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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest neesy111

Nut how long will you accept his assertion that the club makes no money then, when it clearly used to make a lot more even with a massive mortgage to pay? Will you just believe him indefinitely that 25 million plus in gate money and 40 million in sky money just vanishes every year on Leon Best's wages? When we're still a yo-yo club in 2020 and still spending zero, is that still ok?


Mate, I can see you've been pushing this for a couple of days, but folk just don't seem to get it. I do btw.


so do I, the club must think we dont take notice in these matters or are not intelligent enough to understand financial matters

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Where the hell have I accepted it? People are asking why we're not spending so I'm giving possible reasons why. Doesn't mean I'm happy with it.

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Guest neesy111

Nut how long will you accept his assertion that the club makes no money then, when it clearly used to make a lot more even with a massive mortgage to pay? Will you just believe him indefinitely that 25 million plus in gate money and 40 million in sky money just vanishes every year on Leon Best's wages? When we're still a yo-yo club in 2020 and still spending zero, is that still ok?


Surely you can grasp that it's not about accepting his patter or trusting the bloke, the fact is what he has said has for the most part been echoed in the accounts. If the accounts show that we are now raking it in as opposed to losing money year on year, then I'll happily hammer the bloke for not investing that money in the team, but as it stands I'd doubt it. If we were making money he'd surely do what most chairman do and start charging interest on his loans for a start.


it's his fault the club has been losing money, he's been in charge 3 years now.  If an owner of a business cannot change things in matters relating to finances even in 1 year let alone 3, then really he shouldn't be owning a business

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Nut how long will you accept his assertion that the club makes no money then, when it clearly used to make a lot more even with a massive mortgage to pay? Will you just believe him indefinitely that 25 million plus in gate money and 40 million in sky money just vanishes every year on Leon Best's wages? When we're still a yo-yo club in 2020 and still spending zero, is that still ok?



Mate, I can see you've been pushing this for a couple of days, but folk just don't seem to get it. I do btw.


The club isn't making profit, just look at the accounts - and we just spent a year in the Championship with all those players you listed with high salaries. 


He did that because, in theory, we should stay up with these players.


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Guest neesy111


so where has that money gone then?


The money has gone to reduce our operating loss.


operating loss to which he's responsible for (i.e. giving players like colocino 85k a week for example) and it was his mistakes that got the club relegated!

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Nut how long will you accept his assertion that the club makes no money then, when it clearly used to make a lot more even with a massive mortgage to pay? Will you just believe him indefinitely that 25 million plus in gate money and 40 million in sky money just vanishes every year on Leon Best's wages? When we're still a yo-yo club in 2020 and still spending zero, is that still ok?


Surely you can grasp that it's not about accepting his patter or trusting the bloke, the fact is what he has said has for the most part been echoed in the accounts. If the accounts show that we are now raking it in as opposed to losing money year on year, then I'll happily hammer the bloke for not investing that money in the team, but as it stands I'd doubt it. If we were making money he'd surely do what most chairman do and start charging interest on his loans for a start.


it's his fault the club has been losing money, he's been in charge 3 years now.  If an owner of a business cannot change things in matters relating to finances even in 1 year let alone 3, then really he shouldn't be owning a business


But he can only 'change things' by making changes to how the business is run... in Ashley's case that is by restricting spending and reducing the wage bill.

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Guest neesy111

Ashley has been in charge for 3 years, and what has he done about losses not one bit, his decisions have actually made them worse and promptly got us relegated, he himself should pay for his own mistakes.


if people themselves are going to be skint for 5-10 years they bankrupt themselves, maybe it's better that we should do it?

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so where has that money gone then?


The money has gone to reduce our operating loss.


operating loss to which he's responsible for (i.e. giving players like colocino 85k a week for example) and it was his mistakes that got the club relegated!


So how does that support the argument that he can afford to spend money exactly?

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Guest neesy111

Nut how long will you accept his assertion that the club makes no money then, when it clearly used to make a lot more even with a massive mortgage to pay? Will you just believe him indefinitely that 25 million plus in gate money and 40 million in sky money just vanishes every year on Leon Best's wages? When we're still a yo-yo club in 2020 and still spending zero, is that still ok?


Surely you can grasp that it's not about accepting his patter or trusting the bloke, the fact is what he has said has for the most part been echoed in the accounts. If the accounts show that we are now raking it in as opposed to losing money year on year, then I'll happily hammer the bloke for not investing that money in the team, but as it stands I'd doubt it. If we were making money he'd surely do what most chairman do and start charging interest on his loans for a start.


it's his fault the club has been losing money, he's been in charge 3 years now.  If an owner of a business cannot change things in matters relating to finances even in 1 year let alone 3, then really he shouldn't be owning a business


But he can only 'change things' by making changes to how the business is run... in Ashley's case that is by restricting spending and reducing the wage bill.


which in his first 2 years, he actually put another £10 million on the wage bill.

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And if people are going to start getting pedantic then since we sold players last summer to help cushion the blow of relegation financially, we've actually got a 'net spend' as people love to use, of about £6m in 2010.

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So we signed Barton, Ferdinand, Shearer, Ginola et al on debt then ten years later it came back to bite us? What a load of rubbish.


Nut you've not answered my question. How long will you accept the club spending zero on players?




Chill Willi we are gonna be just fine  I know some here are thier glass is half empety but mine is always half full we will do just fine this season... And surprise the nay Sayers ....... Starting this Sunday ....

