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PFA and FA call for improved behaviour in football


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Swearing at the ref: Red Card

Hounding the ref: Red Card


Hammer it home for a few weeks and teams would soon get the message. The general sprit of the Olympucs had been in stark contrast to the often bad tempered atmosphere of football. Not saying in should be sanitised completely but the likes of Rooney have got away with mouthing off for years.




That'll sort it out for sure


Swearing at the ref or assistants should be a straight red IMO, and only the captains allowed to talk to the ref to discuss decisions.

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We need rugby levels of respect instilling.


no, please. i hate the attitude of rugby players. this is a top level sport.


Eh? And Interbational Rugby isn't? Have a word with yourself, the way the players act towards the ref in football is disgraceful and unfortunately it filters down to the grass roots, with kids emulating their heroes.


Like others have said every petulant little whining t*** should be booked until the clubs start to get a grip of their players.


arent they just the kids who couldnt play football at school?


who wants 22 gavin hensons running around churning up the pitch anyway

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Unfortunately, the FA doesn't have the stomach to go through the corrective process.... they would crumple before the likes of Citeh, Chelsea or Man U complaining about losing 2-3 first teamers for upcoming matches.


Just mic the referees.....then everyone would know what the referee heard and it would be easy to justify their actions.


Until then...no one will have the balls to enforce it.

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Swearing at the ref: Red Card

Hounding the ref: Red Card


Hammer it home for a few weeks and teams would soon get the message. The general sprit of the Olympucs had been in stark contrast to the often bad tempered atmosphere of football. Not saying in should be sanitised completely but the likes of Rooney have got away with mouthing off for years.




That'll sort it out for sure


Swearing at the ref or assistants should be a straight red IMO, and only the captains allowed to talk to the ref to discuss decisions.


This  :thup:


Kids watch these games and follow their hero's lead.

First port of call should be the pre-match meeting were it's made clear that the only person allow to challenge the Ref is the team captain, that's his job and he should do it.

If that doesn't happen and anybody else comes up in a insulting manner or swearing, is send straight off.


Simples  :)

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Unfortunately, the FA doesn't have the stomach to go through the corrective process.... they would crumple before the likes of Citeh, Chelsea or Man U complaining about losing 2-3 first teamers for upcoming matches.


Just mic the referees.....then everyone would know what the referee heard and it would be easy to justify their actions.


Until then...no one will have the balls to enforce it.


Good idea. Unfortunately Sky wouldn't allow it.

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The only reason the petulant little fuckers act like they do is because they've been allowed to.

Football was a lot more physical in the 60, 70s and 80s than it is now (full-on violent at times) but the players showed more respect to officials than modern players do.

It has nothing to do with their backgrounds either - Rugby League is predominantly a working class game played by working class men but they give total respect to the referee because that's the way it has always been.


The situation within football could be rectified within one season - install a no-nonsense refereeing policy whereby players get booked for any backchat and back it up with retrospective bookings for diving and violent conduct.  Ok, so games might finish with 8 or 9 players a side for the first few weeks but it wouldn't take long for even the more retarded players to get the message.

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I also think that a lot of managers tell their players to hound the ref over every decision...then on top of that you have the dicks who question everything, every little thing that the ref does.



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Basically football imo needs some tough love atm.

Retrospective bans for cheating/diving etc would sort the problem out if they carried a suitable sentence.

Dived and won a penalty?? Which conned the Ref!!

10 game retrospective ban, no appeals.

Wouldn't take long to get the message across.

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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.

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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.


It can be changed with concerted effort to reinforce the position of the ref and make dissent unacceptable though. Aye, right now it won't stamp out the petulance that has become acceptable in football. But over time the game and the standards of behaviour will be improved, if action is taken.


I'm hoping that the Olympics and all that will have fans in a better mood for the season. Maybe a bit more perspective, and a bit more unwilling to accept bad behaviour.


And the referees enforcing the dissent rules would be good too.... they already have the power to change things, they're just scared to use it.

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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.


It can be changed with concerted effort to reinforce the position of the ref and make dissent unacceptable though. Aye, right now it won't stamp out the petulance that has become acceptable in football. But over time the game and the standards of behaviour will be improved, if action is taken.


I'm hoping that the Olympics and all that will have fans in a better mood for the season. Maybe a bit more perspective, and a bit more unwilling to accept bad behaviour.


And the referees enforcing the dissent rules would be good too.... they already have the power to change things, they're just scared to use it.


If the standard of refereeing were to improve there would be less reason for players to kick off. Giving a red card to a player who is angry about an awful decision (that could lose his team the game) is just papering over the cracks. The dissent is largely a by-product of growing ineptitude.


