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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest Haris Vuckic

I was taking the p*ss with half back like ;)


I would call Barton a centre midfielder because it's where he plays best.


That's a whole different argument


In which case we move to a very, very basic argument.


If Barton is playing on the right of midfield - he's a right midfielder. If he plays in goal he is a goal keeper. If he plays as a winger he's a winger. etc etc


Surely by your logic it should be if he plays on the wing he's a winger?  therefore Jonas and Obertan are wingers.


I'm going to sit with the rest of the football world on this one.


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I was taking the p*ss with half back like ;)


I would call Barton a centre midfielder because it's where he plays best.


That's a whole different argument


In which case we move to a very, very basic argument.


If Barton is playing on the right of midfield - he's a right midfielder. If he plays in goal he is a goal keeper. If he plays as a winger he's a winger. etc etc


Surely by your logic it should be if he plays on the wing he's a winger?  therefore Jonas and Obertan are wingers.


I'm going to sit with the rest of the football world on this one.



Yep, me too.  Ask most of the football world what position Jonas plays I'm pretty sure the answer would be winger/on the wing. 

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Guest Haris Vuckic

When was the last time Man United played a 4-4-2? :lol: 


This is completely pointless from the off but I digress.


Look up the difference between a few basic formations, say - 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 5-3-2, etc etc and write down what you would say a position is and what basic responsibilities are then go to a match, have some banter with people older than 20, read a book etc etc.



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Guest Haris Vuckic


He created a few chances and looked dangerous with a bit more confidence it's certainly progress and I wouldn't be surprised to see him really turn up against Man United, a team that have courted him on several occasions.

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When was the last time Man United played a 4-4-2? :lol: 


This is completely pointless from the off but I digress.


Look up the difference between a few basic formations, say - 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 5-3-2, etc etc and write down what you would say a position is and what basic responsibilities are then go to a match, have some banter with people older than 20, read a book etc etc.




Again, I agree, completely pointless.  Then again I wasn't the pedant who started it. Also, for your information I am 32, go to football matches pretty regularly and work for a book publisher (one of my imprints being sports titles only) so I feel I can comfortably say I have read more books than you have.

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Guest hatem garrincha

his most important contribution was giving away a daft penalty.


What a load of garbage. Such a mackem anti-NUFC s***


Well, no, it's actually a fact. :lol:


Who would you be supporting right now if Hatem had signed for the mackems, eh? Such a whore.


The penalty is a fact yes but it's "his most important contribution" for RDT posters.

Hatem hadn't signed for the mackems, so you question is pointless as usual and he didn't choose Newcastle by accident.

The subject here isn't my person neither, but the load of s*** you're capable of when talking about this player.


It clearly was his most important contribution, you fairy. He played well but that's the only action that directly impacted the scoreline.


By all means attack my opinions, although it's becoming very tedious to say the least. Quite laughable that you (and countless other minions) come on here looking for an argument with those of us who pay your fantasy man's salary. That it offends you so deeply that I want him to play RW says everything that needs to be said about you as a person - if joining this forum simply because of one player didn't already.


Nothing offends me young boy and absolutely not the fact you want him to play RW.

Was just pointing out your big "expertise" about him ("a player who's played his best football out wide") and if you had a minimum of "savoir vivre" (and brain) you would have welcome people like me and the minions who are able to inform you about a player you know nothing about, instead of telling them everyday that they're strangers and therefor without valid arguments to oppose to yours, even if yours are absolutely s*** 

What a beautiful mentality.






We played him out wide to good effect before his injury and I also saw this for Marseille on a few occasions. That's the extent of my knowledge and I've never implied otherwise. It's my opinion, that in English football, he's most suited to a free-role out wide. This is also based on what I've seen this season.


I welcome opinions when they're objective, lucid and without bias. Yours are none of these things. You also seem unable to accept that the vast majority of us just want NUFC to win games and Ben Arfa's personal development must be achieved secondary to this. We're not a circus for him to perform tricks; we're a proud football club that will embrace a highly talented and enigmatic footballer such as Hatem should he contribute to our cause.


Oh, and stop the French. You've been told before.


1- He's very good as a winger but it's not correct to say that his best football had always been out wide. It would have been an "opinion" if you had seen him play off the striker at Lyon in 2007-2008 and the first months of his  first season at Marseille with Gerets. You're giving an "opinion" on a matter, setting aside a lot of elements you ignore. It's not an opinion. it's just pretentiousness.


