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The other games today - 2013/14


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Would love to play this manure every week and really that's their problem, nee f***er fears them anymore, including referees.


Mentally they've been gutted, they need a strong manager to rebuild it all, Moyes maybe the man but it could get worse before it gets better, depends on how much patience the board have got as the fans have clearly already ran out.


Jose would have thrived in this situation.


Said it before on here but Pep would have been the correct choice for them.


He'd already signed a deal with Bayern though.


They had time before that though, they knew this was coming.


There were rumours Rooney knew it was Moyes before the season even ended and why he handed in a transfer request.


Well it was announced before the season had ended. ;)

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Still staggering they only bought Fellaini in the summer, makes our recruitment policy look extravagant.


Good thing it was only 27.5m pounds.


I'm still laughing about this btw.


Said for months on end - and I'm sure you and many other Man Utd fans would have thought the same - that he was a) not good enough to be a key part of a title-winning side and b) not the sort of player you needed at all. To get that much money for him was, for lack of a better word, hilarious.


I'm fully expecting you to go for Baines again this month / in the summer (try a vaguely respectful offer this time ;)). Coincidentally, many of our fans would argue - with some justification - that he's been our 3rd best full back this season. Not that he's still not been good.

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Still staggering they only bought Fellaini in the summer, makes our recruitment policy look extravagant.


It's hard to argue with those saying they panicked there and bought the wrong type of player for far too much.


I don't really know if manures problems can be sorted with one player, so a bit unfair to pin it on Fellaini. I dare say if anything they need an overhaul, 4-5 key players to reinvent the squad. I don't think they'll do that mid season either.


Buttner, Nani, young, cleverly, Anderson, lindgaard, Zaha, kawaga just aren't the quality needed for a champions team. Kawaga from what I hear was amazing in Germany, he's been shite here for far too long now while Zaha moved to the wrong club, he needed to be playing every game. Welbeck I like, but again need games but he is close to being trusted to start and perform.


Evra, Fletcher, Giggs, Evans, Hernandez, smalling, Valencia & Ferdinand can be the quality thry should have but are either on their way out, or don't do it consistently enough.


So really you are left with the core of de Gea , jones, vidic, Carrick, RvP & Rooney to carry the team, apart from the goalie all of them are quite injury prone.


Like Ginola just said a few mins ago, Manu with all their trophies and dominance are now relying on a kid to make things happen and no one else out there can. Crazy.

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Still staggering they only bought Fellaini in the summer, makes our recruitment policy look extravagant.


It's hard to argue with those saying they panicked there and bought the wrong type of player for far too much.


I don't really know if manures problems can be sorted with one player, so a bit unfair to pin it on Fellaini. I dare say if anything they need an overhaul, 4-5 key players to reinvent the squad. I don't think they'll do that mid season either.


Buttner, Nani, young, cleverly, Anderson, lindgaard, Zaha, kawaga just aren't the quality needed for a champions team. Kawaga from what I hear was amazing in Germany, he's been shite here for far too long now while Zaha moved to the wrong club, he needed to be playing every game. Welbeck I like, but again need games but he is close to being trusted to start and perform.


Evra, Fletcher, Giggs, Evans, Hernandez, smalling, Valencia & Ferdinand can be the quality thry should have but are either on their way out, or don't do it consistently enough.


So really you are left with the core of de Gea , jones, vidic, Carrick, RvP & Rooney to carry the team, apart from the goalie all of them are quite injury prone.


Like Ginola just said a few mins ago, Manu with all their trophies and dominance are now relying on a kid to make things happen and no one else out there can. Crazy.


Not Fellaini's fault at all, more that they thought he was what they needed and more importantly all they needed when ask any football fan (not just Man United fans) and they'd reel off a list of changes they needed making.

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Roma can't afford to lose this if they're still to be considered serious title contenders. 8 points the gap if Juve win. That said, I'd imagine Roma would have considered a top 3 finish an excellent season's work back in August.

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JS (and I'm sure Felipao will have an opinion) - what's your opinion on Dodo? Looks a real talent when I've seen him.


I haven't seen as much of him, nor many games this season as I would have liked sadly, but from what I've seen he's great for young defender like. He's not that big physically but has the potential to be immense in a couple of years if he's starting every week. #insightful :lol:

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