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We're still fighting...


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Beye    Taylor   Bassong    Enrique



Jonas             Guthrie



Martins                  Carroll


Obviously, it misses Barton's tenacity, Viduka's awareness and Butt's ability from last season's rendition of the 4-3-3... but it's simply a diluted version of it and is still good enough to keep us up in my opinion. I desperately hope Alan can kick the likes of Martins and Jonas into gear, cos with Carroll's confidence and Guthrie/Beye/Enrique's return to fitness... that equaliser today versus Stoke could officially be the turning point. People are on a warpath with the guy atm, but i still think Owen simply needs a goal n'all now, and we can kick on.


It's a shame Shearer hasn't had time to tinker with this yet - obviously that's not his fault, but the cretinous boardroom's. But there is still time and the players simply have to take a boost from today's result; render a few things on the training ground and get the fuck going. Shearer's already said they've had a week trying out the 4-3-3, so they can make it work against Spurs.


Here we fucking go. Tbh, i only saw the first half of the Stoke game and it was insipid... i heard the second half was an improvement yet people are still going round slitting their wrists. The positives from today's results are there to see and personally, it's given me a lift tbh. Especially with today's results and next week's fixtures.


We'll do it lads. Have faith in Shearer. :aww:

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I thought we were awful today, the midfield was abysmal, but the quality of the header from carroll was outstanding. Other teams have fight as well, it's a shame that's all we are relying on seeing as most of our players are earning 4 times what the likes of Hull's squad are.


That's the thing. I don't really think the effort of any of our players can be faulted really, just players massively underperforming for whatever reason which is the reason we're in the sh*t.

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Beye's certainly still fighting, he was well up for a ruck today. Having seen his figure close up when he got his kit off at the end, I can confidently say he'd have won too. Legend.

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Guest Phil K

Certain players you know will fight and fight again - Beye, certainly - Andy Carroll showed he too is there - and I know you all complain about him, but Butt is a fighter and never hides. Too many others aren't pulling their weight, and ARE hiding. And some were just abysmal signings.

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Agree about butt, we slate him for his ability but he has heart.


Amount of times yesterday we were just knocking it around infront of their area with no idea what to do.


Guthrie didnt want to commit to a through ball, Nolan didnt want to try it....so they all just pass it between themselves until Butt finally attempts to knock one over the top. Then we all bollock him because clearly he's crap at doing it.


The main points being missed though, he only does it because our other players dont. Its down to them to step up, they have the ability to make it count. Not butt....he's just trying.

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Guest Howaythetoon

Couldn't agree more Rich. We are not down yet. Losing would have been a disaster and while a point hasn't helped us, long-term it could well prove to be the turning point.

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On the subject of being up for it, when the game was getting quite fraught with bad tackles being made on our lot, the ref handing out ludicrous bookings because the Stoke fans asked for it and then them hoying bottles at our players, Owen was absolutely nowhere.


Duff, Butt and in particular Beye all took their turn to remonstrate with the officials and get in some faces while Owen stood twenty yards back with his hands on his hips. I know it's often a largely ceremonial position but Owen really should not be captain. Shearer should know this considering what he was like as a skipper - whinging, moaning and never letting the officials or the opposition get away with anything he didn't like, which is exactly what you want from your captain.

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Beye's certainly still fighting, he was well up for a ruck today. Having seen his figure close up when he got his kit off at the end, I can confidently say he'd have won too. Legend.


And the winner of this week's Most Homoerotic Post Award is...




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Guest Heneage

Beye's certainly still fighting, he was well up for a ruck today. Having seen his figure close up when he got his kit off at the end, I can confidently say he'd have won too. Legend.


And the winner of this week's Most Homoerotic Post Award is...




I'm with Wullie I was stood 5ft away when he took his shirt off after the Mackem game last year, I wouldn't mess.

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Guest firetotheworks

Owen's a great captain, needs a 20 year old kid to come on and show him how to do his job.




Getting boring now like.


It's because Taylor wasn't playing.

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Certain players you know will fight and fight again - Beye, certainly - Andy Carroll showed he too is there - and I know you all complain about him, but Butt is a fighter and never hides. Too many others aren't pulling their weight, and ARE hiding. And some were just abysmal signings.


Just out of interest, which players do you think are hiding? I can see players seriously under-performing, but I don't think anyone's giving less than 100% effort.

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Guest sicko2ndbest

Certain players you know will fight and fight again - Beye, certainly - Andy Carroll showed he too is there - and I know you all complain about him, but Butt is a fighter and never hides. Too many others aren't pulling their weight, and ARE hiding. And some were just abysmal signings.


Just out of interest, which players do you think are hiding? I can see players seriously under-performing, but I don't think anyone's giving less than 100% effort.


Hiding maybe not, lacking the confidence to express themselves, Duff is the main culprit.





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Just need a positive result to get them lifted again, realistically draws dont do it. Al being there should have an impact already....a young lad like Carroll whos to busy wanting to score goals for the first team to be concerned by confidence could be key aswell. Barton coming back would add another player more concerned by his drive to win than confidence.

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I wonder whether we might need a different approach to fighting for survival this season as compared to last year's 4-3-3 masterstroke? We don't have Vidulka or Barton available and Martins is doubtful. These are three of the most important factors of the system last year and we've also lost Zog who was another footballer as opposed to the cloggers we are filling the team with ATM.


Would we be better off sticking Carroll and Xisco up front and playing long ball? this would allow the limited players like Butt and Nolan to be bypassed in midfield as they would see less of the ball and we could concentrate on getting the ball to our more effective players.



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We have to give them problems and take the game to them, but ultimately Lennon is a big threat, and I'd just be very wary of either Ryan Taylor or Edgar trying to stop him. I think Bassong could do well against him, but we need him in the centre aswell. So either Bassong or R. Taylor for LB.









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Guest toonlass

Thread title should be changed to "We're still fighting amongst ourselves"

no we're not


Yes we are










































There you go....

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Every time I see this thread title I can hear Keegan in my head 'We're still fighting for this title and he's got to go to Middlesborough and get something...'






me anarl


12 year later and we are shit!


That was the point of it man :lol:

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Slightly of topic....but didn´t know where else to write my thoughts!


If we stay up (which im not very sure that we do) these are the players i would like to see in the 1st team squad next year:


Manager: Shearer


Goalkeeper: Harper. Wouldn´t mind we tried to sign Kameni....should be out of contract and used to be good....must admit i havent seen him play recently. Havent seen our younger keepers enough to judge if any of them are ready for 1st team football....but it sounds like Forster, Krul and soderberg all the potential needed.


Defenders: Colo, Beye, Enrique, Bassong (Ryan & Steven Taylor) Don´t know how close youngsters like Kadar and tozer are to the 1st team?


Midfielders: Jonas, Barton (needs to play a whole season without interuptions....could turn out really good), Guthrie (but only as sub) and Lua Lua. again i dont know the level of Vuckic, inman and danquah?


Strikers: Martins, Caroll, Ranger, Xisco and owen can stay if he accepts a lower wage


So Shearer should focus on especially our midfield. needs to bring in both creative and defensive orientated players + wingers who can cross!

We could also use 1 player for every position in defence.


Get rid of: capaca, geremi, smith, ameobi, duff, viduka, butt, nolan, (løvenkrands).....that should make some money available for wages...maybe not for transfers since i cant see any of these players leave for over 2-3 mill tops.


simple as that....but it will be a very very busy transfer window just to accomplise half of it

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