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The 2011-2012 Betting Thread: Last call for 2011/12 football, pretty much


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Had a strange tournament. The plus side obviously being is that I'm into a healthy profit. The problem is this is mainly due to three big wins, I haven't really capitalised on them but have instead gone on to lose large chuks of them. Need to sort it out.

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For some reason got a bad feeling about France. Everyone was saying England were defensive/gritty and so on against them, but I wasn't particularly that impressed by the French. Decent but far from great.

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£95 profit from that match, by no means the biggest win, but I only had £20ish on so more than good enough. Bit gutted I only had a quid on Torres 4-0 mind. :lol: Much needed win though, couldn't pick a winner to save my life last week. :lol:


First leg of my treble up too. :thup:

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you will need to play through your bonus three times prior to making a withdrawal.


Anyone care to explain what that means? I'm a  :idiot2: It's ref the free £5 on bet365.

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