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Hughton: Carroll could be the new Crouch


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Decided against putting this in the other AC thread, mods & admin may disagree.


Newcastle striker Andy Carroll has been tipped to be a big hit in the Premier League.


Toon boss Chris Hughton has praised the forward as "vital" to Newcastle and believes he could become a major star in the top-flight in the mould of Peter Crouch.


The 20-year-old has 19 goals this season and is leading scorer, one ahead of Kevin Nolan, despite missing games through injury.


Hughton says there is more to come from Carroll, who Sam Allardyce would love to take to Bolton.

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Hughton said: "He's a player that has a wonderful leap. He is a very good technical header of the ball. He's an old style centre-forward, going back to the 60s and 70s. He's a real classic striker in the old fashioned mould and he's only a young player with the ability to develop his game.


"It's a bit like Peter Crouch. He's probably four inches taller but they're similar - if the quality of the ball is good enough and the trajectory is right then it's just a question of whether he can get it on target.

"What he has proved is that when he gets the right delivery, he's a very good header of the ball.


"What we must remember is that he's developing his game on the ground. For a big man he does quite well but it is an area that he needs to continue to develop.


"When you get a player of his prowess in the air - and Shola Ameobi's too - then you need to get the ball into the right areas.


"We've always said to Andy we wanted to see him add more goals to his tally. We know he is still a young player and he is still developing.


"But we asked him to add goals and that's what he's done. I still think there is even more to come from Andy.


"I think it is down to him and how much he wants to improve. The one area we said he had to give us more of is goals.


"It's a good tally and it would be great for him personally to finish top scorer."



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Crouch is better with his feet though. Infact I don't even think Crouch is that oustanding in the air, he doesn't score lots of goals with his head but has a decent all round game. Don't think I can see Carroll ever getting 20 goals for England.

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Crouch is better with his feet though. Infact I don't even Crouch is that oustanding in the air, he doesn't score lots of goals with his head but has a decent all round game. Don't think I can see Carroll ever getting 20 goals for England.


I'd love to see a breakdown, but I reckon at least 40% of his goals have been headers, which is a phenomenal percentage.

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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.


He's scored a couple of cracking goals with his feet this year, definately needs to work on his consistency in front of goal, but he's proven he can strike a ball.

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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.

does and creates aswell. his major fault (playing wise) is the lack of being able to take a man on and get away from him.
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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.


He's scored a couple of cracking goals with his feet this year, definately needs to work on his consistency in front of goal, but he's proven he can strike a ball.


He digged a lovely one in at the Gallowgate end so Ronaldo should of saw it.

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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.


He's scored a couple of cracking goals with his feet this year, definately needs to work on his consistency in front of goal, but he's proven he can strike a ball.


Jonas has scored 4, it proves nowt. His finishing with his feet is still his major weakness.

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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.


He's scored a couple of cracking goals with his feet this year, definately needs to work on his consistency in front of goal, but he's proven he can strike a ball.


Jonas has scored 4, it proves nowt. His finishing with his feet is still his major weakness.


You're certainly right, Jonas getting 4 proves nowt about Carroll.

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Decided against putting this in the other AC thread, mods & admin may disagree.


Newcastle striker Andy Carroll has been tipped to be a big hit in the Premier League.


Toon boss Chris Hughton has praised the forward as "vital" to Newcastle and believes he could become a major star in the top-flight in the mould of Peter Crouch.


The 20-year-old has 19 goals this season and is leading scorer, one ahead of Kevin Nolan, despite missing games through injury.


Hughton says there is more to come from Carroll, who Sam Allardyce would love to take to Bolton.

Click here to find out more!




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carroll is a lot better on the deck than many seem to think.


Doesn't score goals with his feet.


He's scored a couple of cracking goals with his feet this year, definately needs to work on his consistency in front of goal, but he's proven he can strike a ball.


Jonas has scored 4, it proves nowt. His finishing with his feet is still his major weakness.

how many has he scored with his feet ?
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The improvement Carroll has made from the start of the season has been massive imo. He still has lots of room to improve but if he keeps this progress up he will be a very good player and pushing for a full international place in the not too distant future.


At times he is fucking awesome in the air, he has scored some ludicrous headers. to be fair he even scored one outstanding header last season if memory serves me correctly.

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Crouch is better with his feet though. Infact I don't even Crouch is that oustanding in the air, he doesn't score lots of goals with his head but has a decent all round game. Don't think I can see Carroll ever getting 20 goals for England.


I'd love to see a breakdown, but I reckon at least 40% of his goals have been headers, which is a phenomenal percentage.


Blackpool (A) - Header

Plymouth (H) - Shot

Doncaster (H) - Shot

Peterborough (H) - Header

Cardiff (H) - Shot & Header

Swansea (A) - Header

Coventry (H) - Header

Watford (A) - Header

Boro (A) - Shot

Scunthorpe (H) - Header & Shot

Bristol City (A) - Shot

Doncaster (A) - Shot

Blackpool (H) - Header

Plymouth (A) - Header

Ipswich (H) - Header


10 headers, 7 shots. More than I thought.

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The improvement Carroll has made from the start of the season has been massive imo. He still has lots of room to improve but if he keeps this progress up he will be a very good player and pushing for a full international place in the not too distant future.


At times he is f***ing awesome in the air, he has scored some ludicrous headers. to be fair he even scored one outstanding header last season if memory serves me correctly.

at times he's very good on the deck. he set loven up for a hat trick of chances in one game that would have got jonas MotM had he done it. when he has the ball (which is sometimes the problem....his winning of the ball when its not in the air) he holds on to it more than adequatly and lays it off well. not saying he's going to the world cup or owt daft like that but i bet he's caught capellos eye.
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The improvement Carroll has made from the start of the season has been massive imo. He still has lots of room to improve but if he keeps this progress up he will be a very good player and pushing for a full international place in the not too distant future.


At times he is f***ing awesome in the air, he has scored some ludicrous headers. to be fair he even scored one outstanding header last season if memory serves me correctly.

at times he's very good on the deck. he set loven up for a hat trick of chances in one game that would have got jonas MotM had he done it. when he has the ball (which is sometimes the problem....his winning of the ball when its not in the air) he holds on to it more than adequatly and lays it off well. not saying he's going to the world cup or owt daft like that but i bet he's caught capellos eye.


And will then work on his nose, his jaw...

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The improvement Carroll has made from the start of the season has been massive imo. He still has lots of room to improve but if he keeps this progress up he will be a very good player and pushing for a full international place in the not too distant future.


At times he is f***ing awesome in the air, he has scored some ludicrous headers. to be fair he even scored one outstanding header last season if memory serves me correctly.

at times he's very good on the deck. he set loven up for a hat trick of chances in one game that would have got jonas MotM had he done it. when he has the ball (which is sometimes the problem....his winning of the ball when its not in the air) he holds on to it more than adequatly and lays it off well. not saying he's going to the world cup or owt daft like that but i bet he's caught capellos eye.


And will then work on his nose, his jaw...

yip i left it open for just that......pleased to see someones awake.
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Guest Geordiekev

Well saying we are back amongst the big boys  :facepalm: we should be pushing for 4th spot next season, christ ....

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