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The other games today - 2009/10


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We were shite today.


We've fucked it up big, big time.


brummie, do you think O'Neill is capable of getting you to the next level, ie the top 4.


Just seems he'll never have a better chance than this year.




He's too limited tactically, and his transfer market approach is weird beyond belief.


He can keep us top 6 or 7 with his eyes closed, not even trying, but he won't take us any further than that. He's an infuriating man.


See today, the crowd see Delfouneso and Luke Young warming up, looking like they're coming on, start cheering ironically (Cuellar at RB and Heskey anywhere are subjects of some discussion), so he changed his mind and puts Albrighton on instead, just to remind us who is boss.


He's infuriating at times, like I said.


No chance of him leaving, though?


No. Not until he decides he's had enough.


To be honest, though, he's always had an uneasy relationship with sections of the support, which would surprise most neutral observers.


Really tempted to do a Ronaldo... :angel:

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Guest kingdawson

You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.


Out of the 4 champions league challengers which team do you think plays the better brand of football (ie more pleasing to the eye for a neutral)?

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You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.


Out of the 4 champions league challengers which team do you think plays the better brand of football (ie more pleasing to the eye for a neutral)?



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Guest firetotheworks

You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.


Out of the 4 champions league challengers which team do you think plays the better brand of football (ie more pleasing to the eye for a neutral)?


It's between you and Man City for me. You probably do it more regularly though.

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You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.


Out of the 4 champions league challengers which team do you think plays the better brand of football (ie more pleasing to the eye for a neutral)?


It's between you and Man City for me. You probably do it more regularly though.


Is the answer he was looking for. O0

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Guest kingdawson

I think it's us by a distance to be totally honest. Even the games we've lost this season we played pretty well in (just failed to take our chances).


Also when we play the teams around us, we've been the better team (Villa twice, City at home , Liverpool at home, Everton away and first half at home). The second half performances against Liverpool (away) and Everton at home (to an extent) was the only time we didn't show up. Still don't think we'll get 4th though.

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You're right that I was a bit harsh, but it was mainly to highlight a point more than anything. I guess to put it in a nutshell, when I watch Villa, I know what you're going to do, it's all very formulaic, I know that Young will turn inside and whip a ball towards the far post, and that it's all about probability. Don't get me wrong, as a team you're obviously very effective, I just sometimes wonder why you aren't figured out more than you are. Or perhaps it's that you are, but you have the players to make it count regardless. But when teams defend against you, I get bored really quickly, there's never anything unexpected.


That's precisely, precisely the issue.


Talk to any Villa fan and they'll tell you that. They'll also say that they know, prior to a match, which team we'll start with (ignoring injuries, which we seem to be largely immune from).


Our plan A when it works is very watchable, and I'd  be a hypocrite if i said i didn't like watching it. Our plan B, on the other hand, doesn't actually exist.


Out of the 4 champions league challengers which team do you think plays the better brand of football (ie more pleasing to the eye for a neutral)?


Man City at their best are the better.


You lot hit it long to Crouch far, far too often. You're also about as clinical as Birmingham City.

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I think it's us by a distance to be totally honest. Even the games we've lost this season we played pretty well in (just failed to take our chances).


Also when we play the teams around us, we've been the better team (Villa twice, City at home , Liverpool at home, Everton away and first half at home). The second half performances against Liverpool (away) and Everton at home (to an extent) was the only time we didn't show up. Still don't think we'll get 4th though.


Your problem is - as we've agreed here - you don't do it against the better (ie top four) teams. That is why you won't finish in the top four.

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We really don't hit it long often but ok.


Statistical analysis of our game against you - the one where your fans were screaming "hoof" in an attempt to make Wenger like them - showed that that is precisely what you did.


EDIT I should also add that we're just as bad, with the difference that we rely too much on crosses whipped into the box, but then again we're not the ones lecturing others on how they should play, or telling people what great football we play. Or fishing for compliments on here



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Guest kingdawson

We really don't hit it long often but ok.


Statistical analysis of our game against you - the one where your fans were screaming "hoof" in an attempt to make Wenger like them - showed that that is precisely what you did.


Which is why i said "we don't hit it long often".


Don't really think the fans did that for Wengers sake tbh. Think it had more to do with the 1st game at yours where you camped inside your half for near enough 65 minutes of the game defending. Probably why MON plays Cueller at rb and why Fulham and Birmingham are the only teams in the top half of the table that have scored less goals then you.

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Guest kingdawson

oh and i wasn't fishing for compliments. I specifically asked you the question because i honestly feel you've been brainwashed by your teams style of play. I actually wanted to know if you had the audacity to say Villa (luckily you didn't).

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We really don't hit it long often but ok.


Statistical analysis of our game against you - the one where your fans were screaming "hoof" in an attempt to make Wenger like them - showed that that is precisely what you did.


Which is why i said "we don't hit it long often".


Don't really think the fans did that for Wengers sake tbh. Think it had more to do with the 1st game at yours where you camped inside your half for near enough 65 minutes of the game defending. Probably why MON plays Cueller at rb and why Fulham and Birmingham are the only teams in the top half of the table that have scored less goals then you.


But you do play the long ball often - that's the point.


As I said, that's fine, but it is a bit rich to hear Spurs fans trawling the internet for praise for the way they play when they resort to such iffy tactics themselves.


As for that match you mention, we were camped in our own half defending a constant bombardment of long balls from you. And he probably did right to play Cuellar at RB in that match, given the aerial bombardment you put us under.

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oh and i wasn't fishing for compliments. I specifically asked you the question because i honestly feel you've been brainwashed by your teams style of play. I actually wanted to know if you had the audacity to say Villa (luckily you didn't).


You asked the Everton lads a similar thing the other day which was clearly fishing for compliments.


Take a look a few posts above for my view on our style of play. Compare that with your preaching about your team's style of play, then tell me I am the brainwashed one.

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Guest kingdawson

oh and i wasn't fishing for compliments. I specifically asked you the question because i honestly feel you've been brainwashed by your teams style of play. I actually wanted to know if you had the audacity to say Villa (luckily you didn't).


You asked the Everton lads a similar thing the other day which was clearly fishing for compliments.


Take a look a few posts above for my view on our style of play. Compare that with your preaching about your team's style of play, then tell me I am the brainwashed one.


Earth calling Brummie. You don't think it's a little coincidental that i'm asking fans of the teams that are competing for 4th spot? I asked the Everton fans who they prefer to get 4th spot btw (nothing about style of play). How am i supposed to know they'd say us.


No i've realised you're not brainwashed now, but neither am I. We play attractive football to the neutral and you play effective football that relies on the use of good defenders and the counter attack....oh and a tall striker.

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Guest firetotheworks

Neil Mellor makes Kevin Nolan look anorexic.


I was thinking that, he was never a chubber when he was at Liverpool was he.

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