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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Alternatively as Cronky says, Bremen aren't interested at all and they're simply trying to force our hand by lying. It does seem a little suspicious how often he's in the media over there. That latest article implies they just rang him up and asked.


Bah f*** it, I just want this s*** over and done with. :lol:


As the Bremen president has said, there is no interest. :lol:

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Alternatively as Cronky says, Bremen aren't interested at all and they're simply trying to force our hand by lying. It does seem a little suspicious how often he's in the media over there. That latest article implies they just rang him up and asked.


Bah f*** it, I just want this s*** over and done with. :lol:


As the Bremen president has said, there is no interest. :lol:

Didnt chris hughton say that also, This is a truly fucked up saga!!

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Alternatively as Cronky says, Bremen aren't interested at all and they're simply trying to force our hand by lying. It does seem a little suspicious how often he's in the media over there. That latest article implies they just rang him up and asked.


Bah f*** it, I just want this s*** over and done with. :lol:


As the Bremen president has said, there is no interest. :lol:

Didnt chris hughton say that also, This is a truly fucked up saga!!

he said there was no direct contact

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Alternatively as Cronky says, Bremen aren't interested at all and they're simply trying to force our hand by lying. It does seem a little suspicious how often he's in the media over there. That latest article implies they just rang him up and asked.


Bah f*** it, I just want this s*** over and done with. :lol:


As the Bremen president has said, there is no interest. :lol:

Didnt chris hughton say that also, This is a truly f***ed up saga!!


It does make you wonder mind.

Dassier says we've bid, Hughton denies it.

Dassier says Werder bid, Werder deny it.


He might just be a complete tosspot. Although Ben Arfa being in Newcastle shows there must have been something from us.

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Have there been any more quotes attributed to ben arfa in the past few days?


Kna he is still glued into a gimp mask


So he hasn't been spotted at the Bremen game yet then? haha


Hard to tell.... he could be in the Gimp Mask End

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A review of events so far:

Dassier has been spinning this from the start. It is in his interest to announce that we and Bremen are interested and that hoepfully one of us will pull the trigger and pay more. All sides are just playing a bit of poker, but unlike us, Dassier has decided to try to do this through the media (he's an ex-journo and clearly a cunt). I can't see NUFC much in the wrong here. The most likely story here is that OM set up a list of requirements to have Ben Afra leave... HBA's agents contacted NUFC which could meet those goals. OM decided to ask for more and no doubt NUFC said no, they preferred the original deal. Dassier tries to shop him to other clubs and probably got some limited response from Bremen so he's just trying to play NUFC and Bremen off of eachother, but both Bremen and NUFC are playing it close to their chest so Ben Afra hasn't gone anywhere. Dassier's a cunt.

No matter what happens Dassier will not get what he wanst out of this deal. So it will just be down to who he wants to be a bigger cunt to. Right now it looks like he's talking up Bremen out of spite to NUFC and HBA's represenatives. Hopefully Bremen will piss him off more so he'll send him to us.

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French journo just been on talksport. Said he's heard tonight the deal is completely scupperd.


Who's deal? ours ?


Aye. Was talking about some centre half to arsenal then the players France will look to to be a playmaker. Mentioned a few, nasri was one although he's injured then mentioned ben arfa. Said he'd heard tonight that that deal to Newcastle was scupperd. Can't remember his name but they were talking like he's on regular. Is he reliable?

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I am so fucking sick of this... so now he is not going to Germany ?


They're saying he isn't.


Who was it that first said he was ?


good news for us (I HOPE)


Some shit french paper.


Fkn cheese munching surrender monkeys


I'm an eighth French ...


If something similar was said about Jews/Blacks etc there would be a ban.

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Guest BooBoo

Ashley doesnt seem the sort to really be interested in negotiations. We've stuck our oar in for the loan with option to buy, been turned down by Marseilles and promptly walked away from the deal. Just watch the lad end up somewhere like Fulham now. In all likelihood this has been dead in terms of our interest for a couple of days.



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French journo just been on talksport. Said he's heard tonight the deal is completely scupperd.


Who's deal? ours ?


Aye. Was talking about some centre half to arsenal then the players France will look to to be a playmaker. Mentioned a few, nasri was one although he's injured then mentioned ben arfa. Said he'd heard tonight that that deal to Newcastle was scupperd. Can't remember his name but they were talking like he's on regular. Is he reliable?


Probably reading the same shit in the press that we are.

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Hands up who thought he'd signed then.


For Bremen? Me. I'm that person that everyone moans about on here who believes all the negative coverage and none of the positive though.


Nah man, I had some SMF connection errors for a couple of minutes. Automatically checked .cock and SSN. :blush: :blush: :facepalm:

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