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Are we now the most hated club in England??


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It doesn't help that this idea has built up - fuelled partly by the media - of Newcastle fans being the best or most loyal in the country. That's bred a bit of resentment which adds to the natural pleasure in seeing a big club f*** up.


Sadly, I think this is a club where the pressure from fans is higher than anywhere else. That's influenced a lot of bad decisions in recent years. (eg Shearer not retiring at the right time, re-appointing Keegan)


Who actually called for Keegan to be appointed again though? I really can't remember many people if any at all. Hindsight is a wonderful thing I know, but it now just looks like a ploy to try and cash in from the fans.


Sure, I don't remember there being a big demand for Keegan's return - possibly because most people assumed that he had retired from the game completely. But it was a strange gesture to appoint someone whose appetite for the game was clearly very brittle, and who had left his two previous jobs under a cloud. I think Ashley saw Keegan as someone who would get the fans onside and who would be given the time to turn things around. Anyone other than Keegan or Shearer would have faced a lot of pressure after a few defeats.


On the same tone, you can see now that Shearer is being cut a lot of slack. After one goal and one point from four games, other managers would be coming in for a lot more stick.


Ultimately, the owners should be strong enough to resist that kind of pressure. They have to take the responsibility.


Would hold true at most clubs but the press seem to make a bigger deal of it with Newcastle fans which in turn breeds resentment towards us. When Allardyce was sacked a lot of people up here made a big thing about him not being given enough time by the fans but really the standard or sub standard football had to be seen to be believed, even now its hard to believe how bad we where and i still think that the second half of the season would have saw us plummet down the table ala Hull City. That said too many managers sacked at wrong time not enough stability gives other fans the opportunity to clamber upon their high horses.

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I don't get the sense that anyone hates us, they just see us as a joke now... and a bit of a soap opera. I haven't had any hatred from fans of other clubs, they just roll their eyes and mock us.


Aye, I think that's a fairer assessment in reality. It's merely schadenfreude.

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Guest TheKingOfNewcastle

I couldn't give a monkeys chuff what other fans think of us, let alone trawl their messageboards to find out.

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Were not hated, were just a big club with big problems looking like theyre going down.



You are so wrong.

Newcastle  fans are despised and hated and perceived as being arrogant, nationwide.

Have a butchers at ANY teams football forums and letters pages on the internet and you will see this. (Even the Chester City forum has a thread where their fans are taking the piss out of us!)

Agree with Blefescu about the media and rent-a-mongs  having a lot to do with this.


Wally McFool is spot on.  Those who dont think that we are universally hated really need to actually have a look at what is written about us on other message boards.  It goes far beyond just wanting a big club to go down.


Anti-Newcastle abuse. There's no other words for it.


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Guest toonlass

Were not hated, were just a big club with big problems looking like theyre going down.



You are so wrong.

Newcastle  fans are despised and hated and perceived as being arrogant, nationwide.

Have a butchers at ANY teams football forums and letters pages on the internet and you will see this. (Even the Chester City forum has a thread where their fans are taking the piss out of us!)

Agree with Blefescu about the media and rent-a-mongs  having a lot to do with this.


Wally McFool is spot on.  Those who dont think that we are universally hated really need to actually have a look at what is written about us on other message boards.  It goes far beyond just wanting a big club to go down.


Anti-Newcastle abuse. There's no other words for it.









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to be fair the reason a lot don't like us are reasons why i don't like a fair few newcastle fans (ie ssn rent-a-mongs) and nufc's portrayal in the media which bares no relation to the nufc reality that i know of.

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No one hates us, we just get laughed at because we have alot of fans that are super delusion.  We have been laughing at Spurs fans for years when they convince themselves they are 'gonna break the top 4 this year', i don't hate that club but their fans make me almost.  As its such a stupid statement alot of variables in a season.  Exactly same case for us.


  Fans at other clubs are sick to death with the attitude from our lot that we are a 'big club' and that their players would love to play in front of 52,000.  I remember we signed Nolan in January and some Bolton lads came onto the board saying he ain't had a good game for 2 years and the responses to them was like 'because sick of playing for a shitty club', ignoring their opinion and just calling them bitter.  Also the Stoke game, a lot of people on this board just thought players can show up and win..  despite their home record.


Its disrespectful to them and now they are rightly laughing at us.


It's not the media by the way, lets not get onto conspiracy theories again!  The reason why so much news about us, is because its so unexpected and everyone is watching to see if we can somehow survive.

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Were not hated, were just a big club with big problems looking like theyre going down.



You are so wrong.

Newcastle  fans are despised and hated and perceived as being arrogant, nationwide.

Have a butchers at ANY teams football forums and letters pages on the internet and you will see this. (Even the Chester City forum has a thread where their fans are taking the piss out of us!)

Agree with Blefescu about the media and rent-a-mongs  having a lot to do with this.


Wally McFool is spot on.  Those who dont think that we are universally hated really need to actually have a look at what is written about us on other message boards.  It goes far beyond just wanting a big club to go down.


Anti-Newcastle abuse. There's no other words for it.










Thats not true if Willy has been going around other clubs message boards, wanting to see everyone's opinion on us :lol:

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Also the Stoke game, a lot of people on this board just thought players can show up and win..  despite their home record.


When was this?


Pre-match thread there was alot of ..


