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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Fucking BetFred. I say I'd like my winnings from Sandown in before Newcastle. 'I believe your funds are in there'. Yes you smarmy bitch they are now I've asked! Place it on Bollin Julie. £6.75 would've returned £100. She wins. I'm not fucking happy.


Eh? So you picked another winner, but didn't get the money in on time?


In my rage I didn't explain in my usual eloquent manner. The final two sentences were hypothetical. Didn't win, for once I'm grateful for the favourite pulling through. :aww:


I've generally sung the staff of BetFred's praises. But if I'm going to get more into horses like this, I expect my fucking winnings in time for the next race I want.

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BoyleSport are fucking arseholes too, wouldn't let me cancel a bet minutes after I placed it as i'd stupidly ticked staked in the wrong box. Had no problems with Sky and BET365 in the past. I told one of their Live Helpers that their customer service was appauling, he said he was sorry I felt that way and asked if he could help with anything else.


With razor sharp wit I replied "help"? I'm guessing not... and left the chat before he could think of a riposte. PURE BURNED HIM

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BoyleSport are fucking arseholes too, wouldn't let me cancel a bet minutes after I placed it as i'd stupidly ticked staked in the wrong box. Had no problems with Sky and BET365 in the past. I told one of their Live Helpers that their customer service was appauling, he said he was sorry I felt that way and asked if he could help with anything else.


With razor sharp wit I replied "help"? I'm guessing not... and left the chat before he could think of a riposte. PURE BURNED HIM


Had a similar conversation with Ladbrokes at the weekend. :lol: :lol:

Except that silly bitch didn't even have the manners to apologise to my complaint, just completely ignored it and asked if she could help with anything. Cheeky bitch.  :tickedoff:

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Don't worry, if you're going to get more into horses like that you'll be self excluded before too long. :best:





Oh wait.. You're right...




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BoyleSport are fucking arseholes too, wouldn't let me cancel a bet minutes after I placed it as i'd stupidly ticked staked in the wrong box. Had no problems with Sky and BET365 in the past. I told one of their Live Helpers that their customer service was appauling, he said he was sorry I felt that way and asked if he could help with anything else.


With razor sharp wit I replied "help"? I'm guessing not... and left the chat before he could think of a riposte. PURE BURNED HIM


Nah. You need to absolutely lay into them and try and get a record amount of scripted 'we're sorry you feel that way' type messages in one conversation. Then get them to close and self-exclude your account. That'll teach them. Cunts.

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What the f*** was that Frankie you absolute c***? Was that last? I hope he crashes his horse


Highland Colori was a knocking bet e/w, didn't expect him to win mind.  8/1 was generous, Probert's only ride and on a hat trick, won nicely at Newmarket when I went a couple of weeks back.


I have used about a years worth of luck up in one night, about £250 up.  Time to retire for the night.

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What the f*** was that Frankie you absolute c***? Was that last? I hope he crashes his horse


Highland Colori was a knocking bet e/w, didn't expect him to win mind.  8/1 was generous, Probert's only ride and on a hat trick, won nicely at Newmarket when I went a couple of weeks back.


I have used about a years worth of luck up in one night, about £250 up.  Time to retire for the night.


Well if someone who actually knows what he's talking about is grateful for £250 up, I'm very grateful for £100 up for today. :lol:

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Guest Roger Kint

Fuck sake, Hezmah only placed. Think I used all my luck on the horses up last week with that 50/1 shot. :lol:


I went for a double on that and Tinseltown to try and recover my weeks losses, another depressing nights betting :lol:

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Fuck it, I'm off out, which means I don't have to be a bag of nerves and sit through the basketball tonight if I do stick a bet on. Let's go Spurs. :indi:


Also just stuck £25 EW on France for the Euros. If all goes wrong I've just halfed the profits of what was a very good month of betting for me in a day. :lol: That said, if it all goes wrong, it's still probably been my best month ever. :best:

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Was £210 down at tea-time, managed to get that down to £15 down with £10 worth of bets still unsettled. Never again I felt like shit until i've just won most of it back .

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Guest Roger Kint

Fuck it, I'm off out, which means I don't have to be a bag of nerves and sit through the basketball tonight if I do stick a bet on. Let's go Spurs. :indi:


Also just stuck £25 EW on France for the Euros. If all goes wrong I've just halfed the profits of what was a very good month of betting for me in a day. :lol: That said, if it all goes wrong, it's still probably been my best month ever. :best:


Forgot about that stupid Spurs bet i put on, fuck  it i dont care anymore am not going to watch it.

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Enjoyable and productive meeting at Newcastle. About £70 up overall, the race is on to lose it.


Roughly the same as me from Beverley last night. :thup:


Got paid out in £50 notes on the last race, didn't know what to do with myself. :lol:

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