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The Kevin Keegan thread

The Prophet

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I have to ask, those still criticising Keegan - what did you want him to do?


If he had sat there, put up with the shit and carried on knowing he would never have full control and that he was just Ashley's puppet, his heart would not have been in it. So if he had gone through the motions and saw out his contract, got his millions and then left, you'd still say he was a fucking thief, wouldn't you? He had principles, he stuck to them, it's now been shown he was in the right. The end.


As regards the 25m / 9m / 2m issue - unless any of you are solicitors or have at the very least read law to degree level as well as having attended the hearing and meetings between KK and his solicitor, you should eat a big piece of shut-the-fuck-up pie. Keegan felt he was essentially sacked and handed the case over to his legal team at which point he would have let them do as they wished. It would not be him asking for the money it would be them, they are the professionals and you do what they tell you. I've read law at university and yet when the company i work for are negotiating anything 6 figures or higher i sure as fuck don't try and tell our solicitors what they should / shouldn't be doing and what our bargaining position should be, i let them do it as it's their job.

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Guest aoliversaknob

But is this not like leaving your job and trying to claim back the stapler you purchased by taking your computer and desk that the stapler was on.


Class ;D


Shame you are so wrong though.


Still a good comparison. Stapler to 25 mil in one easy sentence!

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But is this not like leaving your job and trying to claim back the stapler you purchased by taking your computer and desk that the stapler was on.


It's more like being laid off and claiming the redundancy pay you were entitled to.


...and then suing the employer because they have tarnished your good name?

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.

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I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


Exactly, sums up your stance perfectly, and also your blinkered approach.


You're taking his word over what he said in 'court'...


FFS the club has ADMITTED to telling lies, and deliberatly misleading him and us.


What do you want him to do, just walk away and say "keep the money you owe me"


Dont forget they were also trying to counter-sue


He was patently owed £2m, he should've claimed for that.


and how do you come to that then?


I got the Premier League to run an arbitration panel for me. It took 2 weeks and boy was it pricey, but it was worth it.

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I have to ask, those still criticising Keegan - what did you want him to do?


If he had sat there, put up with the s*** and carried on knowing he would never have full control and that he was just Ashley's puppet, his heart would not have been in it. So if he had gone through the motions and saw out his contract, got his millions and then left, you'd still say he was a f***ing thief, wouldn't you? He had principles, he stuck to them, it's now been shown he was in the right. The end.


As regards the 25m / 9m / 2m issue - unless any of you are solicitors or have at the very least read law to degree level as well as having attended the hearing and meetings between KK and his solicitor, you should eat a big piece of shut-the-f***-up pie. Keegan felt he was essentially sacked and handed the case over to his legal team at which point he would have let them do as they wished. It would not be him asking for the money it would be them, they are the professionals and you do what they tell you. I've read law at university and yet when the company i work for are negotiating anything 6 figures or higher i sure as f*** don't try and tell our solicitors what they should / shouldn't be doing and what our bargaining position should be, i let them do it as it's their job.


So 99% of the forum shouldn't have an opinion because they didn't do law to University level?

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


You differ in the fact that you're curious about the size of Mike Ashley's choad and he's not... Not the best of distinguishing points.

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Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.

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Just read the document. Just unfreakinbelievable. Mike Ashley and his boys were so out of their freakin' depth it is unreal. They have no idea of what they are doing. I cannot believe that they would have even ever imagined Keegan would stand by and accept the way they were doing things given his history. Absolute dumb motherfunkers.


Can't believe this all came down to Nacho too! Poor Xisco :lol: was mistakenly involved in all this for no reason at all it seems.

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Guest icemanblue

Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're fucking plastic, pal.

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


You differ in the fact that you're curious about the size of Mike Ashley's choad and he's not... Not the best of distinguishing points.


Is that what I said?  Anyway if this is the level of debate we have got to what is the point.

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I have to ask, those still criticising Keegan - what did you want him to do?


If he had sat there, put up with the s*** and carried on knowing he would never have full control and that he was just Ashley's puppet, his heart would not have been in it. So if he had gone through the motions and saw out his contract, got his millions and then left, you'd still say he was a f***ing thief, wouldn't you? He had principles, he stuck to them, it's now been shown he was in the right. The end.


