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James Milner joins Aston Villa - £12m!

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Here's an idea. How about if Villa want him and value him at £9m or whatever, we call O'Neill's bluff and offer £8m plus Milner for Barry...which would meet their valuation. Would make things a bit interesting methinks.


Lets offer £10m plus Milner for a 40% share in AVFC enterprises!!



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Here's an idea. How about if Villa want him and value him at £9m or whatever, we call O'Neill's bluff and offer £8m plus Milner for Barry...which would meet their valuation. Would make things a bit interesting methinks.


Lets offer £10m plus Milner for a 40% share in AVFC enterprises!!





Hi I'm James Kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahn


EDIT: Who isn't even in the fucking picture.

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Doubt Barry would come here though.


Probably not, but if Liverpool or Arsenal don't match the fee, you just never know.


I think he wants to go to a club like that because he wants to step up and get a crack at Europe. I am certainly not a doom merchant but we are on level with Villa at the moment and thats me being kind to us.


That's true...but remember when Jenas was linked with Arsenal all summer, their interest dropped, and he took the sideways step to Spurs? You never know.

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Spotty Yorkshire prick, he can do one.


Fairplay for having the balls to put a transfer request in, hopefully the club will accept it & let all (Villa/Milner/Milners agent) the interested parties know the price & stick to that.

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If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.


The lengths some people will go to to attack the board. Genuine fabrication.


He's not the one making us sound like idiots.

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Doubt Barry would come here though.


Probably not, but if Liverpool or Arsenal don't match the fee, you just never know.


I think he wants to go to a club like that because he wants to step up and get a crack at Europe. I am certainly not a doom merchant but we are on level with Villa at the moment and thats me being kind to us.


That's true...but remember when Jenas was linked with Arsenal all summer, their interest dropped, and he took the sideways step to Spurs? You never know.


Jenas still had his whole career ahead of him and just wanted out of Newcastle didn't he? I think Barry would be better off at Villa, not sure if he would risk signing for us at a value of about £18m then he would definitely be ending any chance of signing for a champions league club as we are hardly going to sell at a loss/same value.

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Liam Liam Liam,


If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.


England squad? Based on what?


Milner has done absolutely nothing over the last 12 months to warrant a pay rise.  Fact is, our form improved when he was out of the team towards the end of last season.


england squad my prick. He's a fucking championship player

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Guest The Corner


Milner also had to wait 12 months for the club to stop dithering over the improved contract offer (matching of Villa's terms) and was still earning less for that period.


Why sign it then?


So then what happens? He continues to earn less money while the club continue negotiating? Perhaps at the time he didn't think he'd be involved as much with the new high-earners (Smith, Geremi, Barton, etc) joining the club, as it turns out...


As for the moronic comments about "he's only just signed a new contract" - does that stop you asking for a payrise in your annual appraisal, especially if you've been working your bollocks off to do a decent job while some of your higher paid colleagues contribute very little?




this, and i would love to hear the clubs reasons for telling us he handed in a transfer request 7 days after he actually did

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Liam Liam Liam,


If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.


England squad? Based on what?


Milner has done absolutely nothing over the last 12 months to warrant a pay rise.  Fact is, our form improved when he was out of the team towards the end of last season.


england squad my prick. He's a fucking championship player


Yep I bet he signs for a championship club.



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If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.


The lengths some people will go to to attack the board. Genuine fabrication.


He's not the one making us sound like idiots.


Nearly as bad as when the .com lads had a go at Allardyce for releasing future England player Bramble. :lol:

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Pretty annoyed by todays events in general.


Why shouldn't Milner be on an equal pay to Taylor/N'Zogbia?


Why sign a contract 12 months after agreeing it?


Why demand another one,  just 1 year later?


Why hand in a transfer request when thats not met?  A contract is a contract.


And mainly,  Why has the club released todays statement,  a week after the actual events?



Load of shit.

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Guest alankhaw

Shame we gave into Taylor and now we have this problem with Milner. Will probably happen again with future youngsters who think they're Ronaldo

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Guest The Corner


this, and i would love to hear the clubs reasons for telling us he handed in a transfer request 7 days after he actually did


Why shouldn't they?



Why not do it straight away ? Instead of after a decent performance against coventry, after the manager had sang his praises live on sky

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Guest Sheriff John Bunnell (Ret

None of the 'Big 4' are gonna take him so i dont understand the reasons why he would wanna leave us.... Seems he is a greedy wee b@stid and just wants more money.... If we get 9M+ for him, Happy days i say... Just a pity there isnt too long left of this transfer window....

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Doubt Barry would come here though.


Probably not, but if Liverpool or Arsenal don't match the fee, you just never know.


I think he wants to go to a club like that because he wants to step up and get a crack at Europe. I am certainly not a doom merchant but we are on level with Villa at the moment and thats me being kind to us.


That's true...but remember when Jens was linked with Arsenal all summer, their interest dropped, and he took the sideways step to Spurs? You never know.


Sideways? haven't  Spurs finished above us (just a place last year) every year since he joined them & he has he was won a trophy. I would class sideways if he had of joined the Boro.

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this, and i would love to hear the clubs reasons for telling us he handed in a transfer request 7 days after he actually did


Why shouldn't they?



Why not do it straight away ? Instead of after a decent performance against coventry, after the manager had sang his praises live on sky


You haven't answered the question. 


Why put in a transfer request?


Milner is being the twat here and the PFA have made it worse with that stupid statement released today.

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Liam Liam Liam,


If Keegan rates him so highly and O'neil is prepared to pay up to £10m fro him, he should direct any anger you may have at the idiots running the club prerpared to sell someone who will be in the Engalnd squad this season, and not at him, you just sound, and make is all sound like idiots.


England squad? Based on what?


Milner has done absolutely nothing over the last 12 months to warrant a pay rise.  Fact is, our form improved when he was out of the team towards the end of last season.


england squad my prick. He's a f***ing championship player


Yep I bet he signs for a championship club.




embarrassing mate, get it sorted


a premiership winger gives premiership full-backs problems the last time I checked. He's without doubt the least gifted winger i've ever seen in a nufc shirt. No pace, no final ball, poor passing, no intelligence. Robson was on a roll when he described Ambrose, O'brien and Milner as 'fantastic young talent'. Talent my left f***ing nut

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this, and i would love to hear the clubs reasons for telling us he handed in a transfer request 7 days after he actually did


Why shouldn't they?



Why not do it straight away ? Instead of after a decent performance against coventry, after the manager had sang his praises live on sky


Because there was a meeting today discussing Milner and maybe we thought we'd be able to resolve it with a new contract? Nothing's happened, so now we've made it public. Nothing wrong with that whatsoever.

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Guest alankhaw

Well lets hope we don't boo him on saturday if he does play a part. I know he's wrong but that would only affect his performance and ours as a whole

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