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Alan Shearer contract latest: long gone


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I look on the Barton crackdown as a setting of standards, similar to time-keeping and dress code. These might not be seen as vital, and it doesn't make Shearer a grea manager, but all the same it was long overdue. It may even turn out that Shearer is another Souness but until he's had a run at the job no one can really know either way.


A more valid criticism of Shearer's appointment is that he lacks experience and know how. At the moment I'm inclined to look at his positive attributes like leadership, determination and ambition. I'll review that assessment after seeing how he does if he gets the job, but I don't think it's fair to judge him on the eight games he had with the current bunch of no-hopers in our squad.


Good post. I'm not saying there's no way Shearer is another Souness - he might be. But to even suggest at that judgement already is ridiculous.


As I've said a few times, the way Souness killed Shearer's service by forcing Bellamy out and the way Robson unravelled with the loss of respect from the likes of Dyer should give him a unique knowledge of both ways of doing things. The way the players themselves reacted should be fresh in his mind too.

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Some are making out like Shearer called Barton a prick on live TV.
No one is saying that.


He was totally honest and said the tackle was stupid and probably deserving of a red.
He never said 'probably' at all his exact words were "It WAS a stupid tackle AND he deserved to be sent off.

From the moment he uttered those words there was no chance of getting this decision appealed, none whatsoever.


That's what you aren't getting.


The rest of your posts discusses events after this interview so its pointless addressing them.


So your issue is that basically you didn't think it was a red card? Well I did. Even if the decision was debatable there was no chance on earth of it being rescinded. Absolutely no chance whatsoever, and it's clear that Shearer knew this.


What about the argument they had in front of the rest of the players? Is it pointless addressing that?

The argument they had in front of the players AFTER that interview Dave? When Shearer remembered he wasn't still a pundit on MOTD?


TBH I wouldn't like to comment on it but Shearer is obviously unhappy with Barton in the post match interview and I don't know if Barton saw him give his comments live on TV. Everything else would be speculation but to be publicly condemned and hung out to dry by your own manager would not have helped the situation.


To repeat Fredbobs comments - when does Fergie ever act like this?


As for the decision I see its now 'absolutely no chance whatsoever' of it being rescinded whereas before shearer said it was 'probably' deserved.




All I'll say is if we bothered to appeal Bassong's red we really should have had the chance to appeal Barton's.

Only there was no chance of that after that interview was there?

perhaps shearer was just irate that barton has not only undergerformed in his time here but has behaved on the pitch like a complete t*** too many times ?

Perhaps an irate manager was not what we needed.

fairly sure i've even heard wenger and mourinho be honest on a couple with some sendings off. if we had a manager like ferguson who lied through his teeth all the time (as opposed to wengeres most the time) i'd have little respect for him. i really don't think man utd would be anyworse a team if ferguson was honest if one of his players got sent off.....do you ?


i remember robson being honest on this sort of thing...who do you respect more as a man...robson or ferguson ?

It's a bit wierd that. The last sentence doesn'yt appear in your post but it's there when I quoted you :dontknow:


Anyway the answer to that is always SBR.


And while I have heard Wenger and Mourinho occasionally (very occasionally) condemn their players publicly 99% of the time they either 'didn't see the incident" (Wenger) or they say nothing at all.


That was what we needed after the Liverpool game, Shearer letting his emotions rule his head did this club no good whatsoever.


No good as in what though? Did we play worse in the last three games because Barton wasn't allowed to train?

OK lets join the dots Dave.

Why wasn't Barton allowed to train? - Because Shearer suspended him

Why? - because they had a bust up in the dressing room (shock horror what a rarity in football) - and because he was looking at a 3 match ban for the sending off.

Could we appeal that sending off? - no

Why? - because the manager confirmed the decision as correct in a knee jerk fashion.


What I'm saying is that a calmer manager would have handled the situation differently and might (just might) have got our best midfielder back for the last 2 games of the season. That would have benefitted this club, what happened did not.

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Oh FFS Dave

I was under the impression the argument took place when the players went back into the dressing room, which would be before the TV interviews. I may be wrong.
It must have been the quickest argument in history as Shearer was on TV within 2 mins of the final whistle.


