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Let's NOT sell! - Keegan's legacy


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So KK wants to bu 4-5 new players and he keeps reminding us just how small his squad is  :lol:


Why not keep N'Zogbia? Why not keep Emre? Why not keep Taylor even? They will be useful squad players at least next season, and probably more. Or sell them when the price is right, on OUR terms?


This was Keegan's legacy in the past and it will be our future. Amen.

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Certainly be interesting to see. KK dropped and sold David Kelly when every Newcastle fan around would have wanted him to have at least a season in the Premiership after what he did for us. Tough call from Kevin but he did it.

An interesting Summer ahead.

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Guest LucaAltieri

We'll not be selling N'Zogbia because we want to, we'll be selling him because he wants to leave, it will be his choice.


He's got ages left on his contract. He shouldn't be going anywhere regardless of what he wants.

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We'll not be selling N'Zogbia because we want to, we'll be selling him because he wants to leave, it will be his choice.


No it won't, it'll be Keegan's, he's already made that clear. Zog signed a new contract, he won't leave unless we get a very good fee IMO.

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No it won't, it'll be Keegan's, he's already made that clear. Zog signed a new contract, he won't leave unless we get a very good fee IMO.


Players leave clubs while under contract, I doubt that we'll try to keep him if he really wants to leave.

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No it won't, it'll be Keegan's, he's already made that clear. Zog signed a new contract, he won't leave unless we get a very good fee IMO.


Players leave clubs while under contract, I doubt that we'll try to keep him if he really wants to leave.


Fine if we get a nice fat sum to which we are entitled. Considering Smith was worth £6m and Chopra £5m where would you ,or Willie Mckay for that matter , like to start?

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Guest LucaAltieri


He's got ages left on his contract. He shouldn't be going anywhere regardless of what he wants.


If N'Zogbia refuses to play for the club, he'll go.


Would prefer to let him rot in the reserves, personally (if that scenario did occur - we're only guessing). Any player who threatens to not turn out for their club deserves the same treatment. He'd come round soon enough. A couple of months away from the first team and he can kiss goodbye any dreams moves to champions league clubs he might have had planned. What other options would he have then?


It's about time a contract actually meant something. He's only recently signed a new one hasn't he? Bet he took a decent sized signing on fee as well. About time players started honouring the deal.

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If Zogs want to leave, he needs to be told that he either plays for us or we sell him to a club on the continent. It's just unacceptable to sell him to a club in London because he wants to be closer to his family, if that rumour is true,

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Nice sentiment but some players will want to leave, some offers will be too good to turn down. some players just arent good enough. either way we can trust kk to get in the right players we need.


I think Keegan talking of bringing in 4 players is on top of what he's already got, as you say others will leave and he will have to go about replacing them too.


I can't see Ramage and Carr getting new contracts or Shola and Rozehnal coming back, Zog will likely get his move to London and I can see Duff, Smith and maybe Milner moving on for first team football. I wouldn't be surprised if Taylor doesn't go if he can't agree a new contract either.



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I would sell them both and I think Keegan will too. It's a shame as both of them would fit very well into the sort of football KK wants to play, although Zog wants away and Emre, at a time when other players are fighting to be involved to help the club get away from the bottom, just doesn't seem interested.


At the moment, Zog is in France and Emre is in Istanbul. Keegan will always take the line that no one is bigger that the club and he won't like that attitude. In contrast, when Duff was injured he went to most games, home and away, to support the team.


I expect Keegan to big them up as much as possible and get as much for them as possible (4.2 million for Ruel Fox anone???). He'll probably want to give them both some football before season's end to try to justify an inflated fee.

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Guest Stephen927

I'd like to see N'Zogbia stay, but if his heart isn't in it then I hope we get shot. I reckon we're looking at getting about £7.5m for him, bearing in mind that most teams will be aware hes far from happy here. It wouldn't be in our best interests to have a player on the wage bill who doesn't want to play for the club.


In our current squad, there's 2 players not good enough who need replacing. Stephen Carr and Peter Ramage.


The likes of Alan Smith, Damien Duff are good to help bolster the squad, at least until the end of the next season. I wouldn't like to see us rock the boat with too many new faces.


We need to sign a couple of squad players, like a back up left back, a back up right back.


A creative central midfielder, a right winger, and a striker. That is, if Keegan plans on using a 4-4-2.

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At the moment, Zog is in France and Emre is in Istanbul. Keegan will always take the line that no one is bigger that the club and he won't like that attitude. In contrast, when Duff was injured he went to most games, home and away, to support the team.


To be fair though, there might be some agreeable difference when it comes to players who have come from abroad and still have family there to visit when theyre injured and have nothing else to do.

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I would sell them both and I think Keegan will too. It's a shame as both of them would fit very well into the sort of football KK wants to play, although Zog wants away and Emre, at a time when other players are fighting to be involved to help the club get away from the bottom, just doesn't seem interested.


At the moment, Zog is in France and Emre is in Istanbul. Keegan will always take the line that no one is bigger that the club and he won't like that attitude. In contrast, when Duff was injured he went to most games, home and away, to support the team.


I expect Keegan to big them up as much as possible and get as much for them as possible (4.2 million for Ruel Fox anone???). He'll probably want to give them both some football before season's end to try to justify an inflated fee.


What a load of cobblers. Forgetting that there is not a great deal of evidence to support your assertions regarding Zoggy, just where on earth are you getting that Emre doesn't care for the cause?

Sads highligheded how it was great to see how Emre puts everything into even reserve games, and that it was a joy to work with him. After his injury in that game Keegan spoke of his dissapointment and just how useful Emre was as one of the few that can bring something different to the team in terms of opening up defences.


He's injured and yet doesn't turn up for games? Woah, the fecker needs crucifying.  :frantic:

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