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We Would Be Confident Of Beating 3 Out Of The 4 Semi-Finalists.

Crumpy Gunt

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Why the only 2 midtable teams in the league haven't bothered in the cups I don't know...


Agree with this. Southampton still get far more praise from our fans though. Watched them on Saturday against Palace and we played far better down there. Think the praise Pochettino gets on here is way overboard imo.

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Still doing that thing where you compare the relative performances of sides specifically against Crystal Palace away to evaluate how good a side is. :lol:


Thank fuck you didn't choose the mackems for your comparison, we've given them 2 out of their 6 wins this season and looked rubbish in both games.

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Not particularly linked to this thread, but when was the last time we beat a 'higher ranked' club? Off the top of my head I can think of Chelsea in the Carling Cup in the 4-3 battle of the reserves, but apart from that?


06/07, when we beat Portsmouth in the League Cup.


In the FA Cup, you've got to go back to the season we got to the semi final beating Chelsea and Spurs, 04-05.

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Still doing that thing where you compare the relative performances of sides specifically against Crystal Palace away to evaluate how good a side is. :lol:


Thank f*** you didn't choose the mackems for your comparison, we've given them 2 out of their 6 wins this season and looked rubbish in both games.


Was just because i watched them during their win on Saturday and didn't think they were up to all that much. For mackem comparison i thought they played really well in the first half against them then were dreadful the second half, in the league that is. Never watched either of their games in the cup against them but fact they went out of both league and fa cup off Sunderland, doesn’t fill them in great light either. Can't remember if they've played Southampton away yet or not in the league?


Think Southampton are about where they should be, they play some nice football, they have their dodgy runs and poor results like most clubs do but the sun has shined out of their arse on this forum this season. Compared to us who don’t get a glimmer of the praise they do. Best think about Southampton for me is they bring through the youth very well, something that does set them apart to us.

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I agree we've been shit in the cups recently, but we did put out a team good enough to beat Cardiff. Sometimes you just lose.


This focussing on who is left in so we can be even more negative about it is fairly bizarre.



I keep hearing this shit. no we didnt we got beat. we should have played the best 11 available- it was the only competition we were realistically competing in.

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Their team is vastly inferior. That's the difference. Add to that the fact they have a definable style of play that is good to watch and largely effective.


That's the bit that is overused for me. I've seen them play poor just as much as i have well and enjoyed. They won on Saturday but i didn't enjoy watching them. Yes they have a specific style which they try to use but it's not always pleasing on the eye. Can look very tedious and boring at times. Can get drawn in where there's no intent to do anything with the ball other than keep it, or at least it can feel that way. Swansea started to get a similar problem under Laudrup, no cutting edge to it.

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Thank fuck you didn't choose the mackems for your comparison, we've given them 2 out of their 6 wins this season and looked rubbish in both games.


beyond me how the mackems capitulations aren't first and foremost in the mind of every fan when they're considering our performances, i honestly can't understand how anyone could let it go for long enough...i'll never be happy now until pardew has gone for nothing other than what he's turned us into against them


if we'd had a vastly inferior team full of shite i could maybe, maybe let it slide long enough to look past it, but the fact they've been in relegation shite the entire time while we've had our best group of players for a decade or so and they've still bent us over and reamed us is too much for me to take


i'll never get over it until he's gone and we have a real manager who starts giving them a game again

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I agree we've been s*** in the cups recently, but we did put out a team good enough to beat Cardiff. Sometimes you just lose.


This focussing on who is left in so we can be even more negative about it is fairly bizarre.



I keep hearing this s***. no we didnt we got beat. we should have played the best 11 available- it was the only competition we were realistically competing in.


The problem is, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. Cardiff at home is a game near enough everyone expected to win even without a full strength side. You need to give the so-called squad players proper playing time else if a player is injured, how are they going to be up to speed to come in? Cisse was well out of form and this was a chance for him. If we pick our 'best team' for every game there's a chance you'll burn players out, a chance you'll pick up more injuries and also younger players (like Haidara) won't ever get a chance to develop in the first team.


On the flip-side, we lost in a competition that we (as the fans) are desperate to do well. Even Pardew has to be aware of the discontent with our shocking displays in the domestic cups every year. I'm as p*ssed off as any other fan, I've given up on even caring about the FA and League Cups this year even from a football fan perspective as it's too depressing to see what could have been. Pardew gets hate from left right and centre and a fair amount of it is justified. But I'd be extraordinarily surprised if he's going out of his way to bomb us out of cup competitions.


Really given our league season is practically over given we won't go down and unless a minor miracle happens won't make Europe, you could make a case of starting some of the prospects now.

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Thank fuck you didn't choose the mackems for your comparison, we've given them 2 out of their 6 wins this season and looked rubbish in both games.


We've actually given our lovely neighbours 3 of their last 8 league wins. That's almost 40% of all their victories over a period stretching back almost 14 months.


It's almost beyond belief.

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Does the draw work out like if we'd beaten Cardiff, we'd have followed their route in terms of ball number? If so, we'd have lost to City yesterday knowing us, or if not, Arsenal in the Semi.


Yeah I think it does.


Clearly not that simple,



Proper analysis indicates that we are constrained by an average manager and some kind of voodoo curse limiting our success in cup competitions:






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