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Fantasy Premier League 2011-12 (see OP)


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Guest Roger Kint

Can anyone actually get on the site?


Mines coming up with error logging in, spoke to my Dad on Thursday and he had similar trying on his laptop as he hadnt logged out on his phone. I was on it yesterday at work and didnt log off properly so seems like they are pretty hopeless when it comes to using more than one device. Then again it took 5 attempts just to get the site up as well........


I've only accessed it on this computer, so I don't think the different devices thing is the problem. Just seems to be overloaded or something.


Just as well i sorted it yesterday then i guess, still would have thought it could cope seeing as its been 2 days for a few people

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Guest Roger Kint

When i get to log in it reckons my details are wrong, they aren't saved on 3 devices all worked fine during the week, then i ask for a password reset, about 10 times, then it dumps me to a timeout screen, rinse, repeat etc etc...


Not a good start for FF like, if its like this all year i can see a Sub fee being put in so they can upgrade the servers.


What i got: Error logging in. Please check your details and try again. Same thing my dad got a few days ago, they sent him new passwords but nowt worked still so he gave up and just used his phone for it as that still logged in ok.

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People who are getting log in errors are remembering that it's email address and not username this year, yeah?


I'm just getting timeouts after logging in.  At least my team is almost sorted, my lass did a quick team about 3 weeks aog and hasn't looked at it since :lol:

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Guest Chubby Jason

This is FAHKING BULLSHIT!!!! I'm struggling to remember who I have as my captain now and the fuckers won't let me log in.

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Guest Rey Mysterio

Not had time to create a league and txt the code to my whole phone book!!!  Can you create a league say next week but include everyone's points from the start of the season?

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Actually, my issue's this: I've got my team registered, what happens if I don't join certain leagues before half 11? Will I not be able to join until next gameweek, hence it won't recognise my week 1 score when I'm in the leagues?

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van Persie or Rooney. Decisions, decisions.

Is RvP fit?!

Wenger said he should be available. Having a late test on his knee.
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