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Alan Pardew


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Fair point really. I hoped Cabaye would have been a ceative force this year but he's only really shown glimpses. In general though our midfield is poor at creating chances or threading through balls. When was the last time a striker of ours had a one on one chance?


Yup. The closest to a decent through ball against Liverpool was from Perch.

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Guest Dontooner

With a back 4 containing only two comfortable footballers you cannot play passing football built from the back.

That is the simple reason why Krul has to club the ball forward on a regular basis. If Colo or Santon are not showing or are closed down what else can Krul be expected to do.

Pardew would be better off picking 3  defenders and getting the most creative of his remaining wide men to work the flanks box to box.


No offense, but this is bullshit, OK, you might not be able to play as tight and risky, but other teams with poor "footballers" manage to play it from the back ten times more often than us.

I must be mistaken then,

Please tell me how you are going to get the other half of our back four to play this creative football, I am keen to be enlightened further by you.


Surely there's a difference between playing "creative foootball" and not hoofing it so much?  :lol: Don't know if it's Pardew's tactics or whatever, but surely these two are capable of passing the ball on the deck a helluva lot more often than they do now?


Dunno how many times i've seen them try for the longer option when not even under pressure, and they simply don't have the footballing ability to do this with quality anyway, that's why i think it would be better to not hoof it as much unless it's a risky pass. Don't know what more to say/how to explain it to you.

I think you just answered our question right there.

Personally, i think they are under instructions to hoof the ball when under pressure or to pass it back to krul to repeat the cycle. If they werent under instructions they would have made more misplace wayward passes, i think pardew prefer not to loose the ball in key dangerous areas hence the strict tactic. Actually, too much focus is being debated on the defence, the midfield that has balls of chains on them are the problem. Attacking wise, we have very little to offer if its Pardew's choice of 11.


The midfield is the problem in my opinion:


Tiote - Ball winning midfielder, offers next to nothing going forward. Excellent last season, only played well in a couple of games this time round.

Cabaye - Deep lying playmaker, good passer and decent shot on him but offers little else going forward. Has been very poor since Man Utd.

Jonas - Plenty of graft but little craft. Looks jaded.

Guthrie - Neat and tidy player but not enough pace to be an attacking force.

Taylor - Decent set pieces but little else.

Obertan - Raw with pace, but no brain. Offers next to nothing going forward.

Vukic - Talented but too slow for PL. Not ready.

Ben Arfa - Extremely talented and exciting but can be just as frustrating. Looks back to full fitness and strentgh so has to start now. Our only attacking midfielder.


Ben Arfa aside, where are these attacking options you talk of?


The problem is not the players themselves but how they need to take risk and find space between opposition players and pass into space when in possession. Currently the team is playing very deep especially the middle two in order to protect the back 4 and this is with or without the ball. Personally, i think its under instructions, thats why teams need to try harder to break us down since very little can go through our middle. However, these defensive tactics anchors our midfield players in very specific zones only, definitely in the wrong zones when in possession.


I think if the midfield 4 is allowed to move out of their own positions and overlap one another it will open up more space, in theory Cabaye has the ball at feet runs towards Ben Arfa and they overlap and change positions, or generally when Obertan goes on his diagonal runs from the right to the left it would naturally open up space.

The top teams have their midfielders moving about and covering one another but this needs a good system when everybody knows  their roles. There is risk to moving players around but if use in the right way, it becomes less predictable, and much harder to defend against. In fact we are especially bad at counter attacking, which puzzles me because we are an inviting pressure team and in theory the opposition will need to lead a very high line. We dont have a counter attacking game plan or is coach properly into one which is a shame.


We can play better football and it would be proven sooner or later. I dont think we have a group of players incapable moving and passing, , its probably the tactics that limit that part of their game. The fact is there are teams that has inferior players to us but their managers have them overachieving in possession and attacking plays. The same for us Pardew has some of our shit defenders Overachieving in their defensive games , and looking quite the player...too bad its at the expense of the attacking players. Its always give and take, you can never gain something without another in exchange.



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With a back 4 containing only two comfortable footballers you cannot play passing football built from the back.

That is the simple reason why Krul has to club the ball forward on a regular basis. If Colo or Santon are not showing or are closed down what else can Krul be expected to do.

Pardew would be better off picking 3  defenders and getting the most creative of his remaining wide men to work the flanks box to box.


