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At present has Mike Ashley got your backing?

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Why dont we know what our chairman sounds like? Why has there never been any interviews what-so-ever from Wise, Llambias & Ashley for that matter, in amongst the chaos & worry surrounding the club? Unless their voice-boxes are broke, its in-excusable and a total piss take to the fans, the customers.


Why demand KK is not to talk to the media about transfers, why?


Why say no-one will sign unless Kevin wants him & then merley state he agreed to 'the system' in response to KK's accusation?


Why, when talking about your plans to the fans, do you chose to do so by using the cliched sentance 'I want to take the club forward?


Why does the manager have to educate the board about football for them to know we are in danger?


Why offer, or even discuss, a two year contract for Kinnear after 4 wins from 17?


Why does it take a request from the manager for the 'chairman' to actually be based in Newcastle?


If Llambias has to be dragged up to Newcastle then please, after the transfer window, bugger off & never come back. This man should not be at the club, and I'd rather he didnt suddenly RELUCTANTLY start to try & do his job, I'd rather he didnt and just left asap.


The total & utter contempt these people have treated the fans with is unforgivable, and I dont see why I shouldnt believe they didnt treat Keegan any differently.


The defeaning silence has been more revealing than the accounts imo.




Great post!


oh my god!! some people live in denial!! Keegen left us not because of Ashley!!! Keegen left this club because he didn't get just what he wanted, just like he has done his entire career, with every club he has managed.. He acts like a baby!!! and walks when the going gets tough!


He will always be a god to me for what he did, but come on, enough is enough!!


Had Ashley not bought this club we would be in a much worse state then we are in know and some of you realy have to accept that.


How can say people live in denial and not even offer a single reason against any of his points?


You can't argue that Ashley has been the best chairman in the world, and I deffently don't think everything he does is right, but we all should be grateful that we still stand a chance of playing PL football next season!! If Ashley hadn't put the money into the club it would be a whole different story.

I could argue all day about how I think Ashley should of handled the situation we are in, but then I think about how we WOULD of been the new Leeds if he didn't buy this wonderful club.


So of course he has my backing, and how anyone can think differently is beyond me.


Fucking Grateful???  weve had years of one fuckup after another and we should be grateful,

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look at the bigger picture, we had a chairman who's name is fat freddy who has put us in huge depth. Try and imagine what we would have been talking about know if he hadn't sold the club? If you compare the crisses we are in now to the one we could of been in, if Ashley hadn't invested in the club. big story short, we would be big big favourets for drop because of depth.

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and we're not now?


Yes we are, but it is not out of our reach, as it would of been if it was the old board. If it was the old board you can imagine that we would sell every good player we had for survivle.


Anyway I can't help but think that no one else sees the logic in this, but this is getting to depressing to wright about, so I'm just going to leave it at that. 

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Hot off the Kinnear gobothon



Joe Kinnear calls on Newcastle United fans to back owner Mike Ashley

Newcastle United manager Joe Kinnear has mounted an impassioned defence of club owner Mike Ashley as the sports retail tycoon prepared to run the gauntlet of hate in the Tyne-Wear derby on Sunday.



By Rob Stewart

Last Updated: 11:53PM GMT 30 Jan 2009

Joe Kinnear calls on Newcastle United fans to back owner Mike Ashley

Cursed: Joe Kinnear believes injury-ravaged Newcastle have been jinxed Photo: GETTY IMAGES


Kinnear is hoping supporters do not renew hostilities towards Ashley when he returns to St James's Park for the first time since fans targeted him and the rest of the so-called 'Cockney Mafia' on Tyneside.


The Sports Direct founder told friends he feared he would never be able to watch Newcastle safely again due to the backlash caused by Kevin Keegan's resignation as manager last September but is now ready to face up to hois detractors when arch rivals Sunderland head to Tyneside.


"Mike has put his money into the club and is entitled to be given a chance," Kinnear said. "I do not think Mike has ever been disillusioned. He's badly hurt and upset but he is desperate to come back and he will be here.


"He bought the club when it was in the ----. He has cleared the debts and paid a fortune in doing so. When every other club have been in debt for so long, we are not. I think the fans realise what he has done."


Kinnear added: "Mike writes out a cheque every week to pay the wages. But he's in a no-win situation. He doesn't buy players, he doesn't do this, doesn't do that, he's obviously going to come in for stick. That is the way football is.


"Thankfully, it's only a small section of the crowd against him but he is not daft enough to know what will happen if we lose.


"But the crowd will be on the team's side irrespective of individuals. They have to be a 12th man and get behind the team irrespective of what they think of me or Mike."


Ashley watched Newcastle in action for the first time since Keegan quit when they lost 2-1 at Manchester City in midweek and quickly financed the £4 million signing of Kevin Nolan from Bolton.


"We stayed up until early hours discussing the situation," Kinnear added. "I said I had a hit-list of midfielders and we'd ring round every club possible to find out which ones were available. That's what we did and we got a yes for Kevin.


"He's going through [financial] difficulties which have not helped matters. He's lost a hell of a lot of money both in business and this club. It maybe needed him to see things with his own eyes to act. Being back in the fold may have changed him."


