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Kicks to the Balls

Guest BooBoo

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Guest palnese

Somehow I feel we deserve some sort of sustainable feeling of hope. Not one that lasts for three months and is then ripped away by two horrible decisions.


The Carroll one is way worse than Hughton IMO.

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Guest neesy111

God man cheer up people.  This is fucking NUFC we've had much worse times than this in recent times.  If you don't fucking like it, then you know where the door is and I won't be saying goodbye.


The fact is that lower league supporters have it 10x worse than us.  It's just the fact we have a big support is what magnifies all the problems we have more than others.


Ashley is a cunt but we've had plenty of shit owners and managers in the 70's and 80's to show that isn't new and unique to the club, maybe it's the fact we have many of the Keegan generation as fans that we've become slighty more critical of football at the club.


Things are bad yes, but are they as bad as 2 years ago no fucking way when we had a bunch of twats who did not give a flying fuck whether the club went down or not.  


I'm fed up of football like a few on here, but I've also learned that no-body or no small group of people will ever be NUFC.  NUFC belongs to the great city of Newcastle and always will and that is what I fucking care about mostly in all of this as I will defend the north-east and especially the toon to the hilt to anyone and I have to numerous southerners over the last 17 months and I'll still proudly wear my toon shirt on travels to the far east in the coming months.


We will get successful again, but like most stuff in like it'll come from blind luck and not hard work on any one's part.

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God man cheer up people.  This is f***ing NUFC we've had much worse times than this in recent times.  If you don't f***ing like it, then you know where the door is and I won't be saying goodbye.


The fact is that lower league supporters have it 10x worse than us.  It's just the fact we have a big support is what magnifies all the problems we have more than others.


Ashley is a c*** but we've had plenty of s*** owners and managers in the 70's and 80's to show that isn't new and unique to the club, maybe it's the fact we have many of the Keegan generation as fans that we've become slighty more critical of football at the club.


Things are bad yes, but are they as bad as 2 years ago no f***ing way when we had a bunch of twats who did not give a flying f*** whether the club went down or not. 


I'm fed up of football like a few on here, but I've also learned that no-body or no small group of people will ever be NUFC.  NUFC belongs to the great city of Newcastle and always will and that is what I f***ing care about mostly in all of this as I will defend the north-east and especially the toon to the hilt to anyone and I have to numerous southerners over the last 17 months and I'll still proudly wear my toon shirt on travels to the far east in the coming months.


We will get successful again, but like most stuff in like it'll come from blind luck and not hard work on any one's part.




They could have shown it tonight like.

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Knew it was to good to be true that we could have 2 good seasons in a row. Something always has to fuck things up, and its becoming pretty tiresome. How do Liverpool manage to oust their cunt owners, but we end up bending over and taking repeated shaftings from ours...

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Guest neesy111

God man cheer up people.  This is f***ing NUFC we've had much worse times than this in recent times.  If you don't f***ing like it, then you know where the door is and I won't be saying goodbye.


The fact is that lower league supporters have it 10x worse than us.  It's just the fact we have a big support is what magnifies all the problems we have more than others.


Ashley is a c*** but we've had plenty of s*** owners and managers in the 70's and 80's to show that isn't new and unique to the club, maybe it's the fact we have many of the Keegan generation as fans that we've become slighty more critical of football at the club.


Things are bad yes, but are they as bad as 2 years ago no f***ing way when we had a bunch of twats who did not give a flying f*** whether the club went down or not. 


I'm fed up of football like a few on here, but I've also learned that no-body or no small group of people will ever be NUFC.  NUFC belongs to the great city of Newcastle and always will and that is what I f***ing care about mostly in all of this as I will defend the north-east and especially the toon to the hilt to anyone and I have to numerous southerners over the last 17 months and I'll still proudly wear my toon shirt on travels to the far east in the coming months.


We will get successful again, but like most stuff in like it'll come from blind luck and not hard work on any one's part.




They could have shown it tonight like.


I've seen much worse performances than that tonight, starting under the god (to some) that is Hughton.  West Brom and Bolton away far far worse than tonight.


Tonight was bad but bloody hell, you'd thought we just lost 6-0 to west ham by some of the reactions.