No offense, but this is bullshit, OK, you might not be able to play as tight and risky, but other teams with poor "footballers" manage to play it from the back ten times more often than us.

I must be mistaken then,

Please tell me how you are going to get the other half of our back four to play this creative football, I am keen to be enlightened further by you.


Surely there's a difference between playing "creative foootball" and not hoofing it so much?  :lol: Don't know if it's Pardew's tactics or whatever, but surely these two are capable of passing the ball on the deck a helluva lot more often than they do now?


Dunno how many times i've seen them try for the longer option when not even under pressure, and they simply don't have the footballing ability to do this with quality anyway, that's why i think it would be better to not hoof it as much unless it's a risky pass. Don't know what more to say/how to explain it to you.

I think you just answered our question right there.

Personally, i think they are under instructions to hoof the ball when under pressure or to pass it back to krul to repeat the cycle. If they werent under instructions they would have made more misplace wayward passes, i think pardew prefer not to loose the ball in key dangerous areas hence the strict tactic. Actually, too much focus is being debated on the defence, the midfield that has balls of chains on them are the problem. Attacking wise, we have very little to offer if its Pardew's choice of 11.


The midfield is the problem in my opinion:


Tiote - Ball winning midfielder, offers next to nothing going forward. Excellent last season, only played well in a couple of games this time round.

Cabaye - Deep lying playmaker, good passer and decent shot on him but offers little else going forward. Has been very poor since Man Utd.

Jonas - Plenty of graft but little craft. Looks jaded.

Guthrie - Neat and tidy player but not enough pace to be an attacking force.

Taylor - Decent set pieces but little else.

Obertan - Raw with pace, but no brain. Offers next to nothing going forward.

Vukic - Talented but too slow for PL. Not ready.

Ben Arfa - Extremely talented and exciting but can be just as frustrating. Looks back to full fitness and strentgh so has to start now. Our only attacking midfielder.


Ben Arfa aside, where are these attacking options you talk of?


The problem is not the players themselves but how they need to take risk and find space between opposition players and pass into space when in possession. Currently the team is playing very deep especially the middle two in order to protect the back 4 and this is with or without the ball. Personally, i think its under instructions, thats why teams need to try harder to break us down since very little can go through our middle. However, these defensive tactics anchors our midfield players in very specific zones only, definitely in the wrong zones when in possession.


I think if the midfield 4 is allowed to move out of their own positions and overlap one another it will open up more space, in theory Cabaye has the ball at feet runs towards Ben Arfa and they overlap and change positions, or generally when Obertan goes on his diagonal runs from the right to the left it would naturally open up space.

The top teams have their midfielders moving about and covering one another but this needs a good system when everybody knows  their roles. There is risk to moving players around but if use in the right way, it becomes less predictable, and much harder to defend against. In fact we are especially bad at counter attacking, which puzzles me because we are an inviting pressure team and in theory the opposition will need to lead a very high line. We dont have a counter attacking game plan or is coach properly into one which is a shame.


We can play better football and it would be proven sooner or later. I dont think we have a group of players incapable moving and passing, , its probably the tactics that limit that part of their game. The fact is there are teams that has inferior players to us but their managers have them overachieving in possession and attacking plays. The same for us Pardew has some of our s*** defenders Overachieving in their defensive games , and looking quite the player...too bad its at the expense of the attacking players. Its always give and take, you can never gain something without another in exchange.




Cabaye is not comfortable running with the ball, he's a deep lying playmaker with little pace who is uncomfotable in the final third of the pitch. As is Tiote. And Jonas.



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Guest BooBoo

Fucking fed up with this nonsensical "deep lying playmaker" phrase. What does that even mean? A so-so midfielder who plays short passes, likes to tackle and takes mostly average set pieces?

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Fair point really. I hoped Cabaye would have been a ceative force this year but he's only really shown glimpses. In general though our  midfield is poor at creating chances or threading through balls. When was the last time a striker of ours had a one on one chance?


They are indeed. And we get nothing from the fullbacks too.



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f***ing fed up with this nonsensical "deep lying playmaker" phrase. What does that even mean? A so-so midfielder who plays short passes, likes to tackle and takes mostly average set pieces?


It was Championship Manager speak, and a little tongue in cheek on my behalf.


A one paced midfielder if you will.

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Guest BooBoo

As a phrase it suggests a defensive midfielder who pings balls right left and centre, creating chances.


