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The Weekend's Other Matches

Guest quklaani

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What was special about it


Even the commentary went on and on about how pathetic the defending was. In fact the goal was pretty much attributed wholly to the defending. Other than that, it was great!

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I really don't give a f*** about them appart from when we play them, don't know any mackems..  I've got a Arsenal supporting friend though so Arsenal losing is always fun.


I still wouldn't want Sunderland t0 finish above us, but I just have this unshakable belief that we'll end up above them whatever happens :lol: 


I'm glad you added 'lol' to that comment - there is NO way we'll finish above them this season ; sad as it is to say, they are far more of a TEAM than NUFC, and it is teams that win matches, NOT individual talents.


As things look now, NUFC will definitely be the bottom NE team in the Prem this season and its looking as if Everton are going to be the next English club taken over, while all the talking about NUFC is proving to be hot air.

Potential buyers are either waiting until Ashley has to sell more cheaply(as the club struggles)or are having difficulty raising the money. Neither scenario is going to help the club finish in a decent position.

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I really don't give a f*** about them appart from when we play them, don't know any mackems..  I've got a Arsenal supporting friend though so Arsenal losing is always fun.


I still wouldn't want Sunderland t0 finish above us, but I just have this unshakable belief that we'll end up above them whatever happens :lol: 


I'm glad you added 'lol' to that comment - there is NO way we'll finish above them this season ; sad as it is to say, they are far more of a TEAM than NUFC, and it is teams that win matches, NOT individual talents.


As things look now, NUFC will definitely be the bottom NE team in the Prem this season and its looking as if Everton are going to be the next English club taken over, while all the talking about NUFC is proving to be hot air.

Potential buyers are either waiting until Ashley has to sell more cheaply(as the club struggles)or are having difficulty raising the money. Neither scenario is going to help the club finish in a decent position.


The story about our takeover said both clubs (ourselves and NUFC) will be taken over at around the same time.


Both deals are being brokered by this Keith Harris guy who I presume isn't the same one that spends most of his time with his hand up the arse of a giant green bird.

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Guest Heneage

What was special about it


Even the commentary went on and on about how pathetic the defending was. In fact the goal was pretty much attributed wholly to the defending. Other than that, it was great!

Sorry I should have put, I knew it was an average goal haha!

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I really don't give a f*** about them appart from when we play them, don't know any mackems..  I've got a Arsenal supporting friend though so Arsenal losing is always fun.


I still wouldn't want Sunderland t0 finish above us, but I just have this unshakable belief that we'll end up above them whatever happens :lol: 


I'm glad you added 'lol' to that comment - there is NO way we'll finish above them this season ; sad as it is to say, they are far more of a TEAM than NUFC, and it is teams that win matches, NOT individual talents.


As things look now, NUFC will definitely be the bottom NE team in the Prem this season and its looking as if Everton are going to be the next English club taken over, while all the talking about NUFC is proving to be hot air.

Potential buyers are either waiting until Ashley has to sell more cheaply(as the club struggles)or are having difficulty raising the money. Neither scenario is going to help the club finish in a decent position.


Yeah as things look now 6 games into the season and with us in complete termoil.  Things will change IMO and like I say I just have a belief at the moment that we'll finish above them.


As for the takeover, it was never going to happen instantly, we'll have a new owner by next month.

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Guest timmy boy

If anyone hasnt seen Zlatans goal against Bologna tonight, you should look it up.

Hes a beast


What a goal, brilliant flick.

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Guest Geordiesned

Great free kick by Matthew Taylor. Green could probably done better on all 3 Bolton goals but still a cracking strike for the 3rd.

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HULL SCORE!!! :celb:






He has been a great signing for Hull so far.


Him & Rochemback just go show joining a club like Barcelona early on in your career can kill your early promise.



yay, we might still be above tottenham after today! :D

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