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How long are you prepared to accept his word that we are skint? Five, ten, twenty years? Newcastle United ran self sufficiently at the top level for nearly 15 years, all the while paying top end transfer fees. Now suddenly a 5m fee will cripple the club despite us selling 50m worth of players within the last 2 years as well as slashing the wage bill that Ashley built up?


He is a proven liar and I don't believe for a second that he's not lying on this. How long is everyone still going to take his word as gospel? ???


It was widely accepted on this forum - that he was putting in £20 million a year - of his own wealth - into the club a year.  I think IIRC the clubs accounts proved this too.


Since then we have had relegation and a worldwide recession.  Now if that nugget of info was accepted (20 mil a year) as fact here last time around - how are we better financially now?  Surely we would be in a worse state right?


The money he "put into the club" was largely to pay for the change in policy to pay up front for players coming in while getting instalments for players sold. Take 08-09 for example. We spent over £26m on Guthrie, Bassong, Coloccini, Xisco, Nolan & Taylor plus whatever Gutierrez ended up costing, so say around £30m spent.

We sold Rozenhal, Emre, Faye, Milner, Given & N'Zogbia also for around £30m.


All in all no net spend or even a slight profit in transfers. HOWEVER we would only actually have received a fraction of that £30m (typically a quarter) in that year for some or all of those players we sold. So we may only have received around £10m in that year for the players sold.


No net spend but £30m out, £10m in. Do you see where generous Mike's money went? It didn't go into the club in any way which added value to the team, it was just used to set the club up to make higher profits in future years. Profits we should be seeing now. He could say look at me aren't I great putting £20m a year in, when all he was doing was effectively putting it in the bank for later withdrawl.

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Guest neesy111


so where has that money gone then?


The money has gone to reduce our operating loss.


operating loss to which he's responsible for (i.e. giving players like colocino 85k a week for example) and it was his mistakes that got the club relegated!


So how does that support the argument that he can afford to spend money exactly?


for those mistakes he should be covering those losses himself, instead of using the fan's money for that which he clearly is

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Guest neesy111

And if people are going to start getting pedantic then since we sold players last summer to help cushion the blow of relegation financially, we've actually got a 'net spend' as people love to use, of about £6m in 2010.


we are due to receive 10M for those transfers from last summer though, what is happening with that money

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Probably covering the sponsorship money and wages blown on Owen.


Ashley has masterfully negotiated a new sponsorship deal at half the previous rate now though hasn't he?


The club really is being turned round financially.

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Guest neesy111

Probably covering the sponsorship money and wages blown on Owen.


Ashley has masterfully negotiated a new sponsorship deal at half the previous rate now though hasn't he?


The club really is being turned round financially.


tbf, that's because of the economic state we are in now

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I think Wullie raises a very valid question. The explanation of why we were previously able to invest huge sums is based around 3 financial drivers; growth, debt and inflation. The reasons things have changed is exactly the same reason why people no longer are piling into the propert market.


In the early 90s the club was essentially (in modern terms) debt free. The growth in revenue over the decade was directly invested back into the club to buy assets. Those assets were subject to price inflation (average player values were rising) meaning the balance sheets always looked healthy. Then we floated on the stock exchange which led to a massive injection of capital, giving us more resources to invest (either directly or indirectly). Finally we, like everyone else in the country borrowed against these historical growth and asset price inflation rates. The credit was super cheap and readily available as cheap credit poured into the Uk from overseas lenders. Now credit is unavailable in all markets considered to have been driven by the credit bubble, which football has been in the last 8 or so years.


Havind said all that I think ashley is trying to recoup some money, lies about finances and is being an idiot as he has nno experience of football. As many have pointed out instead of pissing about with Ryan Taylor, Simpson and Perch, he could have spent all that money on a proper right back. It's false Economy this frugalness and this will be proven at the end of his season if he doesn't invest now.

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Guest neesy111

Quite simply, for this club to progress we need an owner that will back his manager the right way and has a clue of how to run a business, with some knowledge for how football works

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Guest geordiemuff

All your money questions and gossip about how we r skint , no w er not skint banter set up a new thread and you can have your arguements on that  as it as Jack all to do wtih Hatem Ben Arfa .


Any news on HBA

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Guest neesy111

All your money questions and gossip about how we r skint , no w er not skint banter set up a new thread and you can have your arguements on that  as it as Jack all to do wtih Hatem Ben Arfa .


Any news on HBA


That is even worse spelling and grammar than me! :lol:

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I think Wullie raises a very valid question. The explanation of why we were previously able to invest huge sums is based around 3 financial drivers; growth, debt and inflation. The reasons things have changed is exactly the same reason why people no longer are piling into the propert market.


In the early 90s the club was essentially (in modern terms) debt free. The growth in revenue over the decade was directly invested back into the club to buy assets. Those assets were subject to price inflation (average player values were rising) meaning the balance sheets always looked healthy. Then we floated on the stock exchange which led to a massive injection of capital, giving us more resources to invest (either directly or indirectly). Finally we, like everyone else in the country borrowed against these historical growth and asset price inflation rates. The credit was super cheap and readily available as cheap credit poured into the Uk from overseas lenders. Now credit is unavailable in all markets considered to have been driven by the credit bubble, which football has been in the last 8 or so years.


Havind said all that I think ashley is trying to recoup some money, lies about finances and is being an idiot as he has nno experience of football. As many have pointed out instead of pissing about with Ryan Taylor, Simpson and Perch, he could have spent all that money on a proper right back. It's false Economy this frugalness and this will be proven at the end of his season if he doesn't invest now.


Nice posting mon ami.

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