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Sir Bobby Launches Cancer Charity - Donation page link in OP


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Donating today, worth a bump for those who haven't  :pow:


Worth another bump, I'd love to see it reach £500k today as it's up to £392,243.96 and they've posted the following:


The Sir Bobby Robson Foundation Dinner on Friday 9th May was a great success and I would like to thank everyone who contributed in any way.


Our donations so far will be updated later today - Monday 12th May.


Best wishes.


Sir Bobby Robson CBE




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Fucking stunning,  £526,310.


It is exactly 7 weeks to the day on Tuesday 13th May that we launched the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and I am delighted to announce that we have raised a grand total of £526,310 which I am sure you will agree is an amazing achievement in such a short period of time, however, we still want the donations to continue as we will be annnouncing new projects over the coming weeks.


I would like to thank everyone who has contributed in any way - with donations and also the hard work that has gone on behind the scenes.  I couldn't have done this on my own.  The generosity of the general public has been absolutely fantastic and I have to say that I am absolutely honoured and proud to have been involved in this project.  I think everyone knows by now how I feel about "teamwork" .... and it just goes to prove that great things can be achieved if we all work together.


Thanks to you, The Sir Bobby Robson Cancer Trials Research Centre at the Freeman Hospital will be up and running on schedule and the people of the North East will be the very first to benefit from this state of the art facility.


I know a lot of people out there are planning fundraising events over the coming months and I just want to let you know how thrilled I am about that and to say that every penny you raise will help cancer sufferers in the North East....  so please KEEP DONATING !!


Best wishes.


Sir Bobby Robson CBE




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Some of the quotes regarding SBR on a Spurs forum following the FA Cup..............


Is now on 30 years since they won the cup, what a great man


legend,looking well


Quality Bloke.


Top bloke


Top man and a real football legend.


I thought his choice was most appropriate and found his presence very moving


Sir Bobby Robson is my latter day hero and inspiration. I believe he has now battled Cancer 5 times during the past 7 years. Why is he my hero - because unfortunately I too have had similar problems as Sir Bobby coincidently also over the past 7 years and when I see how he has coped and carried on it does nothing but inspire!!!


I often remind people when they are sl*gging off whoever the latest England manager is at the time that Sir Bobby was often once ridiculed in a similar vein.


The word Legend is banded around to often,but Sir Bobby Robson is in a league of true legends. 


It was great to see a true football man like Sir Bobby honoured today, he deserved every minute of it



I'm just saying true football fans will always have respect for those that deserve respect.  I'm also bumping the thread just in case anyone thought about donating but never got round to it .....................



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Cheers for that Jol  :thup:


Now if you can ask some of you Spurs chums to stump up some cash at http://www.justgiving.com/thesirbobbyrobsonfoundation


I put a link in a thread and got favourable comments which, tbf, I did expect.  There's not many families in the UK that haven't been touched by the bastard disease in one form or another.  My donation was tucked away in the justgiving link a while ago now, just pleased that it has gone well.

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Cheers for that Jol  :thup:


Now if you can ask some of you Spurs chums to stump up some cash at http://www.justgiving.com/thesirbobbyrobsonfoundation


I put a link in a thread and got favourable comments which, tbf, I did expect.   There's not many families in the UK that haven't been touched by the bastard disease in one form or another.  My donation was tucked away in the justgiving link a while ago now, just pleased that it has gone well.


Nice one.  Be sure to get your sister in law to pass it round at work as well mate :)


Be interesting to know how much any of our lot have donated like.

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Nice one.  Be sure to get your sister in law to pass it round at work as well mate :)


Be interesting to know how much any of our lot have donated like.


I donated £20 and my wife donated £100 on behalf of our family so £120 as it came out of my wages.

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Nice one.  Be sure to get your sister in law to pass it round at work as well mate :)


Be interesting to know how much any of our lot have donated like.


I donated £20 and my wife donated £100 on behalf of our family so £120 as it came out of my wages.


I meant past & present players like, but nice one.

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Nice one.  Be sure to get your sister in law to pass it round at work as well mate :)


Be interesting to know how much any of our lot have donated like.


I donated £20 and my wife donated £100 on behalf of our family so £120 as it came out of my wages.


I am guessing the offline money is made of that


I meant past & present players like, but nice one.


I am guessing the offline money is made up of that but really what people donate is down to them.

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Anyone in the CLS area, there's a fundraiser on at the Lambton Worm Saturday 26th May with the proceeds going to the SBR foundation, ideal for people with kids - think there's face painting and stuff on, and there's a raffle and such. Just thought I'd spread the word.

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