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Joey Barton

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Why do people insist on title changes? It's a forum people read the threads surely. Not sure about rest of mods but I have better things to do than read all the threads and updating titles as people request lol


Couldn't agree more. If you want to find out the latest news, you have to scroll to the back of 500 pages, and work your way back through everyone's posts. If you want to find out what the thread is about, clicking on the first page inevitably leads you to a story from 5 years ago. It's a bit s**** IMO. Instead of changing the thread title for something related to a player, why not make a new thread since it's a new story?




Makes the forum look messy.

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Why do people insist on title changes? It's a forum people read the threads surely. Not sure about rest of mods but I have better things to do than read all the threads and updating titles as people request lol


Couldn't agree more. If you want to find out the latest news, you have to scroll to the back of 500 pages, and work your way back through everyone's posts. If you want to find out what the thread is about, clicking on the first page inevitably leads you to a story from 5 years ago. It's a bit s**** IMO. Instead of changing the thread title for something related to a player, why not make a new thread since it's a new story?




Makes the forum look messy.


:thup: It'll get merged like the scummy spin-off thread it is. And rightly so.

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Guest BlacknWhiteArmy

Where do we go from here if he actually decides to stay? Burned his bridges pretty effectively.


If I was Pardew I would experiment with line ups without him in any case as I haven't seen any sign yet that the three man midfield is going to work. I can't see Cabaye or Tiote being dropped so that leaves Joey. Maybe it will click against Fulham but Barton hasn't got up and down the right flank enough in the two games against Arsenal and Sunderland which has given the opposition too much control of the midfield.


He's only played 45 minutes wide right. Spent most of his time playing deep with Tiote.

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It was on twitter, so take it how you want but:


Barton to QPR has stalled as they wont give him the clause that if they go down he gets released


Fucking hell what a cheek he's got. I wouldn't be surprised if QPR don't withdraw the contract offer like we did.


You'd have thought QPR would want that clause in anyway. Why would they want to be paying him 60k a wk in the Championship?

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Guest cr4igora


Why do people insist on title changes? It's a forum people read the threads surely. Not sure about rest of mods but I have better things to do than read all the threads and updating titles as people request lol


Couldn't agree more. If you want to find out the latest news, you have to scroll to the back of 500 pages, and work your way back through everyone's posts. If you want to find out what the thread is about, clicking on the first page inevitably leads you to a story from 5 years ago. It's a bit s**** IMO. Instead of changing the thread title for something related to a player, why not make a new thread since it's a new story?




Makes the forum look messy.




Unless you have sub-category's like; tabloid rumours, transfers, matches etc. This forum is very good, but the constant changing of title's just makes it too difficult to keep up.

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Guest cr4igora

One of the best things about this place, the updated thread titles.


Yeah title updates rock. Don't ever change Admin, if it ain't broke don't fix it!




Obviously divided opinion though.

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One of the best things about this place, the updated thread titles.


Yeah title updates rock. Don't ever change Admin, if it ain't broke don't fix it!




Obviously divided opinion though.


You know what it needs? It's own thread. With a poll. Get on it, ToonTastic!  O0

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Guest cr4igora

One of the best things about this place, the updated thread titles.


Yeah title updates rock. Don't ever change Admin, if it ain't broke don't fix it!




Obviously divided opinion though.


You know what it needs? It's own thread. With a poll. Get on it, ToonTastic!  O0


Good idea.

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Like I said no problems with title changes when something major happens but not for every minor change and tabloid rumour requested by people within the thread. Maybe if people just stopped asking for the changes it would be better just seems cheeky to expect it and complain if it doesn't happen instantly. People would think we work full time on here lol

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Guest Haris Vuckic



That stadium man. Looks like a shittier version of Scottish Life House.


Looks like a train station from outside

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Must admit, the title changes on here are one of the best things about this forum. Instead of you having to trawl through page after page to find an update, the title's are also kept upto date so you at least have an idea of what's been going on.

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Must admit, the title changes on here are one of the best things about this forum. Instead of you having to trawl through page after page to find an update, the title's are also kept upto date so you at least have an idea of what's been going on.



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But nothing's happened...   ???


Maybe I'm misreading, but I don't think people are actually complaining that this hasn't been updated. Just generally championing the system this forum has for thread title updates after the subject came up, in the midst of the boredom of nothing new to talk about with Joey.


Fuck it. I want an update now. :dave:

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