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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:





Real Madrid

Juve -1

Bolton/Spurs draw



Nothing to do with pride, man. Just want to win my money back. :lol:  I know I'm taking huge risks.... but the CL is a good chance for me to get some of it back before the start of the new season.


The odds for a Bayern win aren't anywhere near like they should be - especially with Badstuber and Gustavo both missing. Just look at the replacements - Timovchuck and Contento....

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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:



Impossible to most of the people, including myself. Been in the red for 2 years or so.


Was a feeling like "I've beaten you, bookies!" after I finally made that all up.




How much did you roughly had to make?

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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:



Impossible to most of the people, including myself. Been in the red for 2 years or so.


Was a feeling like "I've beaten you, bookies!" after I finally made that all up.


Wish I knew what you meant.


But in all seriousness, you've obviously progressed through from small stakes, to 20/30 euros, to whacking hundreds on. It's all relative, if you're fine without that money in the event you lose, then go for it.


I'm just risk-averse, to be honest. £50+ is a lot of money to me at the moment; I say "when I get paid, I'll put on a big-ish bet", but I never actually do. :lol: Most I've put on is £30 I think on a single bet.

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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:



Impossible to most of the people, including myself. Been in the red for 2 years or so.


Was a feeling like "I've beaten you, bookies!" after I finally made that all up.




How much did you roughly had to make?


Eh, feel safe, Dinho lad. :lol: It was around €2k. Went even further down before it all started to slowly turning around. It's a long, long and very hard way, though....


I'd take a loss of 400€ probably now, knowing how stressfull a betting weekend can be.

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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:





Real Madrid

Juve -1

Bolton/Spurs draw



Nothing to do with pride, man. Just want to win my money back. :lol:  I know I'm taking huge risks.... but the CL is a good chance for me to get some of it back before the start of the new season.


The odds for a Bayern win aren't anywhere near like they should be - especially with Badstuber and Gustavo both missing. Just look at the replacements - Timovchuck and Contento....


I rate Tomochyuk actually. :lol: And think Daniel Van Buyten will be stepping-in for Badstuber. (An ideal player to mark Drogba, imo.)


Can't see Chelsea's make-shift defence holding out against the flair and finishing of Ribery, Robben, Kroos and Gomez. They gave away 3-4 clear cut chances against Barca in the home leg and conceded 2 fine footballing goals against them at the Nou Camp. Can see a similiar result there.


Anyway, it will all depend on the Chelsea line-up before I make my mind. (I may just chicken out.)

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Dinho, you're going to fuck yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Why do you "need to"?


More a case of pride, I sense. Stop before you do yourself some real damage. :thup:





Real Madrid

Juve -1

Bolton/Spurs draw



Nothing to do with pride, man. Just want to win my money back. :lol:  I know I'm taking huge risks.... but the CL is a good chance for me to get some of it back before the start of the new season.


The odds for a Bayern win aren't anywhere near like they should be - especially with Badstuber and Gustavo both missing. Just look at the replacements - Timovchuck and Contento....


I rate Tomochyuk actually. :lol: And think Daniel Van Buyten will be stepping-in for Badstuber. (An ideal player to mark Drogba, imo.)


Can't see Chelsea's make-shift defence holding out against the flair and finishing of Ribery, Robben, Kroos and Gomez. They gave away 3-4 clear cut chances against Barca in the home leg and conceded 2 fine footballing goals against them at the Nou Camp. Can see a similiar result there.


Anyway, it will all depend on the Chelsea line-up before I make my mind. (I may just chicken out.)


We will see, we will see. As to Van Buyten, he's only at the club to keep Robben happy. Just ask Milito how 'good' he is.


And that Chelsea make-shift defence held off a Barca first choice attack for 60+ minutes.

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Guest idlebob

Dinho, you're going to f*** yourself up big time here. Stop.


Need to get back at least 400-450, mate. Can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had just stuck to betting by putting the odd pound on an accy here and there. (I'll certainly be doing that if I make-up my deficit.)


Don't think about "getting it back" - that's the road to ruin.  As soon as you place a bet, treat the money as gone.  If you're going to carry on betting (which is up to you, either way), allocate a manageable amount of money from your current expenditure each week/month for it, and never go above it.  If you're spending your savings, or borrowing to bet, stop immediately.  It's not supposed to be stressful, it's supposed to be fun.  Here endeth the lesson.  :)

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Don't Dinho. What happens when Chelsea win the CL then? You'll be what, £1300 down? for the sake of a £200 return? Just fuck it off man, money comes and goes. Accept you lost and work an extra hour or 2 every week, then you won't even think about it :)



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Me personally will be putting 100 on max but that is a large bet for me . Way i see it when i have lost which i do a lot i remove my self from the monetary value that i have lost , if i didn't i would just be chasing my loses

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Don't Dinho. What happens when Chelsea win the CL then? You'll be what, £1300 down? for the sake of a £200 return? Just fuck it off man, money comes and goes. Accept you lost and work an extra hour or 2 every week, then you won't even think about it :)




No. Don't compare 'real' money with betting money. Real money is there. Betting money comes and goes. If it's gone, try to get it back.


But, and that's one thing that's for me personally the most important thing in betting, wait for the opportunity. Know when to bet and when not to bet. Most important thing imo.

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Don't rush into it man Dinho, especially with that kind of stake. Have a good scout of the markets and find some decent odds (people will probably put some decent tips on here) and join a few different betting companies to take advantage of their promotions.


If you aren't with PaddyPower they will match a £50 bet for example, so you could win £200 back on a well thought double @ 2/1 with the chance of only losing £50

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Don't Dinho. What happens when Chelsea win the CL then? You'll be what, £1300 down? for the sake of a £200 return? Just f*** it off man, money comes and goes. Accept you lost and work an extra hour or 2 every week, then you won't even think about it :)




No. Don't compare 'real' money with betting money. Real money is there. Betting money comes and goes. If it's gone, try to get it back.


But, and that's one thing that's for me personally the most important thing in betting, wait for the opportunity. Know when to bet and when not to bet. Most important thing imo.


Couldn't agree more with the bit in bold. But, for me it seems, if I can spare it on the side to have a little fun with, great. If I win I put my original stake back in the bank and fuck around with the rest then I consider it different. For me though, if I lose it I wouldn't dare go back down the slippery slope of trying to claw it all back, unless I got extremely lucky.

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Also, we're 6/1 to win today, about 9/2 DNB. Much better value than Bayern winning the CL


As I've said before, to bet on Bayern in the final would be criminal. Of course, they're a bit favourites but, it's a final, anything can happen. If Drogba and Lampard have one of these days I fancy them to win it.

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Also, we're 6/1 to win today, about 9/2 DNB. Much better value than Bayern winning the CL


Fuck sake, he doesn't need any encouragement man. :lol:

:lol: :lol:


Just pointing out the difference in value, 6/1 is fucking fantastic value.


He doesn't need to bet daft money either, just stick £10 on Newcastle DNB will return £55. That £55 can then be placed on something else and turned into £100 pretty 'easily' with no more damage done to his actual bank balance.


I'm not saying he should put Newcastle DNB on mind as it's far from certain, just an example :lol:

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