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Alan Pardew


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Varadi: put in context, it's anything but reasonable. "We know what we think is wrong and we need to put it right" is probably the pick of the bunch. He might be able to talk around what is wrong/identify it, but his tenure is struggling to more comprehensively show that he doesn't have a clue about how to put it right.


The performances he is getting out of that squad is staggering.


The only harsh and unfair thing is that fans have paid good money to watch that team for a whole season without calling for his head. Maybe we feel powerless as fans, castrated after our powerlessness to stop our ground turning into a stadium-sized Sports Direct logo. The derby humiliation seemed to stir people from that almost apathetic acceptance of the dross served up. Hopefully the criticism will grow increasingly just and appropriate, because it's still not there IMO.

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More quotes from Pardew's interview today:


This week there is no excuse. We’ve had the same amount of time as West Brom and hopefully that will be shown on the pitch.


“I was told about this club and the extremes here. I don’t think we have reacted to the criticism we’ve had, we’ve accepted it, we know what we think is wrong and we need to put it right.


"I do think one or two things that have been said are a bit harsh and unfair. I thought some of it was over the top.”




Actually sounds a lot more reasonable when put in a fuller context.


It's the most embarrassing result in my lifetime following NUFC and he doesn't appear to give a f***.  Aye, he's well reasonable, what a guy.


He has to try put a positive spin on it, it's his only choice. I think he knows it's embarrassing but I would agree he doesn't seem to understand exactly how much so.



He should be fucking ashamed.  He is not putting a positive spin on it in the right way whatsoever, he's making excuses and taking pot shots at those daft cunts down the road.  A positive spin would be to say he felt deeply upset he'd caused NUFC fans such hurt and wouldn't rest until he'd made up for it.  Instead his quotes since the game have been insulting.

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More quotes from Pardew's interview today:


This week there is no excuse. We’ve had the same amount of time as West Brom and hopefully that will be shown on the pitch.


“I was told about this club and the extremes here. I don’t think we have reacted to the criticism we’ve had, we’ve accepted it, we know what we think is wrong and we need to put it right.


"I do think one or two things that have been said are a bit harsh and unfair. I thought some of it was over the top.”




Actually sounds a lot more reasonable when put in a fuller context.


It's the most embarrassing result in my lifetime following NUFC and he doesn't appear to give a f***.  Aye, he's well reasonable, what a guy.


He has to try put a positive spin on it, it's his only choice. I think he knows it's embarrassing but I would agree he doesn't seem to understand exactly how much so.



He should be f***ing ashamed.  He is not putting a positive spin on it in the right way whatsoever, he's making excuses and taking pot shots at those daft c***s down the road.  A positive spin would be to say he was deeply upset by the result and wouldn't rest until he'd made up for it.  His quotes since the game have been insulting.



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He's just more optimistic than yow. Needless post tbh.


Nope, you're wrong.


But your only alignment here is TT, who is clearly a psycho nutjob. You really should consider your stance here. This'll do nothing for your approval rating.


:lol: I know you're joking about approval ratings but I'm not arsed about anything like that.  He's just more optimistic than me?  :lol:


Your only alignment is TT. Think about that.


I couldn't care less mate, my opinion is my opinion and Ian W must be some sort of hypnotist if more people aren't sharing it.  Look at the shite he's posted the last few pages FFS.  Do I need to dig it up?


I never said it wasn't shite. I don't think there is any malice in it, or wummery... if wummery isn't covered under the malice umbrella.


The point is, if the only person who agrees with you is TT, you're probably in the wrong. Or at the very least a little mentally unbalanced. The man managed to get himself banned in a discussion about Solid State Hard Drives ffs :lol:


Probably the only banning I'm actually sorry for. Tbf I was high as fuck on gas while laced with cheap shots on holiday. I didn't even remember what had happened until I got home.


Think you can lay off the insults now though chap. We get it. :)

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I was told about this club and the extremes here.


What the hell is that meant to mean ?

Is being pissed of at our position and that result 'extreme' ?


His quotes about this result would only be somewhat understandable if it was an anomaly in a season that hadn't been so absolutely fucking disastrous.


Take his quotes in context and I don't even know how he's got the fucking nerve.

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I was told about this club and the extremes here.


What the hell is that meant to mean ?

Is being pissed off at our position and that result 'extreme' ?


It's building up for the next excuse of a 'toxic' crowd when it all goes to shit in the next couple of home games.  He must have found the Souness Book of Excuses when they finally got around to clearing Fat Sam's locker.

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I just want to see some champagne football.


Remember that time when Pardpoo complained that we'd been more 'flat bitter' (wtf is that, anyway?) than champagne? What have we been supping on this season then, Alan? A bucket full of widdle punctuated by a solitary, bobbing turd, that's what.

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Guest icemanblue

:lol: That was entertaining.


I'll never understand why people let someone's opposing opinion (on the Internet, no less) get to them so much.