Fergie might well act differently but he's possibly the greatest manager ever, with decades of experience. Don't you think it's a bit farcical to be comparing the two and suggesting Shearer is inadequate for a Championship club on that basis?
I suggest you read Fredbob's post on page 105 (which you quoted) and you'd see there are more names than Fergies being mentioned. In fact if you read that post again you'll see Shearer is specifically NOT being compared to Fergie.


I don't think it was ever going to be rescinded. If as you say Shearer said the red was deserved (not 'probably') then that suggests he thought the same. That backs up my argument, not yours.
No it backs up my argument that he should have shut his trap and quietly appealed. We had nothing to lose by doing that but what benefit did Shearer speaking his mind actually give us?


FWIW we probably appealed Bassong because we were absolutely desperate for a central defender at that point. We literally had no other option.
We were desperate after the Liverpool game, I would have said an appeal (no matter how slim its chances were of success) should have been an option for us. But to repeat again Shearers comments ended any thought of that.






The post says:

And its part of my fears, its the kind of actions that Keane would (and has taken) and the kind of action that Ince would take, not the kind of action that Guardiola would take.




Its the exact kind of attitude that Souness would take, its the exact same thing Souness would of done, its definitely not the thing that a Rafa, Wenger, Mourihno or Fergie would of done, not in that situation.


So yeah there are other names; they are Premier League and Champions League winners. Reads like a comparison to me like.


Shearer = Keane/Ince/Souness.


Shearer ≠ Rafa/Wenger/Mourinho/Fergie/Guardiola.


Therefore Shearer = shit.



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Does it really matter?  Does your complete judgement of Shearers usefulness and ability as a manager really hinge on his dealings of one incident with Joey "Cuntbag" Barton?




p.s. you're both ridiculous  :laugh2:

Not as ridiculous as someone who thinks that's Shearers only mistake as manager.


Sticking with his inept old pal as first choice striker in the early games wasn't such a good move either was it?


But I forgot - "Big Al shows balls to drop his best mate like that" :suicide:

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Oh FFS Dave

I was under the impression the argument took place when the players went back into the dressing room, which would be before the TV interviews. I may be wrong.
It must have been the quickest argument in history as Shearer was on TV within 2 mins of the final whistle.


Fergie might well act differently but he's possibly the greatest manager ever, with decades of experience. Don't you think it's a bit farcical to be comparing the two and suggesting Shearer is inadequate for a Championship club on that basis?
I suggest you read Fredbob's post on page 105 (which you quoted) and you'd see there are more names than Fergies being mentioned. In fact if you read that post again you'll see Shearer is specifically NOT being compared to Fergie.


I don't think it was ever going to be rescinded. If as you say Shearer said the red was deserved (not 'probably') then that suggests he thought the same. That backs up my argument, not yours.
No it backs up my argument that he should have shut his trap and quietly appealed. We had nothing to lose by doing that but what benefit did Shearer speaking his mind actually give us?


FWIW we probably appealed Bassong because we were absolutely desperate for a central defender at that point. We literally had no other option.
We were desperate after the Liverpool game, I would have said an appeal (no matter how slim its chances were of success) should have been an option for us. But to repeat again Shearers comments ended any thought of that.






The post says:

And its part of my fears, its the kind of actions that Keane would (and has taken) and the kind of action that Ince would take, not the kind of action that Guardiola would take.




Its the exact kind of attitude that Souness would take, its the exact same thing Souness would of done, its definitely not the thing that a Rafa, Wenger, Mourihno or Fergie would of done, not in that situation.


So yeah there are other names; they are Premier League and Champions League winners. Reads like a comparison to me like.


Shearer = Keane/Ince/Souness.


Shearer ≠ Rafa/Wenger/Mourinho/Fergie/Guardiola.


Therefore Shearer = s***.



And not being compared to Fergie. :)
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Some are making out like Shearer called Barton a prick on live TV.
No one is saying that.


He was totally honest and said the tackle was stupid and probably deserving of a red.
He never said 'probably' at all his exact words were "It WAS a stupid tackle AND he deserved to be sent off.

From the moment he uttered those words there was no chance of getting this decision appealed, none whatsoever.


That's what you aren't getting.


The rest of your posts discusses events after this interview so its pointless addressing them.


So your issue is that basically you didn't think it was a red card? Well I did. Even if the decision was debatable there was no chance on earth of it being rescinded. Absolutely no chance whatsoever, and it's clear that Shearer knew this.


