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i cant be arsed to back through the whole thread.... but could Toffs not be contacted?

thing is, they could create the Bobby special edition shirt, hoy on the toon coat of arms, the sir bobby logo, and then donate 5 - 10 pound per shirt to the SBRF..... plus im sure that would help sell the shirts with the company already being so popular


Great back up plan there actually!   :clap: :thup:


from what i see theres very little risk to the foundation ... ie they wont lose any money.... we wont have to find 7k.... and toffs would use a design they already have... ie one of the 60s shirts or something... basically a black and white striped top, with the relevent logos on... and maybe the dates of bobbys life...


and coming from toffs a lot more people would be willing to buy it, as the quality is known to be excellent.


would basically be similar to that brownale edition retro shirt they did to commemorate something!

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Do you mean little risk involved if it is TOFF's or just generally?


And yes i think that would work. But would a 60's design shirt work? I'm not so sure. I love those types of shirts but if we're to appeal to a wider audience then it might have to be an earlier 'newer' design. But i'm still sure TOFF's could do a 'newer' design style as they'll have the contacts?

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Guest diddimz

If this is done, there needs to be a way for them to be bought internationally, I'd love to get my hands on one.

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It's sent, just a waiting game now.


Basically it goes into further detail on the business plan itself (production & distribution) and stresses on many accounts how it's not an anti-Ashley protest as well as talking about how fans want something to remind them of SBR and how it fits well with the one year anniversery to do something of this sort.

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It's sent, just a waiting game now.


Basically it goes into further detail on the business plan itself (production & distribution) and stresses on many accounts how it's not an anti-Ashley protest as well as talking about how fans want something to remind them of SBR and how it fits well with the one year anniversery to do something of this sort.



Hope this works, so badly! :)

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Areet all,


I read the forum all the time but never post.


iv come across this thread today and think that its a good idea as long as the kits are good quality and its well advertised so people know exactly what it is about and to get the message of support for the SBRF out to a wider network.


this is where i might be able to help you guys out.


im into graphic design and advertising and would be more then willing to lend my hand in designing the Kit or a new logo for it, designing posters/flyers to advertise the kit or even do some web design if it help out.



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Areet all,


I read the forum all the time but never post.


iv come across this thread today and think that its a good idea as long as the kits are good quality and its well advertised so people know exactly what it is about and to get the message of support for the SBRF out to a wider network.


this is where i might be able to help you guys out.


im into graphic design and advertising and would be more then willing to lend my hand in designing the Kit or a new logo for it, designing posters/flyers to advertise the kit or even do some web design if it help out.




Welcome to the forums. :)

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Areet all,


I read the forum all the time but never post.


iv come across this thread today and think that its a good idea as long as the kits are good quality and its well advertised so people know exactly what it is about and to get the message of support for the SBRF out to a wider network.


this is where i might be able to help you guys out.


im into graphic design and advertising and would be more then willing to lend my hand in designing the Kit or a new logo for it, designing posters/flyers to advertise the kit or even do some web design if it help out.





I imagine you could be quite helpful with this then. Perhaps for this thread only (unless you want to become a contributor to the forum as a whole) you could break your silence and comment regularely with ideas and tips on how to get this thing running. Also, welcome to the forum.

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Ive tried to contribute in the past under an old account that must have been deleted due to inactivity, hopefully this can be the start of my 2nd attempt.


I will keep checking back to see if there are any updates, but for now i might start knocking up some MOC UPs of the kit just for fun and if you like them then feel free to use them.

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Ive tried to contribute in the past under an old account that must have been deleted due to inactivity, hopefully this can be the start of my 2nd attempt.


I will keep checking back to see if there are any updates, but for now i might start knocking up some MOC UPs of the kit just for fun and if you like them then feel free to use them.



Sounds great , i'm sure every one would appreciate it. :thup:

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Ive tried to contribute in the past under an old account that must have been deleted due to inactivity, hopefully this can be the start of my 2nd attempt.


I will keep checking back to see if there are any updates, but for now i might start knocking up some MOC UPs of the kit just for fun and if you like them then feel free to use them.



Sounds great , i'm sure every one would appreciate it. :thup:


Definitley. And welcome to the forums :)

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I know its Bobbys foundation and all that but the logo looks crap on a top tbh. Would look alright on a sleeve though.


Indeed, very hard to integrate nicely over stripes :lol:

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rite people just a really quick one that ive knocked up taking into account suggestions from this thread.


i will make a few more designs once i have a few hours to sit down and spend a good amount of time to make it look really good.


it may be the weekend before i have a chance to do anything due to work and the likes.






if people want to start suggesting what would be the best style for this shirt it might give me a better idea of what to design.

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Guest saintscoobz

I'd pay for that





if people want to start suggesting what would be the best style for this shirt it might give me a better idea of what to design.

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if people want to start suggesting what would be the best style for this shirt it might give me a better idea of what to design.


i really like that 2nd design you put up, i've just altered it slightly, swapping the blue star to the other side of the chest, making it slightly smaller and bringing the city crest in  :aww:



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