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Portsmouth FC in yet more trouble - administration again?


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So, out of admin and sold to the guy who has really been in charge for a year by the 'administrator' he appointed and payed for. There's a shock. His first statement "We are going to need to borrow money from elsewhere" There's another. On it goes.


Good article here, by a Portsmouth fan. He was the only fan

when people were still buying Peter Storrie's tall stories.
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It's good that Portsmouth now don't seem to be going bust and great for the fans, however it is bad for football that a club can piss about like they have and get away with it.


I wouldn't exactly call relegation, having to get special dispentation to sign players just to fill out a full team and still a potential free fall to league 1 as getting away with it.

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Of course they've got away with it. Any fan of a championship team would take 8 years of Premier League football with European qualification and an FA cup win plus another final for the punishment of ...ending up back where they are now in the championship. If it was a non league team or business without the fans to use as emotional blackmail they would have been liquidated based on their finances alone, never mind the dodgy stuff that their last four (ignoring the one they made up and didn't exist) owners have been involved in.

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  • 1 year later...

And back in it?


Their parent company has been placed into administration which could result in them being deducted 10 points which would currently leave them bottom of the Championship 10 points adrift. The football league is set to decide if they should be deducted points.

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Isn't it a possibility the penalty could be more severe having been in administration little over a year ago? Pretty sure I read that somewhere.


Luton got clobbered with a larger penalty for that reason. They could easily lose 15 or 20. Surely the FA need to do something to stop clubs being gobbled up by mysterious offshore holding companies? It is easy to do- they need to implement a licence-holder system which protects security from being taken over shares or assets of the club against liabilities of the parent companies.

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