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Alan Pardew


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He didn't have the power to tell him not to leave - so what's your point?


Do you think Pardew received an offer from Liverpool and then decided to accept it?  Seriously... what are you talking about???


Pardews quotes regardin the transfer, notice the bits in bold.  I seemed to remember that it was Pardew who had asked Carroll to put his request in writing, it appears that he was in agreement with Ashley and Llambias on that one.  Before the "New contract in October" is used.  Tiote signed a contract in August and a new one in February.  I have no problem with that, it's double standards to do it for him yet refuse to do the same for Carroll.




We turned down a big offer, and they came back with a second big offer, Pardew said.


We were having a discussion about what we were going to do with that offer when Andy requested to see me.


I went to see Andy, and face to face we had a conversation about him wanting a new contract, even though he signed on in October, and (he said) if he didnt get that contract, he wanted go.


I asked him what he wanted, and I went to the board. We had a discussion about what the ramifications would be for the whole club.


We took the view, with him signing a contract in October, that this would cause us all sorts of problems.


We decided that we needed the conversation confirmed, and he put in a transfer request, which he did.


He spoke to his agent, and between them they put the request in. We decided with the size of the offer, and what it meant to us, that we would accept.




That's your 'evidence' for suggesting that Pardew decided to sell Carroll?  What even makes you think that he had any kind of say in the matter??  You honestly think if Pardew had said that Carroll shouldn't leave, Ashley wouldn't have sold him?  How deluded are you?

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After the dust has settled, I'm of the opinion that both sides had their role to play in that transfer. Ashley was ready to sell for big money and Carroll was ready to move to the LEGENDARY Liverpool (imo, he was tapped up long before deadline day)

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After the dust has settled, I'm of the opinion that both sides had their role to play in that transfer. Ashley was ready to sell for big money and Carroll was ready to move to the LEGENDARY Liverpool (imo, he was tapped up long before deadline day)


Yeah of course, I've never thought that Ashley didn't take the opportunity to cash in.


Anyway, this thread is about the legendary Pards... I think he's done alright so far.

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3 months to the day since Hughton was sacked.


Yes it's early, but how much progress have we made with Pardew in charge.



We've made some progress. We had solid wins against the obviously weaker opponents, which we didn't have under CH. Also, Pards has faced tougher opponents during his stints, and had top cope with more injuries than Ch. Some of the points dropped were very undeserving too. We have not the depth to replace the likes of Barton, so our results will suffer accordingly when he and the likes of Tiote are missing. Very little do with it.


I think Pards has fared quite well. The points dropped against Tham and Sland, hinders him from landing  in the "brilliantly" category

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Guest Roger Kint

Its hardly any fault of Pardew that Harper pushed a ball at Gyan on 94 minutes and Barton gave away a last minute pass ffs

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.


he's responsible for bringing tiote on in the cup

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Was going to come on here and give Pardew special praise if he'd got more than two points over the past two games. As it is, he still deserves praise for his performance lately in my view. 1 win in 9 is very bad in my view, but I feel we could have performed worse lately and be more disheartened than we are now, and I think he's demonstrated talent in seeing that not be the case.


All the same, my long term view remains unchanged. It's precisely the opposite of whoever said little things have been bad but the bigger picture is bright. He's played a significant role in making the results we've achieved lately impressive instead of expected. The Everton match highlighted some of his problems and kicked the myth he's been propagating that he and he alone has improved our defence and organisation squarely in the balls.


I recall Mick made a good point earlier, about the excuses he makes. He's one of the biggest self-justifiers I know of in the game, he's constantly on the lookout for ways to claim credit and avoid blame for/association with bad things. Among other things that will eventually dismantle the spirit among 'this group of lads'.

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.


he's responsible for bringing tiote on in the cup


I know. He's not the only manager who decides he really fancies winning a cup game after already picking his reserves though. Ancelotti lost about 3 players doing that against us.

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Was going to come on here and give Pardew special praise if he'd got more than two points over the past two games. As it is, he still deserves praise for his performance lately in my view. 1 win in 9 is very bad in my view, but I feel we could have performed worse lately and be more disheartened than we are now, and I think he's demonstrated talent in seeing that not be the case.


All the same, my long term view remains unchanged. It's precisely the opposite of whoever said little things have been bad but the bigger picture is bright. He's played a significant role in making the results we've achieved lately impressive instead of expected. The Everton match highlighted some of his problems and kicked the myth he's been propagating that he and he alone has improved our defence and organisation squarely in the balls.


I recall Mick made a good point earlier, about the excuses he makes. He's one of the biggest self-justifiers I know of in the game, he's constantly on the lookout for ways to claim credit and avoid blame for/association with bad things. Among other things that will eventually dismantle the spirit among 'this group of lads'.


