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Nigel Walker R.I.P


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Very sad. Frightening to think he wasn't much older than myself. As hard as the derby defeat was, this puts some perspective on it. i was young during his playing days. Don't remember much about his actual play, but remember him being in the side. He might of played in the NYD 3-1 win v the mackems in 1980. Not sure though.

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I'm sure he put in a lovely cross for Alan Shoulder to score against Exeter in the FA Cup 5th Round in 1981.


Good, Skillfull player but a bit of a target for the boo boys iirc due to inconsistency.


Always remember the replay down there when we were getting hammered. Nigel ran over to take a corner at our end and i shouted a load of abuse about the team being shit. He told me to fuck off! Smashing lad though and a bit of a favourite of mine. Cant help wondering how much better he might have done if he had gone to Spurs when they were interested.

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He might of played in the NYD 3-1 win v the mackems in 1980. Not sure though.


I've checked with Mr Joannou's records, and he did not.


(How sad am I?)

I wouldn't worry about being sad. I was looking it up myself. Just couldn't find it that's all.

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