What about the argument they had in front of the rest of the players? Is it pointless addressing that?

The argument they had in front of the players AFTER that interview Dave? When Shearer remembered he wasn't still a pundit on MOTD?


TBH I wouldn't like to comment on it but Shearer is obviously unhappy with Barton in the post match interview and I don't know if Barton saw him give his comments live on TV. Everything else would be speculation but to be publicly condemned and hung out to dry by your own manager would not have helped the situation.


To repeat Fredbobs comments - when does Fergie ever act like this?


As for the decision I see its now 'absolutely no chance whatsoever' of it being rescinded whereas before shearer said it was 'probably' deserved.




All I'll say is if we bothered to appeal Bassong's red we really should have had the chance to appeal Barton's.

Only there was no chance of that after that interview was there?

perhaps shearer was just irate that barton has not only undergerformed in his time here but has behaved on the pitch like a complete t*** too many times ?

Perhaps an irate manager was not what we needed.

fairly sure i've even heard wenger and mourinho be honest on a couple with some sendings off. if we had a manager like ferguson who lied through his teeth all the time (as opposed to wengeres most the time) i'd have little respect for him. i really don't think man utd would be anyworse a team if ferguson was honest if one of his players got sent off.....do you ?


i remember robson being honest on this sort of thing...who do you respect more as a man...robson or ferguson ?

It's a bit wierd that. The last sentence doesn'yt appear in your post but it's there when I quoted you :dontknow:


Anyway the answer to that is always SBR.


And while I have heard Wenger and Mourinho occasionally (very occasionally) condemn their players publicly 99% of the time they either 'didn't see the incident" (Wenger) or they say nothing at all.


That was what we needed after the Liverpool game, Shearer letting his emotions rule his head did this club no good whatsoever.


No good as in what though? Did we play worse in the last three games because Barton wasn't allowed to train?

OK lets join the dots Dave.

Why wasn't Barton allowed to train? - Because Shearer suspended him

Why? - because they had a bust up in the dressing room (shock horror what a rarity in football) - and because he was looking at a 3 match ban for the sending off.

Could we appeal that sending off? - no

Why? - because the manager confirmed the decision as correct in a knee jerk fashion.


What I'm saying is that a calmer manager would have handled the situation differently and might (just might) have got our best midfielder back for the last 2 games of the season. That would have benefitted this club, what happened did not.


You don't have to put my name in there every time man, I know you're responding to me. ;)


What you say there backs up what I was saying before. Your entire argument revolves around the fact that you disagree with Shearer and I that the tackle was a clear red card.


I simply don't see how that reflects on his managerial ability, that's all.

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Oh FFS Dave

I was under the impression the argument took place when the players went back into the dressing room, which would be before the TV interviews. I may be wrong.
It must have been the quickest argument in history as Shearer was on TV within 2 mins of the final whistle.


Fergie might well act differently but he's possibly the greatest manager ever, with decades of experience. Don't you think it's a bit farcical to be comparing the two and suggesting Shearer is inadequate for a Championship club on that basis?
I suggest you read Fredbob's post on page 105 (which you quoted) and you'd see there are more names than Fergies being mentioned. In fact if you read that post again you'll see Shearer is specifically NOT being compared to Fergie.


I don't think it was ever going to be rescinded. If as you say Shearer said the red was deserved (not 'probably') then that suggests he thought the same. That backs up my argument, not yours.
No it backs up my argument that he should have shut his trap and quietly appealed. We had nothing to lose by doing that but what benefit did Shearer speaking his mind actually give us?


FWIW we probably appealed Bassong because we were absolutely desperate for a central defender at that point. We literally had no other option.
We were desperate after the Liverpool game, I would have said an appeal (no matter how slim its chances were of success) should have been an option for us. But to repeat again Shearers comments ended any thought of that.






The post says:

And its part of my fears, its the kind of actions that Keane would (and has taken) and the kind of action that Ince would take, not the kind of action that Guardiola would take.




Its the exact kind of attitude that Souness would take, its the exact same thing Souness would of done, its definitely not the thing that a Rafa, Wenger, Mourihno or Fergie would of done, not in that situation.


So yeah there are other names; they are Premier League and Champions League winners. Reads like a comparison to me like.