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This forum is hilarious at times  :lol:


Carroll was going to miss our next 5 games anyway, which means that really we'll only be without him for 9 matches. We've already been without him for 5 and picked up 8 points, if we carry on that record we'll get to about 48 points.


It is honestly depressing coming on here after a loss, honestly.

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Guest neesy111

This forum is hilarious at times  :lol:


Carroll was going to miss our next 5 games anyway, which means that really we'll only be without him for 9 matches. We've already been without him for 5 and picked up 8 points, if we carry on that record we'll get to about 48 points.


It is honestly depressing coming on here after a loss, honestly.


Exactly, have we lost 5 games on the trot no.  We've lost away from home (from some shocking defending) to a team that is in decent form.  If we had lost 6-0 tonight then reactions would be justified, not 1-0.

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This forum is hilarious at times  :lol:


Carroll was going to miss our next 5 games anyway, which means that really we'll only be without him for 9 matches. We've already been without him for 5 and picked up 8 points, if we carry on that record we'll get to about 48 points.


It is honestly depressing coming on here after a loss, honestly.


Exactly, have we lost 5 games on the trot no.  We've lost away from home (from some shocking defending) to a team that is in decent form.  If we had lost 6-0 tonight then reactions would be justified, not 1-0.


We have, however, sold our best striker (yes, he wasn't going to play) and lost our second best striker.


Our owner is a cunt, our manager is a cunt and the rest of the season is going to be a dull, depressing battle for survival. People have a right to be slightly pessimistic about the current situation.

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I'm sorry like, but when the team puts in a pathetic performance like that people aren't going to react very well to it.


People don't pay to travel down to London/buy match tickets and pay Sky subscriptions to watch a lacklustre pathetic excuse of a performance from the team and not have the right to criticise it.

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This forum is hilarious at times  :lol:


Carroll was going to miss our next 5 games anyway, which means that really we'll only be without him for 9 matches. We've already been without him for 5 and picked up 8 points, if we carry on that record we'll get to about 48 points.


It is honestly depressing coming on here after a loss, honestly.


Exactly, have we lost 5 games on the trot no.  We've lost away from home (from some shocking defending) to a team that is in decent form.  If we had lost 6-0 tonight then reactions would be justified, not 1-0.


Aye but 13 fucking minutes into the first game where we knew Carroll wasn't going to play for us ever again, we lost the only other option that might be in danger of the ball hitting him at the correct angle to end up in the net. It was sufferable when you knew we had better to come back in. Now its just appalling mis-management of the club...

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I'm sorry like, but when the team puts in a pathetic performance like that people aren't going to react very well to it.


People don't pay to travel down to London/buy match tickets and pay Sky subscriptions to watch a lacklustre pathetic excuse of a performance from the team and not have the right to criticise it.


Look, I'm as disappointed as anybody else, but we were still missing our 2 best players (HBA, Tiote), and we've got Ireland coming in to look forward to as well.


Our issue tonight wasn't our strike-force, even if Carroll was playing it wouldn't have made a difference, it was our midfield. We created no chances at all, and it's hard to ask your strikers to score goals with no service.

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Guest neesy111

I'm sorry like, but when the team puts in a pathetic performance like that people aren't going to react very well to it.


People don't pay to travel down to London/buy match tickets and pay Sky subscriptions to watch a lacklustre pathetic excuse of a performance from the team and not have the right to criticise it.


People of course have a right to criticise it and I'm fucking pissed off over the lack of acknowledgement of the support which I and 3,500 brilliant toon supports gave tonight .  But many posters and NUFC fans will always use the player performances and join it with the agendas they have against Ashley etc.


Fact is when those players go onto the pitch they have only themselves to blame for the performance they put in.  The lack of firepower is mismanagement of transfer policy but their is no excuse for lack of effort.



