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Ireland Internationals


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Surely being English we should never want to embrace retrospective technology...66 anyone.


Haha I remember some Irish mates always making fun of this incident, now the joke is on them...karma is a bitch. I have no symphathies

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Been a bit out of touch, only just seen the goal.


Ridiculous. The game should be replayed and continued from the point it happened with a gk to Ireland.

Shouldnt send a team out with that kind of nonsense. I get that mistakes are part of the game, but thats to huge a decision to let lie for what is clearly just cheating.

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Plus do you really want the game stopped all the time for "video" replays? I certainly don't.


Why would it need to be stopped all the time?  How many times do they use the video in rugby?


In rugby league it's all the f***ing time.


:sadnod: We would end up having football games that take as long as American Football games with all the whinging foreigners and Man U players questioning every blooming decision that went their way.



Send the buggers back.






(Pheonix Nights reference before anyone has a fit)

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Guest Roger Kint

At least they're good enough to be there O0


As much as i respect their ability to beat Sierra Leone, Equitorial Guinea, Kenya & Mozambique instead of being forced to qualify against Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Montenegro and Georgia, then France in the play offs its more qeography than quality ;D


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Guest toonlass

Anyone care to comment on this painfully obvious solution to the debate on how many times it should be used in a match, or if it'll slow down the match? Anyone? Anyone at all? I'll give you 10 dollars for a verbal response.



This 'we need to find a way to stop it slowing the game down' and 'how many times should they be able to appeal?' thing is pissing me right off.






So would the ref have to stop the game while the video ref is watching the incident again?


At the most it would be like the ref consulting the linesman, at best the official and the ref would have headsets. If it came to a replay, I would expect it to be something that was highly contentious and highly pivotal. A dubious goal, penalty, sending off, offside (only if not given) or corner, and more importantly would be at the referees descretion (allowing them to remain authorative).


Linesmen will inform the ref if they've seen something the ref hasn't, that's why they're there to make offside calls. I dont see any harm in an official watching a TV and being given the same authority as the linesman to inform the ref.


So say the ball might have gone over the line. Goalkeeper acts like it hasn't and boots it downfield, meanwhile video ref is rewinding and rewatching the incident and decides the ball did cross the line. Other team goes on from the keeper's kick and scores. Ref then blows, and says the first goal should have counted, and the second goal doesn't. It would be mayhem.




The ball may have gone over the line. Video ref tells ref to stop the game while he checks. We all stand around and wait, as the game is stopped and time is added on at the end. Ends up the ball hasn't gone over the line. Needless stop and minutes wasted checking a video.


OK, well considering you're laying a worse case scenario on me, lets go through it one step at a time.


In such a unique and unlikely scenario that sequence of events would happen.

Ball goes over line, ref isn't sure.

He makes the call whether to consult the official or not.


the official who may have seen for definite from his angle (watching TV) whether the ball crossed the line or not can inform the ref in exactly the same way that the linesmen can.



In the end the referee still makes the call, just like he does now, he just has one extra person in his ear with another view.



Also, the official would not tell the ref to stop the game, they would only intervene if they were certain the ball had crossed the line, in the same way a linesman would. If the ref is not sure then he can consult the official for their input, again, just like they can with a linesman.






Any thoughts on this Blef and Dave?


If the video reffing was restricted to goals going over the line how would that make any difference to the Henry situation then? There was no doubt that the ball had crossed the line. The whole point I am making is how far you take the video reffing. If the video ref can stop the game at any time to point out reffing mistakes then the game will go on forever. The Toon game a few weeks ago against Doncaster would have still been playing at 7pm cos the ref was so terrible and missed just about everything.


Video reffing is not the perfect answer to crucial decisions, there is a limit to how far you can take video refereeing and you will never be able to remove human error from football, and personally I don't want the game sanitised in that way.

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There is NO problem with video refereeing - the refs wear ear-pieces now to communicate with linesmen/4th officials etc.

All that is required is an instant replay to another QUALIFIED Ref sitting in the stands, watching the game of TV ; he sees the offence, radios the ref(using a whistle device over the net to attract attention if necessary)and tells him what has occurred. Ref alters decision, there is INSTANT replay of incident on stadium screens(ALL stadiums hosting such games should have screens), and all fans can see for themselves what has happened.


The whole thing would take a minute or two at maximum, and the Game is seen to be promoting COMPLETE fairness...justice prevails....


OH WAIT - there is MONEY involved.......

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Roy Keane has no sympathy for Republic of Ireland exit 


Roy Keane has lambasted the Republic of Ireland's attempts to get their controversial World Cup play-off match against France replayed.


The Republic appealed to Fifa after their 2-1 aggregate defeat by France on the basis that the winning goal came after a blatant Thierry Henry handball.


But Ipswich boss Keane said: "They can complain all they want but France are going to the World Cup - get over it.


"France were there for the taking and Ireland didn't do it. Same old story."


The Irishman, who made 65 appearances for the Republic as a player, continued: "If I'd been there in the dressing room after the game, I wouldn't be talking about the handball. I'd focus on why the defenders didn't clear it. They should've cleared it.


"I'd be more annoyed with my defenders and my goalkeeper than Thierry Henry. How can you let the ball bounce in your six-yard box? How can you let Thierry Henry get goal-side of you? If the ball goes into the six-yard box, where the hell is my goalkeeper?


"These are skills and lessons you learn as a schoolboy.


"Ireland had their chances in the two games and they never took them. They had chances at Croke Park (in the first leg) and they had chances on Wednesday.


