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Roy Keane


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The author is very good but... f*** me.... I hope the proceeds are for Irish guide dogs or something. If not its the most pathetic thing I have ever heard of.


:lol: :lol:

His own book series under the pen name Ross O'Carroll Kelly is apparently hilarious. A great satirical interpretation at D4 (Ireland's "posh" area) from the Celtic Tiger to the recession and so on. I think there might be as many of 14 titles in the series and most if not all were best sellers but this is utterly ridiculous. A book from the view of Roy Keane's fucking dog (or dog fucking). Honestly, my fucking country.

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so its going to be written as if the dogs writing it?


Dogs can't write, dude!


yeh but the autobiography. written from that "person" point of view. could be written by a human from a dogs perspective

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