As regards the 25m / 9m / 2m issue - unless any of you are solicitors or have at the very least read law to degree level as well as having attended the hearing and meetings between KK and his solicitor, you should eat a big piece of shut-the-f***-up pie. Keegan felt he was essentially sacked and handed the case over to his legal team at which point he would have let them do as they wished. It would not be him asking for the money it would be them, they are the professionals and you do what they tell you. I've read law at university and yet when the company i work for are negotiating anything 6 figures or higher i sure as f*** don't try and tell our solicitors what they should / shouldn't be doing and what our bargaining position should be, i let them do it as it's their job.


So 99% of the forum shouldn't have an opinion because they didn't do law to University level?


No, 99% of the forum shouldn't blindly infer they know the technicalities revolving around legal disputes relating to termination of contracts that went on behind closed doors (EDIT: I'm not saying 99% of the forum are doing this by the way, just repeating the figure you used). Opinions are fine, but if they are coming from blind assumptions about something people don't understand they are rightly going to get shot down. I read law, i've got fuck all idea about what happened here but i'd hazard a guess Keegan handed the facts over to his legal team and went 'sort this out for me please' and they took it from there. Because Keegan isn't a solicitor, he's a pretty basic football man. Building a 25m straw man to beat down is pretty pointless when i'd happily bet a fair amount of money keegan had nothing to do with that figure. Do you think he went to his solicitors and went "right boys, i'd like one of those stigma pay offs for 8.6m, all my wages and anything else you reckon i can get"? Or do you think he went with what they told him because they are trained to deal with this and he wouldn't have a clue what to do in a court hearing? Hmmm...

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Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're fucking plastic, pal.


He tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


Your random insults are pretty needless.

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.

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Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're fucking plastic, pal.


He tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


Your random insults are pretty needless.


Actually, this was more specifically meant for people such as yourself:


No, 99% of the forum shouldn't blindly infer they know the technicalities revolving around legal disputes relating to termination of contracts that went on behind closed doors (EDIT: I'm not saying 99% of the forum are doing this by the way, just repeating the figure you used). Opinions are fine, but if they are coming from blind assumptions about something people don't understand they are rightly going to get shot down. I read law, i've got fuck all idea about what happened here but i'd hazard a guess Keegan handed the facts over to his legal team and went 'sort this out for me please' and they took it from there. Because Keegan isn't a solicitor, he's a pretty basic football man. Building a 25m straw man to beat down is pretty pointless when i'd happily bet a fair amount of money keegan had nothing to do with that figure. Do you think he went to his solicitors and went "right boys, i'd like one of those stigma pay offs for 8.6m, all my wages and anything else you reckon i can get"? Or do you think he went with what they told him because they are trained to deal with this and he wouldn't have a clue what to do in a court hearing? Hmmm...

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Ashley is a lying c***, who is really f***ing s*** at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving c*** who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the f*** is he a 'thieving c***' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving c***s'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving c***'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're f***ing plastic, pal.


Tbf, I adore Sir Bob and his passion for the game, and I love Keegan for the same reason - however they are both millionaires, and ST holders tend to be grafting their bollocks off to just about afford their ST. Putting them in the same argument isn't really doing your argument justice, imo. In addition to this it's all based on circumstances, Sir Bob wasn't claiming for cash when we were in the 2nd division and cash strapped with a useless cunt of an owner.

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Guest icemanblue

Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're fucking plastic, pal.


He tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


Your random insults are pretty needless.


And those are the actions of a thief? 


Needless but accurate, I'd say.

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Guest Alan Shearer 9


Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


Is there anyone you wouldn't sue for £25mill if you could? That's the French I suppose

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 


This is definitely my favourite conversation on this thread at present  ;D

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 


This is definitely my favourite conversation on this thread at present  ;D


We need a poll.

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 



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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 


This is definitely my favourite conversation on this thread at present  ;D


We need a poll.


Cocks, poles, whatever you call them... let it go, man.

