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Cheick Tioté (1986-2017)


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Ronaldo, you shouldn't let your ego cloud your judgement, we all make mistakes and bigger the man who is prepared to admit to one when evidence points completely to the contrary of what they are preaching...

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Being s*** for 2 years isn''t bad form though.  Bad form is when you have a bad couple of games, maybe a month.  2 years is something else and for me it's rank bad coaching.  Trying to turn him into Essien was a ridiculously stupid move.


So he was shit the entire season we finished 5th? Playing in nearly all of those games when we won 6 on a trot. Man United at home 3-0. Chelsea away 2-0. Playing in those opening 6-7 games we went unbeaten. All the way crap yeah? Okay.

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Ronaldo, you shouldn't let your ego cloud your judgement, we all make mistakes and bigger the man who is prepared to admit to one when evidence points completely to the contrary of what they are preaching...


Good, because I wholeheartedly believe that you're wrong and will look forward to you possibly admitting it. :thup:



Stand by everything I said there.


what bothers me about your opinion is that you won't accept that external factors may have had a major influence on him looking so shit, he's just shit and that it :lol:


As I've said a million times on here, he has very little of what I look for in a midfielder. It's that simple. No coincidence to me whatsoever that we play much, much better football with Anita on the pitch in his place.

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Guest firetotheworks

Being good at one thing (breaking up play and playing it simple) doesn't make you a good footballer, though. Whenever he's been used to try and do more than that he's come up badly short. He hadn't even been good at breaking things down for a while and just bulldozed through people like a complete idiot.


He's our version of Nigel De Jong (and I know that I say that all the time) in that he looks good when you have a team that is defending and won't/can't retain possession for long periods. At the moment that looks like us, but whenever we keep the ball and need someone to keep it moving, he looks crap. We have Anita for that, we just need to use him.

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Ronaldo, you shouldn't let your ego cloud your judgement, we all make mistakes and bigger the man who is prepared to admit to one when evidence points completely to the contrary of what they are preaching...


Good, because I wholeheartedly believe that you're wrong and will look forward to you possibly admitting it. :thup:


LOL, I like that!

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Ronaldo, you shouldn't let your ego cloud your judgement, we all make mistakes and bigger the man who is prepared to admit to one when evidence points completely to the contrary of what they are preaching...


Good, because I wholeheartedly believe that you're wrong and will look forward to you possibly admitting it. :thup:



LOL, I like that!

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Being good at one thing (breaking up play and playing it simple) doesn't make you a good footballer, though. Whenever he's been used to try and do more than that he's come up badly short. He hadn't even been good at breaking things down for a while and just bulldozed through people like a complete idiot.


He's our version of Nigel De Jong (and I know that I say that all the time) in that he looks good when you have a team that is defending and won't/can't retain possession for long periods. At the moment that looks like us, but whenever we keep the ball and need someone to keep it moving, he looks crap. We have Anita for that, we just need to use him.

Agree completely with second paragraph. We have to realize that different teams need different approaches, hope Pardew does aswell and it's not a case of his pragmatic approach rather than the soundbites he gave us earlier on in the season i.e. possession attacking football..

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I don't think the dispute is about Anita or Chieck, according to Ron chieck is a "crap" footballer in all aspects. The rest of us like to point out that there should be a balance between defensive and offensive facets to their play i.e. Anita's offensive play outweighs his defensive and vice versa with Chieck.

I don't think Norwich will be such a pushover TBH, hope the players don't have our nonchalant, "we'll win" attitude. Banana skin suitably placed...

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No problem.

I think we all know he is not Messi with the ball at his feet but if he keeps it simple his game contribution raises to really great levels. We have other players in the team who can make "those" passes and dictate rythym. Equilibrium is equally important in the midfield and I think that between Anita and Chieck we have two expamples of how the team can lean one way or another depending on who is on the pitch and the type of opposition.

We actually look better with a 442 than with the 433

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Hang on lads ive hooked a big un.


I actually agree with you. Tiotes a good player to a certain level but I feel hes rendered usless against weaker sides, or simply when we have more possession.


However give him a backs to the wall game and he'll be a standout player.


He's a valuable player in that sense.

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that's funny like, 'cause when he was shit and other people were saying what ronaldo is saying just now he was busy telling everyone that tiote wasn't a footballer - would like to see these posts where he was advocating a selective role for him 'cause i really don't recall any

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that's funny like, 'cause when he was shit and other people were saying what ronaldo is saying just now he was busy telling everyone that tiote wasn't a footballer - would like to see these posts where he was advocating a selective role for him 'cause i really don't recall any


Who cares?

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that's funny like, 'cause when he was shit and other people were saying what ronaldo is saying just now he was busy telling everyone that tiote wasn't a footballer - would like to see these posts where he was advocating a selective role for him 'cause i really don't recall any


Who cares?


what the fuck ian? :lol:

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I find that the length's of players "poor form" gets exaggerated on this forum at times, and a certain amount of history re-writing takes place.


Tiote hasn't been terrible for 2 years. He was poor on the whole last season, and average the season before with some decent performances thrown in. Certain people tend to keep repeating the same bollocks until it almost seems like it's become consensus so no one questions it.


Jonas is victim to this treatment as well. Whilst I wholeheartedly agree that he shouldn't be near our first 11 anymore, he has had some prolonged spells throughout his time here where he's looked a decent attacking winger (I recall reading various comments regarding an improvement in his crossing over a 6-12 month period a couple of seasons ago).


I appreciate that it's an internet forum so there's going to be an element of hyperbole, especially around matchday when posts are 99% passion 1% reason, but in my time on this forum I've noticed a lot of exaggerations regarding players' form, and a brushing under the carpet of the good they've done, especially when posters appear to have an agenda with the player.

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that's funny like, 'cause when he was shit and other people were saying what ronaldo is saying just now he was busy telling everyone that tiote wasn't a footballer - would like to see these posts where he was advocating a selective role for him 'cause i really don't recall any


Who cares?


what the fuck ian? :lol:


Sorry marra. Just find this so-and-so said this in the past stuff quite tiring. Possibly because I've talked so much bollocks myself.

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Guest firetotheworks

There's an archive for a reason. If you can't stand by what you say or hold your handd up when you're wrong then you should probably grow thicker skin or accept the nature of the beast.

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