Which isn't Yohan at all really.

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

Does nobody else find it strange that Pardew isn't playing the one player who's actally suited to hoofball - Shola. If Pardew's going to play these horrid tactics then Shola has to start, he's our sole physical presence up front. I'd rather he picked the right team for the tactics rather than doing something as obviously stupid as playing Obertan yesterday. That decision was mind boggling. Like Venkman said earlier, why not play Ba in the Obertan role with Cisse? But that wouldn't have solved the issue of our dreadful tactics. If we had still been intent on hoofing the ball, Cisse wouldn't have been able to make the ball stick, he's no target man. It would've been pointless. He needs to wake up and see the players that we have at our disposal, and do something positive with them. Imagine if Brendan Rodgers was our manager? Imagine what he could do with our players.

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Guest Dontooner

Just to add, although Liverpool is slightly off us a couple of points, but they are a good example of pass and move and overlapping players to find space. I believe they have quite a solid defensive record as well. I know its Kenny's team but he has them playing the right way, they will get better as the seasonS go. Its possible to play football even with bad players, its just the system that is set in place from the Manager's philosophy. However i must repeat, it doesnt necessarily yield results especially when you have a negative Manager Example like Sam Alla trying to do a Keegan. That is ultimately the reason why i dont rate Pardew, as i see him too late in his age to transit his system and game plan. I think we are stuck with an more negative approach to games as long as he is in charge.

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Guest Deadmau5

Cabaye is not comfortable running with the ball, he's a deep lying playmaker with little pace who is uncomfotable in the final third of the pitch.


Not 2 seasons ago he had 13 goals and 9 assists in 30 matches for Lille. Not bad for someone so uncomfortable in the final third of the pitch  :crazy2:

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Cabaye is not comfortable running with the ball, he's a deep lying playmaker with little pace who is uncomfotable in the final third of the pitch. As is Tiote. And Jonas.




edit: woops, final third, fair enough.


Cabaye has been played more like a second defensive midfielder than a deep lying playmaker in the last few matches, which has only resulted in him running his socks off to very little effect (3rd most ground covered in the Arsenal match, in the first half).

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As a phrase it suggests a defensive midfielder who pings balls right left and centre, creating chances.


Which isn't Yohan at all really.


That's as maybe, but it doesn't half sound like the quarterback role that attracted him to the club in the first place.

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Brendan Rodgers man. He'll be overseeing a relegation battle next season.


If Pardew was managing that lot they'd be fighting one right now <_<


That's for sure :lol: ( I agree with you btw, that sounded sarcastic)

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Fair point really. I hoped Cabaye would have been a ceative force this year but he's only really shown glimpses. In general though our midfield is poor at creating chances or threading through balls. When was the last time a striker of ours had a one on one chance?


See to me, it is staggeringly obvious that this is because of the restrictions being placed on them by the manager. The players are being asked to play in cages, offer very little movement in case we lose the ball and they're not with their man, we don't even do simple stuff like the wingers switching flanks every now and then.


Personally I think Cabaye's a fantastic player being asked to do the job of a Sean Davis or a Glen Whelan. Offer nowt as long as you stand where you're supposed to. Describing him as a "so-so midfielder" just blows my mind, absolutely loved watching him early on in the season after Ba started scoring and the manager didn't seem so frightened all the time, everything we did flowing through him. Now he plays on the centre half's toes because whenever he moves forward to receive the ball, he sees it given back to Krul who sends it into orbit.

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Guest NobbyOhNobby

Brendan Rodgers man. He'll be overseeing a relegation battle next season.

I'm not sure what your point is to be honest, we might be witnessing a relegation battle next season WHO KNOWS?! I don't think we really are, but you could say that about any team and any manager. The fact of the matter is, on a massively restricted budget for 5 seasons (Rodgers in charge for the last 2) they play really good football, don't concede many goals and won't get relegated this season. That's a triumph for attractive football, surely

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Fair point really. I hoped Cabaye would have been a ceative force this year but he's only really shown glimpses. In general though our midfield is poor at creating chances or threading through balls. When was the last time a striker of ours had a one on one chance?


See to me, it is staggeringly obvious that this is because of the restrictions being placed on them by the manager. The players are being asked to play in cages, offer very little movement in case we lose the ball and they're not with their man, we don't even do simple stuff like the wingers switching flanks every now and then.


