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The England Thread


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I thought France were lackluster, kind of as expected. Good players but they never seem fully up for international games.


Benzema roamed too much and they were always going to struggle to find intricate little passes through the England defence. Sadly football doesn't always reward the best passer, sometimes you need to find another way to goal.


Like other people have said they needed to change it earlier, but maybe there was an element of them being happy with a draw as well.

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There were no split loyalties for me yesterday btw, as much as I love Cabaye and HBA you support the country you're from at the end of the day.  Helped that we put in a canny performance that was about as good as could be expected in the circumstances.

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Guest neesy111

Didn't cheer either goals tbh, wanted to enjoy it as a football match but it was one of the worst games of the tournament so far imo.

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Guest Phil K

Personally, watching Holland and Germany, I'd say France would beat either.

Spain look the best side so far, just laden down with the arrogant assumption they're going to walk this tourney.

I don't think they will. Russia look capable, but they'll get a tougher test later.

England are just muddling by OK with about the weakest squad we've ever put out.

But good that we've got a tactically respectable coach at the helm, and a few decent kids



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If I were to rank the teams in terms of likelihood of winning the tournament after the first round of games it would be:








Poland-Czech Rep


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Keys & Gray are speaking with the leader of the England Band, to ask why they were (thankfully) kicked out last night.


Don't think they were kicked out, they had their instruments confiscated on entry.


Blessing IMO, they annoy the fook out of me.

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Keys & Gray are speaking with the leader of the England Band, to ask why they were (thankfully) kicked out last night.


Security wouldnt let them in. Should get an honorary knighthood tbh. But we're getting running updates on his negotiations with UEFA. Hopefully they hold firm.

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Keys & Gray are speaking with the leader of the England Band, to ask why they were (thankfully) kicked out last night.


Security wouldnt let them in. Should get an honorary knighthood tbh. But we're getting running updates on his negotiations with UEFA. Hopefully they hold firm.


I'm listening as well, the FA usually pull the strings to get this bloody band into grounds? :lol: FFS.

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Guest neesy111

Keys & Gray are speaking with the leader of the England Band, to ask why they were (thankfully) kicked out last night.


Security wouldnt let them in. Should get an honorary knighthood tbh. But we're getting running updates on his negotiations with UEFA. Hopefully they hold firm.



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Keys & Gray are speaking with the leader of the England Band, to ask why they were (thankfully) kicked out last night.


Security wouldnt let them in. Should get an honorary knighthood tbh. But we're getting running updates on his negotiations with UEFA. Hopefully they hold firm.




Thought it was strange I didn't hear them last night. They really are a fucking embarassment. Bet the FA pay for their travel expenses and tickets an'all. Why on earth they think that incessant drone of the great escape is good for the supporters and the team is beyond comprehension.

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I thought it was a really crap game to be honest. France weren't as good as they can be, we were our usual selves, and the game suffered for it.


I think we were our usual selves TBH, unless we suddenly expect England to start playing great football.

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I thought it was a really crap game to be honest. France weren't as good as they can be, we were our usual selves, and the game suffered for it.


I think we were our usual selves TBH, unless we suddenly expect England to start playing great football.


You're both wrong, I thought we were just our usual selves.

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The answer for bigmanism is to actually take control of the team, properly discipline it, and institute a true team ethic. Look at a team like Zambia that has actually built a team instead of discarding players. This is a symptom of the chaos, disorganisation, and corruption of the people around our football. The answer to bigmanism is not to get rid of all the "big" players because you need talent to win. The shame of it for me is that we were actually playing good, entertaining football under Siasia and were building something positive.


Instead of building on this and supporting a decent manager, we've promoted more chaos and eliminated all the players, replacing with locals who are not likely to materialise into anything. Brilliant. More change and more failure.


It's just ridiculous, because it's not as though we don't have the talent anymore. Our setup is just a shambles.


Ghanaians now run their mouth at me, and mock us about our team. Surreal stuff.

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You'd be f***ing gutted if you turned up for the match and you were sat anywhere within a radius of about 50 seats of them.


Not at all, swift boot through the drums and a program down the trumpet and you're a national hero

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