"They didn't take them, but it's the usual FAI (Football Association of Ireland) reaction - 'we've been robbed, the honesty of the game...' It's rubbish."


And Keane pointed out that controversial decisions went Ireland's way in the qualifying campaign, not least a harsh penalty award against Georgia which helped them to clinch a 2-1 qualifying win in February.


"There was one match against Georgia where Ireland got a penalty and it was one of the worst decisions I've ever seen which changed the whole course of the game.


"I don't remember the FAI after the game saying we should give them a replay."


Keane's antipathy towards the FAI stems back to the Pacific island of Saipan in 2002 when he left the team's pre-World Cup training camp, complaining that the facilities were sub-standard.


Keane has never forgiven Delaney for failing to contact him during the incident and misleading the media as to his whereabouts after his controversial exit from the tournament after the row with boss Mick McCarthy over facilities.


"People seem to forget what was going on in that World Cup, and that man (FAI chief executive John Delaney) is on about honesty? I wouldn't take notice of anything that man says.


"I was one of the players at that World Cup and he didn't have the courtesy to ring me. I'd been involved with Ireland since I was 15 years of age and that man didn't have the decency to make a phone call. He could have phoned me, of course he could have."






He should start explaining this stuff to his own defenders and then maybe his side wouldn't be second bottom of the Championship.

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Roy Keane has no sympathy for Republic of Ireland exit 


Roy Keane has lambasted the Republic of Ireland's attempts to get their controversial World Cup play-off match against France replayed.


The Republic appealed to Fifa after their 2-1 aggregate defeat by France on the basis that the winning goal came after a blatant Thierry Henry handball.


But Ipswich boss Keane said: "They can complain all they want but France are going to the World Cup - get over it.


"France were there for the taking and Ireland didn't do it. Same old story."


The Irishman, who made 65 appearances for the Republic as a player, continued: "If I'd been there in the dressing room after the game, I wouldn't be talking about the handball. I'd focus on why the defenders didn't clear it. They should've cleared it.


"I'd be more annoyed with my defenders and my goalkeeper than Thierry Henry. How can you let the ball bounce in your six-yard box? How can you let Thierry Henry get goal-side of you? If the ball goes into the six-yard box, where the hell is my goalkeeper?


"These are skills and lessons you learn as a schoolboy.


"Ireland had their chances in the two games and they never took them. They had chances at Croke Park (in the first leg) and they had chances on Wednesday.


"They didn't take them, but it's the usual FAI (Football Association of Ireland) reaction - 'we've been robbed, the honesty of the game...' It's rubbish."


And Keane pointed out that controversial decisions went Ireland's way in the qualifying campaign, not least a harsh penalty award against Georgia which helped them to clinch a 2-1 qualifying win in February.


"There was one match against Georgia where Ireland got a penalty and it was one of the worst decisions I've ever seen which changed the whole course of the game.


"I don't remember the FAI after the game saying we should give them a replay."


Keane's antipathy towards the FAI stems back to the Pacific island of Saipan in 2002 when he left the team's pre-World Cup training camp, complaining that the facilities were sub-standard.


Keane has never forgiven Delaney for failing to contact him during the incident and misleading the media as to his whereabouts after his controversial exit from the tournament after the row with boss Mick McCarthy over facilities.


"People seem to forget what was going on in that World Cup, and that man (FAI chief executive John Delaney) is on about honesty? I wouldn't take notice of anything that man says.


"I was one of the players at that World Cup and he didn't have the courtesy to ring me. I'd been involved with Ireland since I was 15 years of age and that man didn't have the decency to make a phone call. He could have phoned me, of course he could have."






He should start explaining this stuff to his own defenders and then maybe his side wouldn't be second bottom of the Championship.


Watch his Kinnear-style ranting at the phone ringing journalist.

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He's right though, isn't he? Just because he can't get his own defenders to follow his instructions, doesn't mean he can't identify bad defending when he sees it.

Ya but Roy Keane is a cunt and goes against the FAI over everything.

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Guest Stephen927
"I have said at the time and I will say again that yes I handled the ball.


"I am not a cheat and never have been. It was an instinctive reaction to a ball that was coming extremely fast in a crowded penalty area.


"As a footballer you do not have the luxury of the television to slow the pace of the ball down 100 times to be able to make a conscious decision.


"People are viewing a slow motion version of what happened and not what I or any other footballer faces in the game.


"If people look at it in full speed you will see that it was an instinctive reaction. It is impossible to be anything other than that.


"I have never denied that the ball was controlled with my hand. I told the Irish players, the referee and the media this after the game.


"Naturally I feel embarrassed at the way that we won and feel extremely sorry for the Irish who definitely deserve to be in South Africa.


"Of course the fairest solution would be to replay the game, but it is not in my control.


"There is little more I can do apart from admit that the ball had contact with my hand leading up to our equalising goal and I feel very sorry for the Irish."

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At least they're good enough to be there O0


As much as i respect their ability to beat Sierra Leone, Equitorial Guinea, Kenya & Mozambique instead of being forced to qualify against Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Montenegro and Georgia, then France in the play offs its more qeography than quality ;D


African qualifiying is difficult as well, imo. Right up there with Europe. Especially, as only one team can qualify grom each group, which is a probelm when two powerhouses like Nigeria and Tunisia (Egpyt-Algeria or CIV-Cameroon in 2006) are grouped together. It's the North America, Asia, and Oceania you should take issue with.


I'm no Irish sympathizer, but it's ridiculous to say you have no sympathy for the Irish. It's a bad decision, and it has very much cost them a World Cup spot. It's an unfortunate situation that I would not desire anyone to experience.

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