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Roeder has 10 Million in Jan


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Well, not too far off my view.


Striker, Left back, Right back.


Unless Roeder blows his entire budget on one player, there shouldn't be a reason why we can't get all three IMO. Allowing for stop-gap signings/frees/loans obviously.

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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.

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Well, not too far off my view.


Striker, Left back, Right back.


Unless Roeder blows his entire budget on one player, there shouldn't be a reason why we can't get all three IMO. Allowing for stop-gap signings/frees/loans obviously.



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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.


Aye. I'd agree with that wholeheartedly Chez. Some of the names I mentioned in my earlier post would have set us back a good £25M+ all in. But if we end up with someone like Nugent up front, with improvements at left and right back from sale of Luque that would be some pretty smart business. Can only hope...

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I'd be tempted to take a striker on loan until the end of the season as there isn't anyone who stands out for us to spend our money on at the moment, that way we can also see what shape Owen will be in for next season and know if his injury has taken anything away from his game.


Left back for me would be our top priority as we don't have a competent one in the squad.

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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.


Aye. I'd agree with that wholeheartedly Chez. Some of the names I mentioned in my earlier post would have set us back a good £25M+ all in. But if we end up with someone like Nugent up front, with improvements at left and right back from sale of Luque that would be some pretty smart business. Can only hope...


Don't players normally cost more in January also? I know if I was a Prem manager I wouldn't want to be selling any of my players half way through the season as that would mean I would have to buy replacements.


Can only realistically see Glenn brining in a left back and maybe a striker and selling off Luque.

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Will be looking at around £6mill to take Bridge on!


I think any money like that should be spent on a forward or an attacking midfield player and it would be madness to spend such an amount on a defender.


It will be interesting to see how many other shit boards back their managers with 10m to go with 15m last summer as well.





So you ARE Freddy then :lol: That's the mentality that has left us with Carr and Babayaro as first teamers. Why is it silly to spend that kind of money on a defender?


because we need forwards more, or quality forwards more. And quality forwards cost more than quality defenders. Simple. Or should I say, simpleton.


Anyway I thought you were against spending big money on "trophy" players ? Is this another of your "yeh but no but" statement similar to those you made about interfering with managers ?




We don't need to splash out big on a striker yet IMO, we could get someone in who will do an adequate job till the summer fairly cheap then we have Owen back (and Shola but lets not get into that). Fact is we don't have adequate full backs and they should be priority!


Funnily enough, its that simple.


Well if you gave me a choice between a good full back for 5 or 6m quid or a good forward for 5 or 6m quid I would take the forward and I find it amazing that anyone would spend that amount of money on a defender first.




Man Utd spent £28m on one freddy. They win cups. We don't. See a link?


so you think we should pay 28m for a defender  :lol:


I'm sure these "trophy" defenders will score our goals if Martins is injured .......




Yes I think we should spend £28m on the defence. Without doing this, it renders the ?£50m? that we've spent on the attack as money wasted.


to re-iterate what I said earlier, why are you now advocating buying "trophy" players when previously you have indicated you would prefer average ones [or "non trophy" ones] ?


And - could you tell us how many other shit boards you think will find another 10m for their managers on top of the 15m already handed over in the summer ?



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A younger striker like Nugent would be a good idea. Though he'd be relatively expensive due to being English, a lower league team might find it too hard to turn the cash down, and we get a hungry player who can only improve.


A stumbling block is that Preston are doing well and may come up, but that didn't seem to bother Dean Ashton...

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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.


Aye. I'd agree with that wholeheartedly Chez. Some of the names I mentioned in my earlier post would have set us back a good £25M+ all in. But if we end up with someone like Nugent up front, with improvements at left and right back from sale of Luque that would be some pretty smart business. Can only hope...


Don't players normally cost more in January also? I know if I was a Prem manager I wouldn't want to be selling any of my players half way through the season as that would mean I would have to buy replacements.


Can only realistically see Glenn brining in a left back and maybe a striker and selling off Luque.


I'd be more than happy with that.


Baggio does make a good point about the timing of getting a new striker but if we beat Chelsea on weds then we will be looking at 2 definite chances of silverware this season.



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Bridge 3.5?


Upson/Distin/Whoever 4 million


Striker 2.5 million + cash from Luque sell.


Let the young ones + solano take care of right back.

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Will be looking at around £6mill to take Bridge on!


I think any money like that should be spent on a forward or an attacking midfield player and it would be madness to spend such an amount on a defender.


It will be interesting to see how many other shit boards back their managers with 10m to go with 15m last summer as well.





So you ARE Freddy then :lol: That's the mentality that has left us with Carr and Babayaro as first teamers. Why is it silly to spend that kind of money on a defender?


because we need forwards more, or quality forwards more. And quality forwards cost more than quality defenders. Simple. Or should I say, simpleton.


Anyway I thought you were against spending big money on "trophy" players ? Is this another of your "yeh but no but" statement similar to those you made about interfering with managers ?




We don't need to splash out big on a striker yet IMO, we could get someone in who will do an adequate job till the summer fairly cheap then we have Owen back (and Shola but lets not get into that). Fact is we don't have adequate full backs and they should be priority!


Funnily enough, its that simple.


Well if you gave me a choice between a good full back for 5 or 6m quid or a good forward for 5 or 6m quid I would take the forward and I find it amazing that anyone would spend that amount of money on a defender first.