Personally I think Cabaye's a fantastic player being asked to do the job of a Sean Davis or a Glen Whelan. Offer nowt as long as you stand where you're supposed to. Describing him as a "so-so midfielder" just blows my mind, absolutely loved watching him early on in the season after Ba started scoring and the manager didn't seem so frightened all the time, everything we did flowing through him. Now he plays on the centre half's toes because whenever he moves forward to receive the ball, he sees it given back to Krul who sends it into orbit.


So to sum up, when he was playing well that was all down to the player. Now he's playing poorly, can't shoot for shit and can barely pass, that there is Pardew's fault?

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Guest Howaythetoon

Our midfield struggle because they rarely see the fucking ball. Honestly some of the excuses and blindness in here is insane. There is only one person responsible for our midfield doing squat and thats the fucking imbecile in the dugout who instructs his central midfielders to drop deep and his defence to launch it long. Individually all of our midfielders from Jonas Cabaye tiote and Ben Arfa are all capable of possession, attacking and having an influence. Only an idiot manager could get such a midfield looking shit and Pardew is that man.

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Fair point really. I hoped Cabaye would have been a ceative force this year but he's only really shown glimpses. In general though our midfield is poor at creating chances or threading through balls. When was the last time a striker of ours had a one on one chance?


See to me, it is staggeringly obvious that this is because of the restrictions being placed on them by the manager. The players are being asked to play in cages, offer very little movement in case we lose the ball and they're not with their man, we don't even do simple stuff like the wingers switching flanks every now and then.


Personally I think Cabaye's a fantastic player being asked to do the job of a Sean Davis or a Glen Whelan. Offer nowt as long as you stand where you're supposed to. Describing him as a "so-so midfielder" just blows my mind, absolutely loved watching him early on in the season after Ba started scoring and the manager didn't seem so frightened all the time, everything we did flowing through him. Now he plays on the centre half's toes because whenever he moves forward to receive the ball, he sees it given back to Krul who sends it into orbit.


So to sum up, when he was playing well that was all down to the player. Now he's playing poorly, can't shoot for shit and can barely pass, that there is Pardew's fault?


How did you get that from what I said? I assume you ignored the bit where I commented on the manager's part in his earlier form.

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Guest Dontooner

With a back 4 containing only two comfortable footballers you cannot play passing football built from the back.

That is the simple reason why Krul has to club the ball forward on a regular basis. If Colo or Santon are not showing or are closed down what else can Krul be expected to do.

Pardew would be better off picking 3  defenders and getting the most creative of his remaining wide men to work the flanks box to box.


No offense, but this is bullshit, OK, you might not be able to play as tight and risky, but other teams with poor "footballers" manage to play it from the back ten times more often than us.

I must be mistaken then,

Please tell me how you are going to get the other half of our back four to play this creative football, I am keen to be enlightened further by you.


Surely there's a difference between playing "creative foootball" and not hoofing it so much?  :lol: Don't know if it's Pardew's tactics or whatever, but surely these two are capable of passing the ball on the deck a helluva lot more often than they do now?


Dunno how many times i've seen them try for the longer option when not even under pressure, and they simply don't have the footballing ability to do this with quality anyway, that's why i think it would be better to not hoof it as much unless it's a risky pass. Don't know what more to say/how to explain it to you.

I think you just answered our question right there.

Personally, i think they are under instructions to hoof the ball when under pressure or to pass it back to krul to repeat the cycle. If they werent under instructions they would have made more misplace wayward passes, i think pardew prefer not to loose the ball in key dangerous areas hence the strict tactic. Actually, too much focus is being debated on the defence, the midfield that has balls of chains on them are the problem. Attacking wise, we have very little to offer if its Pardew's choice of 11.


The midfield is the problem in my opinion:


Tiote - Ball winning midfielder, offers next to nothing going forward. Excellent last season, only played well in a couple of games this time round.

Cabaye - Deep lying playmaker, good passer and decent shot on him but offers little else going forward. Has been very poor since Man Utd.

Jonas - Plenty of graft but little craft. Looks jaded.

Guthrie - Neat and tidy player but not enough pace to be an attacking force.

Taylor - Decent set pieces but little else.

Obertan - Raw with pace, but no brain. Offers next to nothing going forward.

Vukic - Talented but too slow for PL. Not ready.

