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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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£75 ffs. :lol: You could be a fantastic addition to the Legends of Losing stable of the Betting Thread.

I've double checked and triple checked my birth certificate and I definitely don't have 'wormy' or 'Neil' as a middle name or anything! :lol:


:lol: It's always open to interpretation.


Come on Real you bottling shitecunts. One more to make this night worth it!


Speaking of bottling shitecunts I covered the draw at 5/1 with £15 just in case so worst case scenario is I break even. Not only am I an idiot, I'm a pussy. :blush:

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Brazilian 8 fold. :lol: :lol: Loving some of the shit in this thread tonight.


Won a Copa America double last night, I should add. Love South American bets.


Aye, don't really know what I was thinking like. Opened the 'Copa do Brasil' option and just went a bit mental clicking every other team. Daft.


So much shit going on in South America every night ffs. It has to be done. Love a random South American bet. Learnt my lesson from the one lucky NBA bet and not touching it with a shitty stick anymore. All about the South American football bets.

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We're 4/5 to finish with over 65.5 points. We only need six points from five games to make that happen. EXTREMELY tempted to wade into that...




Fucking hell, for some reason I thought we were on 60 points. :lol: Still tempted like. More than doable.

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Not great value given what's needed to make that happen IMO. Can find much better value doing individual matches with that same stake IMO.


Aye, can see where you're coming from, considering our form and what we have to play for I still think it's a good price though. Going to leave it anyway as I'd no doubt jinx us!

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Ah brilliant thanks, im kind of new to the online stuff, always just stuck a few quid on a scorer and score on a match day, so the helps appreciated. Anyway I went for


Malaga DNB




Real Mallorca



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