'if we cant beat Stoke we deserve to be down'

'they are a shocking side'

'look at their midfield :lol'


stuff like that, was littered with similar quotes

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Guest toonlass

No one hates us, we just get laughed at because we have alot of fans that are super delusion.  We have been laughing at Spurs fans for years when they convince themselves they are 'gonna break the top 4 this year', i don't hate that club but their fans make me almost.  As its such a stupid statement alot of variables in a season.  Exactly same case for us.


  Fans at other clubs are sick to death with the attitude from our lot that we are a 'big club' and that their players would love to play in front of 52,000.  I remember we signed Nolan in January and some Bolton lads came onto the board saying he ain't had a good game for 2 years and the responses to them was like 'because sick of playing for a shitty club', ignoring their opinion and just calling them bitter.  Also the Stoke game, a lot of people on this board just thought players can show up and win..  despite their home record.


Its disrespectful to them and now they are rightly laughing at us.


It's not the media by the way, lets not get onto conspiracy theories again!  The reason why so much news about us, is because its so unexpected and everyone is watching to see if we can somehow survive.


Which fans are super delusional? You obviously have no idea about the media. They can make stories out of nothing to sell papers, and they know that Newcastle United will sell more papers than Boro, Sunderland or Wigan. Its not a conspiracy theory, just look at what they are talking about. Its not about Bolton is it?

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Also the Stoke game, a lot of people on this board just thought players can show up and win..  despite their home record.


When was this?


Pre-match thread there was alot of ..


'if we cant beat Stoke we deserve to be down'

'they are a shocking side'

'look at their midfield :lol'


stuff like that, was littered with similar quotes


Quotes like that are spot on, and they're different to just expecting us to show up and win. They're Stoke City, not Real fucking Madrid.


In any case, I was at that match and we were fucking abysmal considering it was a 'must win' game. If we'd put in anything like the performance to match these players' wages and reputations we would have beaten them.


Expecting a result in a must-win match against Stoke City is 'super delusional'. Heard it all now.

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a well established premiership side should be putting up more than a fight against a newly promoted one.


also, it'll be interesting in a few seasons, if wigan get into the european places for a couple of seasons, then fail to get in one season, sack their manager, will their fans be delusional for hoping to be in europe?

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Also the Stoke game, a lot of people on this board just thought players can show up and win..  despite their home record.


When was this?


Pre-match thread there was alot of ..


'if we cant beat Stoke we deserve to be down'

'they are a shocking side'

'look at their midfield :lol'


stuff like that, was littered with similar quotes


Quotes like that are spot on, and they're different to just expecting us to show up and win. They're Stoke City, not Real f***ing Madrid.


In any case, I was at that match and we were f***ing abysmal considering it was a 'must win' game. If we'd put in anything like the performance to match these players' wages and reputations we would have beaten them.


When we have been worse than them all season, they have been beating top teams there too.  Don't you think it's a bit arrogant?

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a well established premiership side should be putting up more than a fight against a newly promoted one.


also, it'll be interesting in a few seasons, if wigan get into the european places for a couple of seasons, then fail to get in one season, sack their manager, will their fans be delusional for hoping to be in europe?


I think we set ourselves up for being laughed at with our opinion of the club, and most of England then think we are delusional from this.  It can't be us though, can it?  Must be them lying :rolleyes:

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I don't think it's arrogant at all, no. We pay a bloody fortune to these wasters, allowing them to believe putting in a complete non-performance against a newly promoted team is acceptable is a joke.


Their previous results were irrelevant once we took the field; they were crap and we were worse. Not because we didn't fundamentally have the quality, but because the selection was poor and the players didn't put the application or imagination in.


Let me ask you this, if we go down where do you expect us to finish? Expect, not hope. Do you expect us to dominate the league as the biggest and richest in it by an absolute mile, or will you be content with mid-table as long as you're not perceived to be delusional?

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Blowing out of his arse after 60 minutes - and pointing and shouting for England! Just what we have become used to for the last eighteen months.


Get him fitter and you will have a decent PL midfielder - but you aren't noted for your training ground expertise, are you?


Only one game for the pair of them, granted, but buying Davies from Wolves for £500k and knocking Nolan out to you for £4 mill looks like a shrewd bit of business to me.


We are Newcastle and we don't care about a few millions more or less.

You are Bolton and counting every penny.

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Guest toonlass

a well established premiership side should be putting up more than a fight against a newly promoted one.


also, it'll be interesting in a few seasons, if wigan get into the european places for a couple of seasons, then fail to get in one season, sack their manager, will their fans be delusional for hoping to be in europe?


I think we set ourselves up for being laughed at with our opinion of the club, and most of England then think we are delusional from this.  It can't be us though, can it?  Must be them lying :rolleyes:


Whose opinion though? The opinion of real fans, or the media portrayal of our opinion. The people who go to St James' park every time Sky crosses to David Craig are, for the whole, not the fans who go to games. The media love to say what Newcastle fans are feeling, without actually speaking to Newcastle fans. Where do you get the idea that we are delusional?

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Guest Wally_McFool



Thats not true if Willy has been going around other clubs message boards, wanting to see everyone's opinion on us :lol:


I dont look for other fans opinions of us, mate.

I just happen to see them when I'm trawling about footy boards during intermittent moments of boredom at work.


I couldn'tgive a flying fuck about what other fans think of us although it is a bit annoying sometimes  that most of their opinions are influenced by the media, in particular those sensationalist twats at Sky.


That is all.... aw, and its Wally not Willy! :coolsmiley:

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