Shearer = Keane/Ince/Souness.


Shearer ≠ Rafa/Wenger/Mourinho/Fergie/Guardiola.


Therefore Shearer = s***.



And not being compared to Fergie. :)


Of course it's a comparison! The best and most experienced managers in the world wouldn't have done that, so Shearer must be shit like Souness. :lol:

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Guest fraser

Shearer got more from his 8 games than Keegan got from his first eight on his return therefore Shearer must be a better manager than Keegan. Either that or there wasn't enough time to judge.

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No no no no.

Your entire argument revolves around the fact that you disagree with Shearer and I that the tackle was a clear red card.
No my entire argument is that it was a stupid move to immediately endorse the ref's decision. As i mentioned those are the actions of a MOTD pundit NOT those of a manager of NUFC putting the team first.


I simply don't see how that reflects on his managerial ability, that's all.
See above :rolleyes:


Of course it's a comparison! The best and most experienced managers in the world wouldn't have done that, so Shearer must be s*** like Souness.
So the comparison is with Souness.


As you said:

Fergie might well act differently but he's possibly the greatest manager ever, with decades of experience. Don't you think it's a bit farcical to be comparing the two and suggesting Shearer is inadequate for a Championship club on that basis
Only you can't compare them as Fergie would never do anything as amateurish as that. Shearer is nowhere near the calibre of manager Fergie is so how could I compare them?



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Personally, i thought Shearer handled it well.


There's no point saying "one last chance" and then letting him off. Obviously there was a bit of politics involved, as it sent a message to the squad about proffesional behaviour but on the whole it was the correct thing to do.

Oh yeah without a shadow of doubt.


West Brom away isn't it? :doh:

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"Only you can't compare them as Fergie would never do anything as amateurish as that. Shearer is nowhere near the calibre of manager Fergie is so how could I compare them?"


Ridiculous tbh, you ARE comparing them, a man who has about 30 years of management experience and a man who has 8 games worth.


No, Ferguson wouldn't have done that, he would've twatted him in front of everyone and buried him under the pitch.


You go on as if Barton is a poor mite who Shearer should have stuck up for. It sounds like you just don't like Shearer, end of.


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No no no no.

Your entire argument revolves around the fact that you disagree with Shearer and I that the tackle was a clear red card.
No my entire argument is that it was a stupid move to immediately endorse the ref's decision. As i mentioned those are the actions of a MOTD pundit NOT those of a manager of NUFC putting the team first.


I simply don't see how that reflects on his managerial ability, that's all.
See above :rolleyes:


Of course it's a comparison! The best and most experienced managers in the world wouldn't have done that, so Shearer must be s*** like Souness.
So the comparison is with Souness.


As you said:

Fergie might well act differently but he's possibly the greatest manager ever, with decades of experience. Don't you think it's a bit farcical to be comparing the two and suggesting Shearer is inadequate for a Championship club on that basis
Only you can't compare them as Fergie would never do anything as amateurish as that. Shearer is nowhere near the calibre of manager Fergie is so how could I compare them?




Why exactly shouldn't he endorse the referee's decision if he clearly believes it was correct and justified? ??? Even if he did, why would anything be any different? The card wouldn't have been rescinded so Barton from that point on was useless.


It's been acknowledged all along by me and plenty of others that Shearer is obviously inexperienced and perhaps he would do things differently after a number of years in the game. But doing things when inexperienced doesn't mean you'll carry on doing them. Souness had been managing for years and years before he even came here with his iron fist.


I think you're taking the whole Barton thing way too far just to slag him off tbh. We won't agree so let's just leave it there.

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"Only you can't compare them as Fergie would never do anything as amateurish as that. Shearer is nowhere near the calibre of manager Fergie is so how could I compare them?"


Ridiculous tbh, you ARE comparing them, a man who has about 30 years of management experience and a man who has 8 games worth.


No, Ferguson wouldn't have done that, he would've twatted him in front of everyone and buried him under the pitch.


You go on as if Barton is a poor mite who Shearer should have stuck up for. It sounds like you just don't like Shearer, end of.


Ok I'll now compare my 6 year old nephew to Pele. Wor Isaac has played about 8 games while Pele had a career stretching decades. So obviously they can be compared can't they?


FFS what is wrong with people?