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Fuck knows what happened over the last few pages, I was on a train to Newcastle!


I 100% have never intended to wind anyone up, apologies to the bystanders for ruining the thread. And the people who seem to hate me personally, not sure what to say to that.


I hoped that it was possible to hold views that weren't black and white, and explore them with people in a genuine debate, but it doesn't seem like it is. For whatever reason, either they don't try to understand, they choose not to understand, or they're too angry with recent events to understand.


Anyway, I will stay away from the Pardew thread for a while, maybe the forum as well.


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I didn't think I'd even have to do this, but these are quotes from just this thread today alone.


I happen to think he's spot on.


Thursday was a much bigger game than sunday and he's saying we're bigger than that and should have more ambition than to just win derbies which appears to be their only ambition.


If he is saying fan reaction was over the top I think he's wrong. But I don't know that he is, he might just be trying to downplay the situation in general, or be referring to pundits etc.


In context that whole interview doesn't read too badly. At least when he talks about Sunderland he also admits we'll have to carry our own burden of defeat.


Reads better than each line in isolation.


I happen to think he's spot on.


Thursday was a much bigger game than sunday and he's saying we're bigger than that and should have more ambition than to just win derbies which appears to be their only ambition.


If he is saying fan reaction was over the top I think he's wrong. But I don't know that he is, he might just be trying to downplay the situation in general, or be referring to pundits etc.


In context that whole interview doesn't read too badly. At least when he talks about Sunderland he also admits we'll have to carry our own burden of defeat.


Reads better than each line in isolation.


That is just as bad.


I see what you're saying, yes and no IMO. Obviously he should be impressing on the players how dire the situation is, but in public he needs to make it sound like everything is calm.


At the end of the day the performance against WBA will be the telling thing.


He did say it aye, obviously he would be better not mentioning it but it doesn't sound as bad in context with the rest of the interview.


He's in here all day every day defending his hero against the indefensible with ridiculous diplomacy that makes no fucking sense.


Today it's "leave him alone, let's see what happens against WBA", I'm sure last week it was "leave him alone, let's see what happens against Sunderland".


But nar, I'm a bully and a radgie.


You truly have lost it IP :lol:


How in the name of all holy are those quotes a "Pardew lovefest" or whatever you called it? Marked some line in bold that shows pretty clear that he is not "#1 Pardew fan niceguy boy14". He is debating for and against with a balanced view, trying to get a reasoned discussion going instead of the endless shit slinging doom mongering piece of crap no added value posts that has been thrown around the last two weeks on here.


Take a timeout IP  O0

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Fuck knows what happened over the last few pages, I was on a train to Newcastle!


I 100% have never intended to wind anyone up, apologies to the bystanders for ruining the thread. And the people who seem to hate me personally, not sure what to say to that.


I hoped that it was possible to hold views that weren't black and white, and explore them with people in a genuine debate, but it doesn't seem like it is. For whatever reason, either they don't try to understand, they choose not to understand, or they're too angry with recent events to understand.


Anyway, I will stay away from the Pardew thread for a while, maybe the forum as well.



spot on marra 9-1 FTM

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Fuck knows what happened over the last few pages, I was on a train to Newcastle!


I 100% have never intended to wind anyone up, apologies to the bystanders for ruining the thread. And the people who seem to hate me personally, not sure what to say to that.


I hoped that it was possible to hold views that weren't black and white, and explore them with people in a genuine debate, but it doesn't seem like it is. For whatever reason, either they don't try to understand, they choose not to understand, or they're too angry with recent events to understand.


Anyway, I will stay away from the Pardew thread for a while, maybe the forum as well.



Don't be a drama queen lad - suck it up and give your opinion.  It's what these public forums are for.  I don't agree with a lot of what you say in this thread (along with several others) but that's what debate is about. 


If a few people are getting aggrivated by what you're reading put each other on ignore.  Wait a minute, I didn't mean it.  Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

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Fuck knows what happened over the last few pages, I was on a train to Newcastle!


I 100% have never intended to wind anyone up, apologies to the bystanders for ruining the thread. And the people who seem to hate me personally, not sure what to say to that.


I hoped that it was possible to hold views that weren't black and white, and explore them with people in a genuine debate, but it doesn't seem like it is. For whatever reason, either they don't try to understand, they choose not to understand, or they're too angry with recent events to understand.


Anyway, I will stay away from the Pardew thread for a while, maybe the forum as well.



Don't be a drama queen lad - suck it up and give your opinion.  It's what these public forums are for.  I don't agree with a lot of what you say in this thread (along with several others) but that's what debate is about. 


If a few people are getting aggrivated by what you're reading put each other on ignore.  Wait a minute, I didn't mean it.  Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!


I agree with this too.

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Guest neesy111

I just want to see some champagne football.


This is going to be my sig.


But is it cheap champagne though? :sad:

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