I'm not including managers in this btw. They have time to calm down and see a replay before they give their opinions.

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Just fundamentally disagree about that, IMO even if referees make mistakes they deserve respect from the players because of their position. I don't believe refereeing is getting worse, and I don't believe that is the reason for most dissent. I think it's the result of player's power and profiles being out of control.


I believe the standard of refereeing could only be improved by fractions while human beings are doing it.


I don't expect anyone to agree with this BTW.

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Just fundamentally disagree about that, IMO even if referees make mistakes they deserve respect from the players because of their position. I don't believe refereeing is getting worse, and I don't believe that is the reason for most dissent. I think it's the result of player's power and profiles being out of control.


I believe the standard of refereeing could only be improved by fractions while human beings are doing it.


I don't expect anyone to agree with this BTW.


I agree  :smug:

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Just fundamentally disagree about that, IMO even if referees make mistakes they deserve respect from the players because of their position. I don't believe refereeing is getting worse, and I don't believe that is the reason for most dissent. I think it's the result of player's power and profiles being out of control.


I believe the standard of refereeing could only be improved by fractions while human beings are doing it.


I don't expect anyone to agree with this BTW.

i agree with you. the only way refereeing has got markedly worse is in the way they let players get away with abusing them.
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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.

yet they can control themselves in other sports, i wonder why ?
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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.

yet they can control themselves in pther sports, i wonder why ?


No other sport with this many differently interpretable rules has as much pressure as high level football. Fouls, offsides, throw ins, penalties, corners etc are not as set in stone as the rules for other sports.

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While I don't agree with it in general, it's hard to control yourself when the referee is just blatantly getting things wrong. A few times last season I've been convinced the referee has decided to give as many decisions against us as he can and it's hard to just smile and carry on when it happens.


Who wouldn't have questioned the ref when Luiz only got a yellow, for example? Some awful decisions cost games, which costs points, which costs money. You can't just switch off immediate emotion.

yet they can control themselves in pther sports, i wonder why ?


No other sport with this many differently interpretable rules has as much pressure as high level football. Fouls, offsides, throw ins, penalties, corners etc are not as set in stone as the rules for other sports.

i disagree, rugby is as bad but the way it is televised is completely different (but it's catching up). the idea is the ref has made his decision and thats it, in football it's "lets make a talking point". go to a rugby match and listen to the fans disagree with the ref's decisions but accept it nonetheless.



the pressure argument is rubbish btw, the pressure to win is equal in every sport unless of course you mean the players are going mad for having their win bonus put in danger.

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It's very rare that a poor refereeing decision actually costs a team the game though.

99% of the time the best team on the day will win the game and it's highly unlikely that a shit ref will change that.  Players often vent their frustration at the ref if their team aren't winning or if the game isn't going their way, even if the decision given is unlikely to change the course of the game - Rooney is a perfect example of this.

Red cards and penalties are more likely to have an impact on the outcome of a match but IMO the refs get a lot more of these decisions right than they do wrong, and if the players stopped diving around like a bunch of fairies they'd get even more right. 


The players just need to grow-the-fuck-up and start accepting that human error is part-and-parcel, and rather than blaming the ref for losing them the game take a look at what they could have done better/more to help their team win



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the pressure argument is rubbish btw, the pressure to win is equal in every sport unless of course you mean the players are going mad for having their win bonus put in danger.


The Premier League is a multi-billion pound industry. Nearly every game is important in some way by the time May comes around. Dropping out of the PL can almost end your team/clubs chances of ever being in the elite again, which impacts greatly on your club and on your fans. I'm not a follower of Rugby or Cricket, but I doubt the overall pressure is as bad.

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the pressure argument is rubbish btw, the pressure to win is equal in every sport unless of course you mean the players are going mad for having their win bonus put in danger.


The Premier League is a multi-billion pound industry. Nearly every game is important in some way by the time May comes around. Dropping out of the PL can almost end your team/clubs chances of ever being in the elite again, which impacts greatly on your club and on your fans. I'm not a follower of Rugby or Cricket, but I doubt the overall pressure is as bad.

in rugby the numbers are smaller but the effect is exactly the same. i'll bet if referees started booking players for on field twattish behaviour they after a few weeks of getting sent off and running up suspensions it would stop. it's not pressure that leads them to do it, it's that for years they've been allowed to get away with it and it's gradually, over time, got worse and worse. all it takes is for the ref to enter each chaging room pre game and state "only the captain can talk to me, any abuse will be a caution, anyone not doing as i say ie retreating for dead balls will be cautioned, any abuse towards your fellow players will be a caution" it's quite simple if the will is there.
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