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Why exactly shouldn't he endorse the referee's decision if he clearly believes it was correct and justified?
Because it potentially weakened this club.


Can I ask who did Shearer impress by agreeing with the ref and what benefit that brought this club?


Even if he did, why would anything be any different? The card wouldn't have been rescinded so Barton from that point on was useless.
This is the crux of your argument. You believe it would never have been rescinded, I believe there was a slim chance it could have been.


As we are now relegated I would have taken that slim chance with both hands if it meant the difference between staying up and being relegated.


As it is we'll never know...............................................





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Rescind a Joey Barton Red Card?  :kasper:


That will be Joey Barton Devil Child of the FA and all the British Media?


Joey Barton Anti Christ?


There's more chance we go up first time and win the Premiership the season after.

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Why exactly shouldn't he endorse the referee's decision if he clearly believes it was correct and justified?
Because it potentially weakened this club.


Can I ask who did Shearer impress by agreeing with the ref and what benefit that brought this club?


So he should have moaned on like that cunt Kinnear would have, even though it was a blatant sending off?


If a decision is clearly right, then it is clearly right and moaning on about it would have just gotten us more negative press considering it was Barton of all people. When you have about 4 games left to save your club and one of your players does what Barton did there are more important things to worry about than making yourself look like a prat by moaning on about something which was actually justified.

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I remember thinking at the time of Barton's sending off that any chance we had of staying up had just halved. The only central midfielder we had in the squad who had an ounce of creativity in open play was not going to play in the last 3 key games of the season. Barton was just back from Christ knows how long off and our midfield stank without him.


I am reliably informed that Shearer had spent a lot of time with Barton before his comeback, encouraging him and trying to get him in the right frame of mind to help the side stay up. What does Barton do? Some f*cking pointless, idiotic tackle near the corner flag in a game we had already lost when he was only on the pitch to get some match time in preparation for the games that mattered. At least Bassong did what he did trying to save a dangerous situation in a match that had some (but not much) life in it.


Barton let Shearer down just like he's let down every manager he's ever played for - Allardyce especially. I'm not surprised Shearer lost it with him and, in effect, told him to f*ck off.

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Why exactly shouldn't he endorse the referee's decision if he clearly believes it was correct and justified?
Because it potentially weakened this club.


Can I ask who did Shearer impress by agreeing with the ref and what benefit that brought this club?


So he should have moaned on like that c*** Kinnear would have, even though it was a blatant sending off?


If a decision is clearly right, then it is clearly right and moaning on about it would have just gotten us more negative press considering it was Barton of all people. When you have about 4 games left to save your club and one of your players does what Barton did there are more important things to worry about than making yourself look like a prat by moaning on about something which was actually justified.

To repeat,(because you haven't answered) who did he impress and what benefit did it bring this club?
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An honest manager makes a refreshing change, he knew Joey had to go and didn't try to gloss over it, why should Al have made himself out to look like a cunt for a player who did us harm by making a stupid tackle therefore making an already very hard job for Shearer even harder. Wenger would not have seen it and Fergie would have said it was harsh, good on Al for that I say.

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Guest habibbeye

Barton is the most unpopular player at the club - fact.


He was at Manchester City  - fact.


Shearer benefitted the club by tackling the problem. Stuart Pearce (off the record) would never have Barton at any club.

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Barton is the most unpopular player at the club - fact.


He was at Manchester City  - fact.


Shearer benefitted the club by tackling the problem. Stuart Pearce (off the record) would never have Barton at any club.

Thing is unpopular I can cope with, Dyer was unpopular but I stuck up for him all the time, he made a difference when he played and after we sold him we did not replace his pace.

Barton has not played enough for us to know if he is really good or not but what he has done is to drag this club down by his utterly out of control temperment, IF he could be controlled then unpopular or not I would be willing to give him at least util January to prove himself.

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An honest manager makes a refreshing change, he knew Joey had to go and didn't try to gloss over it, why should Al have made himself out to look like a c*** for a player who did us harm by making a stupid tackle therefore making an already very hard job for Shearer even harder. Wenger would not have seen it and Fergie would have said it was harsh, good on Al for that I say.

So you were impressed.


Now what benefit did that bring the club?

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Guest habibbeye

Made sure that someone you can never rely upon to control himself will never play for the club again. That is a benefit in my book but no doubt not one in yours.

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