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The sale of Carroll potentially sets the club back years though, we should of built a team around him. Now we're left with a bit of money that won't be reinvested properly and whatever spending will be done is being overseen by a bunch of clowns. :undecided:

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Had just set off in the car last night when the radio started playing Daydream Believer and though i still belted out a rendition of Cheer up Steve Bruce, a wave of sadness washed over me. How and why the fuck have we gone from the euphoria that we all felt at full time that day, and similarly after the Villa game, in such a short space of time? So utterly preventable and that's what makes it so terribly depressing. :(

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Guest Brazilianbob

Had just set off in the car last night when the radio started playing Daydream Believer and though i still belted out a rendition of Cheer up Steve Bruce, a wave of sadness washed over me. How and why the f*** have we gone from the euphoria that we all felt at full time that day, and similarly after the Villa game, in such a short space of time? So utterly preventable and that's what makes it so terribly depressing. :(


Totally agree with this sentiment.


However, one further thing that I would like to say is that it must be made abundantly clear to Andy Carroll that whatever his resons for leaving, his decision has been like Carroll himself delivering a good hard kick in the nads for each and every (male) NUFC supporter, (not sure what the female equivalent is?  Suggestions please in the interests of sexual equality).


It also seems to me that by their many puzzling decisions and actions, Ashley and co want to get rid of us the fans too, unfortunately there are no buyers so the fans we have no option but to remain and suffer the torment that is Ashley's NUFC.

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Had just set off in the car last night when the radio started playing Daydream Believer and though i still belted out a rendition of Cheer up Steve Bruce, a wave of sadness washed over me. How and why the f*** have we gone from the euphoria that we all felt at full time that day, and similarly after the Villa game, in such a short space of time? So utterly preventable and that's what makes it so terribly depressing. :(


Totally agree with this sentiment.


However, one further thing that I would like to say is that it must be made abundantly clear to Andy Carroll that whatever his resons for leaving, his decision has been like Carroll himself delivering a good hard kick in the nads for each and every (male) NUFC supporter, (not sure what the female equivalent is?  Suggestions please in the interests of sexual equality).


It also seems to me that by their many puzzling decisions and actions, Ashley and co want to get rid of us the fans too, unfortunately there are no buyers so the fans we have no option but to remain and suffer the torment that is Ashley's NUFC.



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I think the thing that makes our lows feel so bad is because as a club we know that we have everything in place here to be a top, top club challenging for honours most years. The fan base, the stadium etc but its always either the owner or the manager or a combination of both who never fail to fuck us up royally.


Obviously, we have it better than lower league clubs but its the fact that we know we could be one of the top teams in the country that is galling whereas fans of much smaller clubs know that they cant.



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I think the thing that makes our lows feel so bad is because as a club we know that we have everything in place here to be a top, top club challenging for honours most years. The fan base, the stadium etc but its always either the owner or the manager or a combination of both who never fail to fuck us up royally.


Obviously, we have it better than lower league clubs but its the fact that we know we could be one of the top teams in the country that is galling whereas fans of much smaller clubs know that they cant.




Yep, and we've tasted the top 4 and the Champions League so recently as well.

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I'm sorry like, but when the team puts in a pathetic performance like that people aren't going to react very well to it.


People don't pay to travel down to London/buy match tickets and pay Sky subscriptions to watch a lacklustre pathetic excuse of a performance from the team and not have the right to criticise it.


People of course have a right to criticise it and I'm fucking pissed off over the lack of acknowledgement of the support which I and 3,500 brilliant toon supports gave tonight .  But many posters and NUFC fans will always use the player performances and join it with the agendas they have against Ashley etc.


Fact is when those players go onto the pitch they have only themselves to blame for the performance they put in.  The lack of firepower is mismanagement of transfer policy but their is no excuse for lack of effort.






It was partially due to the abuse that was given to Duff that spurred him on to score his first goal of the season.  :angry:






















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Had just set off in the car last night when the radio started playing Daydream Believer and though i still belted out a rendition of Cheer up Steve Bruce, a wave of sadness washed over me. How and why the fuck have we gone from the euphoria that we all felt at full time that day, and similarly after the Villa game, in such a short space of time? So utterly preventable and that's what makes it so terribly depressing. :(


yes, things were looking up for the first time in ages under Hughton. But the more sensible amongst us always had a nagging sense that mike ashley could intrude on matters, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and and cause an implosion, something he's consistently done in his time here. and my god, how he's messed it up again. every time he has a decision to make he well and truly fucks it up. the man is a walking disaster.

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