Agreed. I think he's done pretty well considering how it could have gone for him but my overall feeling for the long term is much the same as when he arrived.

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Guest Roger Kint

Its hardly any fault of Pardew that Harper pushed a ball at Gyan on 94 minutes and Barton gave away a last minute pass ffs




Best you can manage? Good to see your unbiased and rational opinion as always

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.


he's responsible for bringing tiote on in the cup


That he was. Due to his previous success with WH in the cup, he probably wanted to repeat the story with us and therefore he used many key players in that game. This was a strategy I was not very fond of. I was more in line with CH: Survival first, and only mount a good team if  we're closing in on the finals. But it was Tiote's choice to lunge into that tackle. Although he hit the ball, the injury potential was big if he missed it.  Still Pardew should have avoided using him, Tiote's inexperience made him liable to perform such a tackle.  If I had a choice between winning the Stevenage match and keeping Tiote the three matches that followed, I would have taken the latter option. Cup doesn't mean shit as long as we're not staying up.

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3 months to the day since Hughton was sacked.


Yes it's early, but how much progress have we made with Pardew in charge.



We've made some progress. We had solid wins against the obviously weaker opponents, which we didn't have under CH. Also, Pards has faced tougher opponents during his stints, and had top cope with more injuries than Ch. Some of the points dropped were very undeserving too. We have not the depth to replace the likes of Barton, so our results will suffer accordingly when he and the likes of Tiote are missing. Very little do with it.


I think Pards has fared quite well. The points dropped against Tham and Sland, hinders him from landing  in the "brilliantly" category


I disagree with this, consider the win against West Ham - two wins against Wigan and Birmingham aren't that spectacular. Also consider that until recently (curiously), Hughton's wins against Aston Villa and Everton were considered 'strong teams'. Furthermore, consider the nature of this season, in which 19th placed Wolverhampton have beaten Manchester United and City, Arsenal and Chelsea - which teams are 'weaker' than us, or almost anyone for that matter? Finally, I also think we haven't picked up as many wins/points against 'better' teams that we would have done under Hughton, but take that for what you will... The claim Hughton didn't face many opponents that were deemed tough can't be justified.


I also suspect the injuries are partly as a result of his training practices. Can't prove it, but we'll just have to see if this new 'bad luck' stays with us.


Edit: Just re-read the bit I bolded in my own post and want to clarify it - my point is that those results were actually held against Hughton by some people on the grounds they were against 'strong' teams and we needed to beat 'weak' ones. Just recently I've seen one or two reclassify them as beating 'weaker' teams, and managing to use that against Hughton too. Either way, they were good results and if people are saying they're officially weak teams, then we weren't so bad at dispatching them under him after all. And Pardew just dropped a bollock against Everton, too...

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.


he's responsible for bringing tiote on in the cup


I know. He's not the only manager who decides he really fancies winning a cup game after already picking his reserves though. Ancelotti lost about 3 players doing that against us.


thats just noise. i'm not taking you seriously at all if you talk about pardew missing tiote, that was one of the stupidest managerial decsions i've ever seen, he gave sammy lee a run for his money.

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Was going to come on here and give Pardew special praise if he'd got more than two points over the past two games. As it is, he still deserves praise for his performance lately in my view. 1 win in 9 is very bad in my view, but I feel we could have performed worse lately and be more disheartened than we are now, and I think he's demonstrated talent in seeing that not be the case.


We cannot blame Pards for not picking up all points in the last two matches. The injury on Barton radically changed our winning chances. As previously mentioned. we have no sufficient depth to replace key players. And as that injury wasn't enough, both Ranger and Ireland missed out, players that we actually though would play a role against Everton.  Contrast this to eg Lpool when they met Man U. The injury on Ferdinand and the Vidic suspension, increased their winning chances significantly. And even Man U doesn't have good enough players to replace them.

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Agree with Punk and Roger, any manager can only work with the players he has and can't be responsible for their errors.


We've looked good for the majority of the time under Pards, we could well be a few points better off than we are. Any time Tiote is missing we will struggle, we just don't have anyone else who can even pretend to protect the back 4.


he's responsible for bringing tiote on in the cup


I know. He's not the only manager who decides he really fancies winning a cup game after already picking his reserves though. Ancelotti lost about 3 players doing that against us.


If he wanted to win the cup and had good sense, he would have played the reserves. And yes, I did think that before the game. Given our preparations - games just before and afterwards, the idiotic tactics required to shoehorn our main uninjured first teamers into an eleven for the match etc. there was absolutely no logic in what he did compared to giving our well-motivated and pre-gelled reserves a go given how respectable their previous performances in cups had been.