Ben Arfa - Extremely talented and exciting but can be just as frustrating. Looks back to full fitness and strentgh so has to start now. Our only attacking midfielder.


Ben Arfa aside, where are these attacking options you talk of?


The problem is not the players themselves but how they need to take risk and find space between opposition players and pass into space when in possession. Currently the team is playing very deep especially the middle two in order to protect the back 4 and this is with or without the ball. Personally, i think its under instructions, thats why teams need to try harder to break us down since very little can go through our middle. However, these defensive tactics anchors our midfield players in very specific zones only, definitely in the wrong zones when in possession.


I think if the midfield 4 is allowed to move out of their own positions and overlap one another it will open up more space, in theory Cabaye has the ball at feet runs towards Ben Arfa and they overlap and change positions, or generally when Obertan goes on his diagonal runs from the right to the left it would naturally open up space.

The top teams have their midfielders moving about and covering one another but this needs a good system when everybody knows  their roles. There is risk to moving players around but if use in the right way, it becomes less predictable, and much harder to defend against. In fact we are especially bad at counter attacking, which puzzles me because we are an inviting pressure team and in theory the opposition will need to lead a very high line. We dont have a counter attacking game plan or is coach properly into one which is a shame.


We can play better football and it would be proven sooner or later. I dont think we have a group of players incapable moving and passing, , its probably the tactics that limit that part of their game. The fact is there are teams that has inferior players to us but their managers have them overachieving in possession and attacking plays. The same for us Pardew has some of our s*** defenders Overachieving in their defensive games , and looking quite the player...too bad its at the expense of the attacking players. Its always give and take, you can never gain something without another in exchange.




Cabaye is not comfortable running with the ball, he's a deep lying playmaker with little pace who is uncomfotable in the final third of the pitch. As is Tiote. And Jonas.



I dont actually think Centre Midfielders has to be quick and can dribble to take on players, i think the wings has more priority in that. In fact Cabaye is a fantastic midfielder, but only put into a moving team, we will see that side of him. I do agree Tiote and Cabaye play too similar roles when they are both on but once again its Pardew's Preferred starting midfield hence another proof of his negative views on the game. Gosling or someone that would run and support would be a better balance for any of them. Although, i do think tiote or cabaye can play together in a set up but something like Liverpool's or Arsenal's where they passed and moved. In our current setup that has no passing system, its better if we had Active midfield rather than holding ones.

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I don't think Cabaye has ever played all that well this season, even earlier in the season. He had a couple of very good one-off performances mixed in with fairly average or even anonymous games earlier on, but now the latter is all he has.


He did enough in small bursts to suggest he has talent and can be a success if he adjust to the league, but his development has gone in the opposite direction. buy him as a sports car, use him as a tractor.

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Cabayes been crap. The reasons for explaining that depend on your bias for or against Pardew and little reasoning beyond that. All these things can easily be argued both ways, just like the way the Arsenal game went. No one has any idea what actually went down in terms of our play, its all a load of bollocks.


I find it laughable that some* people think they can argue against our current manager with such a sense of conviction in what they post  :)

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Guest BooBoo

I don't think Cabaye has ever played all that well this season, even earlier in the season. He had a couple of very good one-off performances mixed in with fairly average or even anonymous games earlier on, but now the latter is all he has.


He did enough in small bursts to suggest he has talent and can be a success if he adjust to the league, but his development has gone in the opposite direction. buy him as a sports car, use him as a tractor.


Agreed. He was excellent against Villa, a 9/10 showing. Man Utd at home he played well in a good team performance, 8/10. Other than that, for me it's mainly 6/10. I just never watch us and think "wow Cabaye's having a stormer."


I'm not picking on the lad, but I've always been loath to protect players by saying "but he's not been used correctly" or "the players around him aren't good enough". Once a player is on the pitch, if he's a good player it will shine through regardless and I'm tired of the easy to reach excuses to defend his anonymous displays. It's reminding me of Emre, loads used to say he had it, but he only ever showed it once in a blue moon.

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Cabayes been crap. The reasons for explaining that depend on your bias for or against Pardew and little reasoning beyond that. All these things can easily be argued both ways, just like the way the Arsenal game went. No one has any idea what actually went down in terms of our play, its all a load of bollocks.


I find it laughable that some* people think they can argue against our current manager with such a sense of conviction in what they post  :)


Do you also find it laughable how you take the opposite stance and add a little?

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