2- You're not capable to quote just one opinion about him which was "biaised" and I never said that Ben Arfa was above the club. You're talking to yourself, ô self-centered young Ronaldo.


3- savoir-vivre is a very sophisticated english word.



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his most important contribution was giving away a daft penalty.


What a load of garbage. Such a mackem anti-NUFC s***


Well, no, it's actually a fact. :lol:


Who would you be supporting right now if Hatem had signed for the mackems, eh? Such a whore.


The penalty is a fact yes but it's "his most important contribution" for RDT posters.

Hatem hadn't signed for the mackems, so you question is pointless as usual and he didn't choose Newcastle by accident.

The subject here isn't my person neither, but the load of s*** you're capable of when talking about this player.


It clearly was his most important contribution, you fairy. He played well but that's the only action that directly impacted the scoreline.


By all means attack my opinions, although it's becoming very tedious to say the least. Quite laughable that you (and countless other minions) come on here looking for an argument with those of us who pay your fantasy man's salary. That it offends you so deeply that I want him to play RW says everything that needs to be said about you as a person - if joining this forum simply because of one player didn't already.


Nothing offends me young boy and absolutely not the fact you want him to play RW.

Was just pointing out your big "expertise" about him ("a player who's played his best football out wide") and if you had a minimum of "savoir vivre" (and brain) you would have welcome people like me and the minions who are able to inform you about a player you know nothing about, instead of telling them everyday that they're strangers and therefor without valid arguments to oppose to yours, even if yours are absolutely s*** 

What a beautiful mentality.






We played him out wide to good effect before his injury and I also saw this for Marseille on a few occasions. That's the extent of my knowledge and I've never implied otherwise. It's my opinion, that in English football, he's most suited to a free-role out wide. This is also based on what I've seen this season.


I welcome opinions when they're objective, lucid and without bias. Yours are none of these things. You also seem unable to accept that the vast majority of us just want NUFC to win games and Ben Arfa's personal development must be achieved secondary to this. We're not a circus for him to perform tricks; we're a proud football club that will embrace a highly talented and enigmatic footballer such as Hatem should he contribute to our cause.


Oh, and stop the French. You've been told before.


1- He's very good as a winger but it's not correct to say that his best football had always been out wide. It would have been an "opinion" if you had seen him play off the striker at Lyon in 2007-2008 and the first months of his  first season at Marseille with Gerets. You're giving an "opinion" on a matter, setting aside a lot of elements you ignore. It's not an opinion. it's just pretentiousness.


2- You're not capable to quote just one opinion about him which was "biaised" and I never said that Ben Arfa was above the club. You're talking to yourself, ô self-centered young Ronaldo.


3- savoir-vivre is a very sophisticated english word.




You've followed him here. That's pretty much the definition of bias satisfied, without each and every single one of your posts being about him and why our waters should part for the lad.


It's 'pretentiousness' that I give an opinion based on what I've personally seen? :lol: Aye, right. p*ss off.

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Guest Haris Vuckic


I think 'Match' magazine would even help you at the moment mateybot.


Good one - lend me yours will you, mateybot.


There's a chance I might have an old annual in the loft, I'll help you if I can sweetie x

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Id call Jonas & Obertan wingers every day of the week, bizarre topic to argue  :lol:


Back to the whole Ben Arfa actually getting in the side topic


I dont see how people can look past Pardew stating that he doesnt believe Ben Arfa enjoys playing there, that opinion will have come from some form of discussion. Potentially a discussion that was involved in the lad signing for us, add in the lack of defensive work as others have stated and its not a clear situation atall. It likely is between him & best imo & that isnt an obvious choice by any means either.

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Guest hatem garrincha

You've followed him here. That's pretty much the definition of bias satisfied, without each and every single one of your posts being about him and why our waters should part for the lad.


It's 'pretentiousness' that I give an opinion based on what I've personally seen? Aye, right. p*ss off.


If Pip is "biased", so am I. But Pip isn't "biased" because he's a newcastle fan since his birth...I am because i'm not...


You didn't write : "on what I've personnaly seen, he has played his best football out wide". You just wrote that he has played his best football out wide in a discussion where his position in the whole was questioned.

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