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Reds 2-9 Blues - Post-match reaction frpm page 35

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Forgot TheGuv dropped out. Leaves both teams with 11 confirmed, two unconfirmed, with three bosmans still to assign. I'd be tempted to make it 30 minute halves given half of the roster is crocked.

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Stop pulling out for f*** sake, people are travelling quite far for this and local boys are the ones flouncing off.


Useless twats tbh, some of us are flying over FFS.


Forgot TheGuv dropped out. Leaves both teams with 11 confirmed, two unconfirmed, with three bosmans still to assign. I'd be tempted to make it 30 minute halves given half of the roster is crocked.


Even that sounds daunting. :lol:

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Squad Lists



1. Disco

2. Duffylad

3. GallowgateKev

4. Heza09

5. Neesy111

6. Optimistic Nut

7. Rocker

8. Sifu

9. Super Duper Branko Strupar

10. Jimburst

11. Maybe_next_year

12. BrettNUFC

13. JB

14. Kid Icarus



1. Bowlingcrofty

2. Ian W

3. Joey

4. KDT


6. TaylorJ_01

7. Yorkie

8. Ryan_Taylor


10. Elliotman

11. Froggy

12. Doctor Zaius

13. BarackObama




Still waiting on Duffy ® and Crofty (b).

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Don't worry - it's a kickabout at the end of the day.


Right then. Out of the hat:







Kid Icarus









Any objections?



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I doubt he will tbh; in fairness to him he told me weeks ago that he had a lot on during this weekend. That's why I gave the Reds two.


Plucked one name out of the hat for Blues and it was BO.

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So how does this work then, shall I stick a 'elliottman' sticker on my forehead?


I generally awkwardly sidle over and introduce myself as Jimburst, then desperately realise I've probably not introduced myself to the right people.

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