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The other games today - 2009/10


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Anyone else think Huddlestone might be 'on the plane'? I don't think he'll take Carrick as he's been poor and is injured I think? But I can't think who might replace him. Maybe Milner and then an extra winger.

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I've rated him for years, always said he was one of the most underrated players in the league. Huddlestone still lacks something though, I don't know what it is ... for a player who can pass and shoot like he can he lacks the anticipation, movement and positioning that someone like Carrick has to offer. Will probably come with age though.

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Guest je85

Spanish national team can't be pleased with that. I know they've got a frightening amount of CM's waiting in the wings, but still.

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Spanish national team can't be pleased with that. I know they've got a frightening amount of CM's waiting in the wings, but still.


club > country


and actually Xavi, Cesc and Iniesta have all injury issues at this point.

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Huddlestone is another player whose style really makes him look lazy.  He gets around the pitch a fair bit but never looks in a hurry because he's so composed on the ball.  Like a midfield Berbatov without all of the class on the ball (although there still is a lot there).  Would absolutely love for him to be in our midfield.

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Huddlestone is another player whose style really makes him look lazy.  He gets around the pitch a fair bit but never looks in a hurry because he's so composed on the ball.  Like a midfield Berbatov without all of the class on the ball (although there still is a lot there).  Would absolutely love for him to be in our midfield.


He almost plays like a quarterback in the way that he picks out a pass. Should be given a WC call, would make him a better player.

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So, Pompey would be 18th now if it weren't for the point deduction? Still mathematically relegated, but a good show given all the crap that's surrounded the club.


Their form post-deduction has been reasonable, as though the pressure's just completely off and they've cultivated some underdog spirit inspired by 'injustice' and as such have performed 'ok'. If they hadn't had a points deduction, I doubt they would've got as many 'ok' results as they have recently.

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Guest palnese

Liverpool: Reina, Mascherano, Kyrgiakos, Carragher, Agger, Gerrard, Lucas, Maxi, Aquilani, Benayoun, Kuyt.


Subs: Cavalieri, Babel, Ngog, Degen, El Zhar, Ayala, Pacheco.



Chelsea: Cech, Ivanovic, Terry, Alex, Ashley Cole, Lampard, Ballack, Malouda, Kalou, Drogba, Anelka.


Subs: Hilario, Joe Cole, Zhirkov, Paulo Ferreira, Deco, Sturridge, Belletti.



Referee: Alan Wiley (Staffordshire)



Chelsea ftw.

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