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The other games today - 2010/11


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What's the craic with "We're Man Utd, we'll do what we want."





30,000 glory seekers- i  can remember in the 80s when they never sold out every game- in the mid 40 thousands.

90s onwards sell outs rising to 75k - glory hunting fuckers.

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Guest neesy111

This is why people believe Man Utd get away with shit, that is a yellow card and he should be off.  No questions asked.

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But it's that loveable scamp, Paul Scholes!  Look how funny it is when he can't tackle!


Ho, ho, ho....


Or so Sky say.


on sky every f***ing brain dead media outlet puts that tripe out


I don't understand.  Are you saying Scholes doesn't do about 15 red card worthy fouls every match?

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Guest neesy111

I wonder when the Arsenal board will lose patience in Wenger as I think they are at a crossroads as a club.

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Disgusted how Scholes escaped even a yellow there. It could even be said to be intentional as it was a reaction to an earlier tackle that he wasn't happy with. Plus he do that so many times, that's it's hard to think that he is just that lousy in the tackle. Such a dirty cunt, one of the many reasons why I would prefer almost any team winning the Premiership than Man scum!

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