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Keegan was suing the club for £25million - This is the biggie for me.  I did not believe he was actually suing us for this figure.  I thought max 9 million.  I still think he was wrong to sue the club even for this.  Given he was willing to sue the club for 25 million despite what it could do to the club "he loves".  Confirms the feelings I have had for Keegan.  In terms of the good of NUFC he is no better than Ashley.





I note with interest that you registered on 2007-07-04


Do you work for Ashley?


No I don't.  I notice that any post that is posted negatively against Keegan does not get respond to the point of the post, but just tries to discredit the poster.  Ironically that is the sort of behavior we all despise Llambias for.  


How could he have been wrong to sue the club when the decision went in his favour and people like you were calling him worse than muck?  He's cleared his name and got what he was due.


I do not agree that anyone who claims to love Newcastle can sue the club for £25 million pounds when they know the have been relegated and are struggling for cash.  I even disagree that he should sue nufc for 9 million.  His contract gave him £2 million just for leaving he could have just taken that.  I hear the argument that he wanted to truth to come out be if that was the case why sue for 25 million not 9 million?



I'd sue the club for £25m if i could.



That is where me and you are different and why we will never agree on this issue.


That you'd suck a big fat cockney cock and be glad of it but I wouldn't?  Yes, that is where we differ.


No.  But I am curious how you know he has a big fat cock.  That is where we also differ.


I don't.


You would suck the cock (of indetermine length/girth) of a big fat cockney.


The fact you envisage him to have a large member shows how much you love him.  I reckon it's a geet tadpole and he has to have a sit-down piss.


For god sake on the cock.  You're the one who said that! 


This is definitely my favourite conversation on this thread at present  ;D


We need a poll.


Cocks, poles, whatever you call them... let it go, man.



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Ashley is a lying cunt, who is really fucking shit at being a chairman at a football club.


Keegan is a thieving cunt who tried to drain his beloved NUFC for 25m, no matter what spin you want to put on his reasons.


I am a fan of NUFC, not a fan of KK.




How the fuck is he a 'thieving cunt' for claiming any amount in a case which he went on to win?


Stick to NFL, you plum.


Agreed compensation of 2m, he got what he deserved, but he tried to get more.


How does that make him a thief?


Haha, okay, attempted thief.


What was he trying to steal? Did he not give justification for his claim? Did he not then accept that this justification was flawed?


I don't care what he has said after the decision had been made, it's completely irrelevant. When in court (or whatever it's called!) he tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


So, again, how does that make him a thief?


Were the fans that attempted to sue the club over the seats affair 'thieving cunts'? Was Bobby Robson a 'thieving cunt'?


1) already explained


2) have no clue about said cases


Sending me PMs is pretty pathetic like.


You haven't explained a thing. Avoiding questions is more so, I'd say.


You're fucking plastic, pal.


He tried to get £25m and he failed as it was completely unjustifiable.


Your random insults are pretty needless.


Actually, this was more specifically meant for people such as yourself:


No, 99% of the forum shouldn't blindly infer they know the technicalities revolving around legal disputes relating to termination of contracts that went on behind closed doors (EDIT: I'm not saying 99% of the forum are doing this by the way, just repeating the figure you used). Opinions are fine, but if they are coming from blind assumptions about something people don't understand they are rightly going to get shot down. I read law, i've got fuck all idea about what happened here but i'd hazard a guess Keegan handed the facts over to his legal team and went 'sort this out for me please' and they took it from there. Because Keegan isn't a solicitor, he's a pretty basic football man. Building a 25m straw man to beat down is pretty pointless when i'd happily bet a fair amount of money keegan had nothing to do with that figure. Do you think he went to his solicitors and went "right boys, i'd like one of those stigma pay offs for 8.6m, all my wages and anything else you reckon i can get"? Or do you think he went with what they told him because they are trained to deal with this and he wouldn't have a clue what to do in a court hearing? Hmmm...


Neither of us know the ins and outs of why they really decided those figures, but Keegan was obviously aware of what they were asking for and could have told them not to go so far. But neither of us can really conclusively answer this can we? It's just a matter of opinion. I think he could've told them he didn't want to claim for so much, as he had some personal investiment in the club. He didn't do that.

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