gosforth through to the Civic centre.

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Some random good memories...


When my mate offered Peter Beardsley a bit of his sausage role when he came back.


When another mate electrocuted himself on the old scoreboard.


The best surge I was ever in when we scored the first against Wimbledon in the 4-0 home win.  Back row to third from front in seconds.  God, I miss being able to lift my feet off the ground and stay upright.


In the Milburn paddock when Albert lobbed Schmeichel.


Leading the singing out of our hotel window as thousands of fans filed into the Millenium Stadium just next door.


Curry Hell at Idols.


Sat at home on my todd but still running around like a lunatic when Bellamy scored that goal.

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Guest Knightrider

2J, get one of those vids of Cole knocked up man  :thup:


93/94 Season is next up that's for sure as a review compilation, as 92/93 have been done and 95/96. I'll make a Cole one at some point after that and 94/95 seasons have been done. So many class memories from back then. Shame I was only a bairn really as I obviously didn't comprehend it all at the time, but I certainly knew I was part of something special.


Look forward to those. Cheers.

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2J, get one of those vids of Cole knocked up man  :thup:


93/94 Season is next up that's for sure as a review compilation, as 92/93 have been done and 95/96. I'll make a Cole one at some point after that and 94/95 seasons have been done. So many class memories from back then. Shame I was only a bairn really as I obviously didn't comprehend it all at the time, but I certainly knew I was part of something special.


Does anyone else remember the Cole compilation the BBC did at the end of that season.  Started with "Like taking Cole to Newcastle" I watched that fucker over and over.  I'd love to see that one again.

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2J do you have any pics of the team bus and fans celebrating promotion back in '93? Or does anyone?


I'd have to take some screencaps really of the Season Review and the quality wouldn't be all that good. I've still got taped off the tele as well the actual program that was on Tyne-Tees that day of the bus going from Gosforth through to the Civic centre.


Are you going to transfer that programme to your PC?  :lol: I've got a season review on Video, I might try and transfer that one.

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Clichéd I suppose, but when Shearer got the record against Pompey the atmosphere at SJP was absolutely fucking brilliant. And it was full volume for a good five minutes after too.

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Very random game but:




Newcastle 4-1 Real Mallorca. My first taste of St James Park, loved every second of it.

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2J do you have any pics of the team bus and fans celebrating promotion back in '93? Or does anyone?


I'd have to take some screencaps really of the Season Review and the quality wouldn't be all that good. I've still got taped off the tele as well the actual program that was on Tyne-Tees that day of the bus going from Gosforth through to the Civic centre.


Are you going to transfer that programme to your PC?  :lol: I've got a season review on Video, I might try and transfer that one.


I've transfered all of my Season Reviews from 92-00 that were on video to my PC.  O0

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