The Tiote substitution just compounded the issue by then as it was clear in the circumstances that the game was lost and a half-injured yet vital-in-the-long-term defensive midfielder would not reverse the result in a matter of minutes.

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3 months to the day since Hughton was sacked.


Yes it's early, but how much progress have we made with Pardew in charge.



We've made some progress. We had solid wins against the obviously weaker opponents, which we didn't have under CH. Also, Pards has faced tougher opponents during his stints, and had top cope with more injuries than Ch. Some of the points dropped were very undeserving too. We have not the depth to replace the likes of Barton, so our results will suffer accordingly when he and the likes of Tiote are missing. Very little do with it.


I think Pards has fared quite well. The points dropped against Tham and Sland, hinders him from landing  in the "brilliantly" category


I disagree with this, consider the win against West Ham - two wins against Wigan and Birmingham aren't that spectacular. Also consider that until recently (curiously), Hughton's wins against Aston Villa and Everton were considered 'strong teams'. Furthermore, consider the nature of this season, in which 19th placed Wolverhampton have beaten Manchester United and City, Arsenal and Chelsea - which teams are 'weaker' than us, or almost anyone for that matter? Finally, I also think we haven't picked up as many wins/points against 'better' teams that we would have done under Hughton, but take that for what you will... The claim Hughton didn't face many opponents that were deemed tough can't be justified.


I also suspect the injuries are partly as a result of his training practices. Can't prove it, but we'll just have to see if this new 'bad luck' stays with us.


First, we've been plagued with injuries for years now. Second, we do not have a big enough squad. The more games they play the bigger the chance of injures.


Third, the victories against WH and Bham were very convincing. And we really deserved all three points against Burn away. That stands in contrast to CH had at home against obviously weaker opponents like Blackpool,. Uner him we also lost against Burn.

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Was going to come on here and give Pardew special praise if he'd got more than two points over the past two games. As it is, he still deserves praise for his performance lately in my view. 1 win in 9 is very bad in my view, but I feel we could have performed worse lately and be more disheartened than we are now, and I think he's demonstrated talent in seeing that not be the case.


We cannot blame Pards for not picking up all points in the last two matches. The injury on Barton radically changed our winning chances. As previously mentioned. we have no sufficient depth to replace key players. And as that injury wasn't enough, both Ranger and Ireland missed out, players that we actually though would play a role against Everton.  Contrast this to eg Lpool when they met Man U. The injury on Ferdinand and the Vidic suspension, increased their winning chances significantly. And even Man U doesn't have good enough players to replace them.


I said special praise. I can blame him for the Everton game by the way, but I meant I would've been more effusive if he'd got 3 or more points out of the Bolton and Everton games.

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3 months to the day since Hughton was sacked.


Yes it's early, but how much progress have we made with Pardew in charge.



We've made some progress. We had solid wins against the obviously weaker opponents, which we didn't have under CH. Also, Pards has faced tougher opponents during his stints, and had top cope with more injuries than Ch. Some of the points dropped were very undeserving too. We have not the depth to replace the likes of Barton, so our results will suffer accordingly when he and the likes of Tiote are missing. Very little do with it.


I think Pards has fared quite well. The points dropped against Tham and Sland, hinders him from landing  in the "brilliantly" category


I disagree with this, consider the win against West Ham - two wins against Wigan and Birmingham aren't that spectacular. Also consider that until recently (curiously), Hughton's wins against Aston Villa and Everton were considered 'strong teams'. Furthermore, consider the nature of this season, in which 19th placed Wolverhampton have beaten Manchester United and City, Arsenal and Chelsea - which teams are 'weaker' than us, or almost anyone for that matter? Finally, I also think we haven't picked up as many wins/points against 'better' teams that we would have done under Hughton, but take that for what you will... The claim Hughton didn't face many opponents that were deemed tough can't be justified.


I also suspect the injuries are partly as a result of his training practices. Can't prove it, but we'll just have to see if this new 'bad luck' stays with us.


1.First, we've been plagued with injuries for years now. 2.Second, we do not have a big enough squad. The more games they play the bigger the chance of injures.


Third, the victories against WH and Bham were very convincing. And we really deserved all three points against Burn away. That stands in contrast to CH had at home against obviously weaker opponents like Blackpool,. Uner him we also lost against Burn.


1. Incorrect, the problem had been remedied 'somehow', possibly related to us being coached well. Particularly notable given we'd been playing more games, not less.


2. Correct, which is why if these problems are going to return we've got big problems and will cease to overachieve as we have been for the past 18 months. Any Carroll money that does get spent will have to go on signing back up players...


Re: Blackburn away, you could say we deserved all three points against Blackpool too. With regards both results, big whoop. We're also the only point Blackburn have got for nearly 7 weeks, by the way. We weren't raped against Arsenal and didn't capitulate against Man City either.

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