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Tough Choices....

Guest JamesD

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Ok, heres my situation. Tomorrow is my last day at university, and i'll be home probably in the early afternoon.  The game against chelsea is being recorded on my TV at home, so when i get home i can watch it.  But should i follow it today, or should i wait and watch the game without knowing the score? I'm torn here.  Cant check bbc or N-O for the rest of the day if i watch it at home, so i dont really know what to do.  Thoughts?

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Had we been talking about a game like NUFC v Reading like last week (at home against beatable oposition) then I would have said wait for sure. If you like to do that sort of thing... I'd never do it personally, would rather follow it live, even if only text.


Whereas in this case (Chelsea away) I wouldnt bother letting to pressure build for nearly a day when the chances of an anticlimax are so high, no way :lol:

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haha, my older brothers name is Andrew.

and nobby: I'm not sure why my dad left. I know he met up with some family in winnipeg canada before he came to the states, but i'm not sure the reason.

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haha, my older brothers name is Andrew.

and nobby: I'm not sure why my dad left. I know he met up with some family in winnipeg canada before he came to the states, but i'm not sure the reason.


Good thing he left Winterpeg, you'd have not liked it there.  Bit on the desolate side.  My younger brother's name is Ryan, so it's a

little less odd.  :winking:

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Guest Walking in a waddle wonde

Hey there's an american norwich! Cool! didn't know that...You should go over there for me JamesD and tell me if you see any imbred farmers with webbed feet :p


They also have a Liverpool, 2 Bethlehems, Rome, Greece and somewhere called Horseheads  bluebigeek.gif

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norwich is actually a pretty small rural town. wouldnt be suprised if there were inbred farmers.  Horseheads was named as such becuase i think the natives used the heads or horses they killed to line the road and scare off the whitepeople. And of course ithaca is named after Oddyseus's home from homers the oddesy...and its an actual island in greece.  We americans are so original.

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Update: I've made my choice.  I'm going to read a book about the iraqi insurgency, take a nap, study for my jewish history final tomorrow, go to sleep, take a test, sort out an apartment for next semester, go home, watch the game.  here's to hoping for a toon win!

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Guest TinoInHiding

Ok, heres my situation. Tomorrow is my last day at university, and i'll be home probably in the early afternoon. The game against chelsea is being recorded on my TV at home, so when i get home i can watch it. But should i follow it today, or should i wait and watch the game without knowing the score? I'm torn here. Cant check bbc or N-O for the rest of the day if i watch it at home, so i dont really know what to do. Thoughts?


wait...what channel is it on, in the usa?

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