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Hatem Ben Arfa

Guest sicko2ndbest

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Guest zinaldo1982

Marseille are to be offering fabiano a salary of 334.000 pounds a week,i think anyone would interested and don't forget he is almost 31 years old so this would represent his last big contract.

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Guest zinaldo1982

A lot of things are depending on them selling players by example,they want alou diarra but have to sell benoit cheyrou to buy and they want fabiano and are ready to pay 13 and 15m euros for him but the block is on the salary luis fabiano wants which is £4.1m  whereas marseillle only want to offer him £3.1 m over 3 years.


They are going to sell niang for £8.3m on thursday despite deschamps being against it which now means them having a rethink about selling or loaning ben arfa to us for 1m pounds despite ben arfa making it clear to them that he wants to leave.

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Guest zinaldo1982

from what i have just read dassier has now refused to meet us for talks about ben arfa despite it being scheduled before,they are not willing to let him leave as it would weaken them too much .

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Guest zinaldo1982

because i want good players to play,what is the point of them keeping him when it is pretty clear the manager dislikes and doesn't rate him one bit and would rather play a player because they track back a lot more even if they don't do s.. all going forward.

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from what i have just read dassier has now refused to meet us for talks about ben arfa despite it being scheduled before,they are not willing to let him leave as it would weaken them too much .

so basically they dont have the slightest clue what they're doing from one day to the next

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Guest zinaldo1982

Now it looks like we are going to have to make them an offer of a permanent deal for them to let him leave because they need the cash and are not liking the loan fee we are paying them for him whereas if we were to at least offer them 5.5 to 6 millions maybe they would be willing to let him,especially that ben arfa is keen on coming here.


Remember they want to buy alou diarra for £6.2m so it would help them a lot if we made that offer.

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Guest zinaldo1982

Deschamps would rather let ben arfa go but he wants a new striker and to do so the club needs cash and right now only niang has an offer and is willing to go despite didier wanting to pair him with fabiano and the fact that ben arfa has turned down moves to clubs that offered the money marseille need to buy then they have no choice but to sell niang and in doing so keeping hatem,unfortunately for us.

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Guest zinaldo1982

I am using my little brain because like i have said they would rather sell him but ben arfa has refused every offers of cash permanent deals because he would rather come to the premier league but now marseille have to sell niang to buy a striker but cannot allow ben arfa to leave on a loan because the team would be weaker for it.


But if we were to make them an offer of 6m pounds given that next year they would have to sell him for 3m pounds then i am sure they would let him go.


You get me now,brotha.

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Guest Wally_McFool

but now marseille have to sell niang to buy a striker but cannot allow ben arfa to leave on a loan because the team would be weaker for it.



Straight swap, Ben Arfa for Xisco then Marseilles have their striker....   simples!      :laugh:

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Guest zinaldo1982

Ben arfa is in a bad situation he can't be seen making too many bad noised especially with the new national team coach talking about respect but he also knows that deschamps if he could,would never start him so what does he do.


I am sure even if we pay the money to buy and he flops there would be enough teams to buy him back for at least half what we paid for him.

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Guest ObiChrisKenobi

so what is the latest, can some1 please summarise


Very little  has changed. Deal may or may not happen. Who knows.

Speculation in France that if they sell Niang, they won't let Ben Arfa leave, but that is purely based on the comments from the Marseille president saying that we haven't agreed a deal YET (with yet underlined, in bold, and big writing)



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