Ashley put the club up for sale when supporters turned on the club's hierarchy during the 2-1 defeat by Hull last September. He took it off the market a month ago. "His original plan was to sell it, then that plan was to see how it goes until the end of the season. If we get any buyers in we will look at the situation," Kinnear said. "Right now, we're planning for survival."


Kinnear was less understanding towards Charles N'Zogbia, who threatened to go on strike after claiming his manager insulted him by calling him 'Insomnia' .


"He's a mixed-up kid, but the person I'd criticise the most would probably be his agent. I feel he's had his head filled with a lot of ----," Kinnear said.


A spate of injuries prompted Kinnear's claim that Newcastle were "cursed" but he is ready to overcome the odds. "A derby against our main rivals is the last thing I could do with at the moment because we're so under-strength," said Kinnear.


"But I've had 10 years with my back to the wall so this is nothing new to me. Every club I've gone to has always been in the ----. That's the sort of job I do."


Nolan described Newcastle as being a bigger challenge for him than playing for Bolton. "That's what I needed," he added. "At Bolton, I was part of the furniture."




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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.

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If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


Mick, the best thing that could happen, is Ashley sells to someone who is not financially, and managerially, out of his depth

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Mick, the best thing that could happen, is Ashley sells to someone who is not financially, and managerially, out of his depth


Until that person or persons come forwards then it's not an option.

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sigh. nobody will ever be good enough for this club.


until some other farkin messiah comes from heaven with toon blood and a bajillion gazillion pounds in the bank. someone preferabbly not from London. Or anyone that has any kind of past history we might not like. or...






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obviously the best thing that could happen now is a mega rich arab or someome buying the club and signing 11 new players tomorrow, but we all know that ain't happening


so, for me, the best "realistic" thing that could happen is to stay up somehow...ship JFK to fuck, ship owen and his high earning waste of skin mates out too and then start a steady period of slow rebuilding


it's not what ANY of us would want in an ideal world but i truly think some stability would benefit us in the long run

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obviously the best thing that could happen now is a mega rich arab or someome buying the club and signing 11 new players tomorrow, but we all know that ain't happening


so, for me, the best "realistic" thing that could happen is to stay up somehow...ship JFK to fuck, ship owen and his high earning waste of skin mates out too and then start a steady period of slow rebuilding


it's not what ANY of us would want in an ideal world but i truly think some stability would benefit us in the long run



when were not at each others throats, for the sake of it, we aren't that far apart in current thinking.

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obviously the best thing that could happen now is a mega rich arab or someome buying the club and signing 11 new players tomorrow, but we all know that ain't happening


so, for me, the best "realistic" thing that could happen is to stay up somehow...ship JFK to fuck, ship owen and his high earning waste of skin mates out too and then start a steady period of slow rebuilding


it's not what ANY of us would want in an ideal world but i truly think some stability would benefit us in the long run



when were not at each others throats, for the sake of it, we aren't that far apart in current thinking.


ha ha, guess so!

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Guest black n white

If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


Mick, the best thing that could happen, is Ashley sells to someone who is not financially, and managerially, out of his depth


It seems the penny has dropped with mike, He will continue to lose money on this club as he has already lost 165 million so far.

The club over the next year will change dramatically and it could be to little to late from him now to save the club from relegation.

If that happens the club is worth zilch with a £70 million wage bill.



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Can we reset the poll after the transfer window? I voted to wait till Feb 2nd but I might change it depending on who else we sign. So far the quality of the players leaving has been better than those coming in IMO. Still time for that to change but I was worried about the choice of players that would come in under Kinnear and I haven't seen anything to prove that gut feeling was wrong at this moment.

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Guest black n white

If people protest against the only person who can do something positive for this club then they are morons.  Like it or not, we need him to have an interest and having him attending is the best thing that could happen.


Pick your brains and a few others


If the club does go down could mike claim that the company he used to buy nufc is insolvent.

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so, for me, the best "realistic" thing that could happen is to stay up somehow...ship JFK to f***, ship owen and his high earning waste of skin mates out too and then start a steady period of slow rebuilding


it's not what ANY of us would want in an ideal world but i truly think some stability would benefit us in the long run


I'm still mega-suspicious about Owen's mystery injury.........

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Guest sicko2ndbest

If Big Mike can hack it, there is a definate glimmer of hope in the summer. With the high wage earners off the books:


Owen - 110k

Viduka - 80k

Geremi - 65k

Given - 60k

Butt? - 50k


That leaves over 350k in wages spare. I would be quite happy for Ashley to get 5 players in on wages of 150k to 200k which still represents 30-40k wages saving Ashley 7.5 million a year in wages.

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Guest black n white

With my cynical head on, is that so he can get abuse, and have an excuse not to spend any more money and say its our fault?


Imo it will be his excuse for us losing to sunderland if it indeed happens

"should have been supporting the team not booing me"

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Guest black n white


Pick your brains and a few others


If the club does go down could mike claim that the company he used to buy nufc is insolvent.


He can only claim that it is insolvent if it is.


Cheers mick, What in your opinion are the chances of him getting his £100 m back(the loan)



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