Man Utd spent £28m on one freddy. They win cups. We don't. See a link?


they also spent £30m on a forward............


Yes but if they can spend £28m on a defender how can £6m on one seem so outrageous?


what are you babbling on about ?



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Also, now that Martins is delivering, we have experience with Sib, Dyer is still threatening to learn how to score we can afford to bring someone inexperienced in.



Or leave it 'til the summer and bring in a couple of players in positions that regularly give us grief, like erm... ...left and right-back for example. ;)

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Will be looking at around £6mill to take Bridge on!


I think any money like that should be spent on a forward or an attacking midfield player and it would be madness to spend such an amount on a defender.


It will be interesting to see how many other shit boards back their managers with 10m to go with 15m last summer as well.





So you ARE Freddy then :lol: That's the mentality that has left us with Carr and Babayaro as first teamers. Why is it silly to spend that kind of money on a defender?


because we need forwards more, or quality forwards more. And quality forwards cost more than quality defenders. Simple. Or should I say, simpleton.


Anyway I thought you were against spending big money on "trophy" players ? Is this another of your "yeh but no but" statement similar to those you made about interfering with managers ?




We don't need to splash out big on a striker yet IMO, we could get someone in who will do an adequate job till the summer fairly cheap then we have Owen back (and Shola but lets not get into that). Fact is we don't have adequate full backs and they should be priority!


Funnily enough, its that simple.


Well if you gave me a choice between a good full back for 5 or 6m quid or a good forward for 5 or 6m quid I would take the forward and I find it amazing that anyone would spend that amount of money on a defender first.




Man Utd spent £28m on one freddy. They win cups. We don't. See a link?


they also spent £30m on a forward............


Yes but if they can spend £28m on a defender how can £6m on one seem so outrageous?


i think the point was that quality attackers cost more than quality defenders, and that we should spend more on attack than defence.


plus, comparing our current financial position, and the current player market, to that of man utd's in 2002 doesnt make much sense.


Their record signing is a defender. We shouldn't spend more on attack than defence. We've done that for years, and where's it got us? It's got us nowhere and it's gotten us one of the worst defensive reputations around. We should spend more on defence, and build from the back. At one point we had the best striker in the country and the most expensive player in the world, and we didn't win anything because of failure to invest similar figures in the defence.


fundamental rule of football. It is easier to defend than score goals. Scoring goals is the hardest part of the game. = attackers have always cost more money than defenders.


In our current position, we need forwards. We have a good defensive record but a poor goalscoring record, and are thin on forwards.


It could be worse, you could support  a club with a shit board that don't bother investing much in players and are happy with mediocrity and simply staying in the top league.



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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.


Aye. I'd agree with that wholeheartedly Chez. Some of the names I mentioned in my earlier post would have set us back a good £25M+ all in. But if we end up with someone like Nugent up front, with improvements at left and right back from sale of Luque that would be some pretty smart business. Can only hope...


Don't players normally cost more in January also? I know if I was a Prem manager I wouldn't want to be selling any of my players half way through the season as that would mean I would have to buy replacements.


Can only realistically see Glenn brining in a left back and maybe a striker and selling off Luque.


I'd be more than happy with that.


Baggio does make a good point about the timing of getting a new striker but if we beat Chelsea on weds then we will be looking at 2 definite chances of silverware this season.




I think we'll struggle to find anyone of a high enough standard who isn't already cup tied in either the Carling( :?) cup or Europe, which is the problem with trying to sign anyone in January.


I suggested back in the summer that we should swap Luque for Kanoute but there isn't any chance of that happening now, perhaps offering Luque plus cash for Nikola Zigic? he seems to be doing well in Spain atm.

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Will be looking at around £6mill to take Bridge on!


I think any money like that should be spent on a forward or an attacking midfield player and it would be madness to spend such an amount on a defender.


It will be interesting to see how many other shit boards back their managers with 10m to go with 15m last summer as well.





So you ARE Freddy then :lol: That's the mentality that has left us with Carr and Babayaro as first teamers. Why is it silly to spend that kind of money on a defender?


because we need forwards more, or quality forwards more. And quality forwards cost more than quality defenders. Simple. Or should I say, simpleton.


Anyway I thought you were against spending big money on "trophy" players ? Is this another of your "yeh but no but" statement similar to those you made about interfering with managers ?




We don't need to splash out big on a striker yet IMO, we could get someone in who will do an adequate job till the summer fairly cheap then we have Owen back (and Shola but lets not get into that). Fact is we don't have adequate full backs and they should be priority!


Funnily enough, its that simple.


Well if you gave me a choice between a good full back for 5 or 6m quid or a good forward for 5 or 6m quid I would take the forward and I find it amazing that anyone would spend that amount of money on a defender first.




Man Utd spent £28m on one freddy. They win cups. We don't. See a link?


they also spent £30m on a forward............


Yes but if they can spend £28m on a defender how can £6m on one seem so outrageous?


i think the point was that quality attackers cost more than quality defenders, and that we should spend more on attack than defence.


plus, comparing our current financial position, and the current player market, to that of man utd's in 2002 doesnt make much sense.


Their record signing is a defender. We shouldn't spend more on attack than defence. We've done that for years, and where's it got us? It's got us nowhere and it's gotten us one of the worst defensive reputations around. We should spend more on defence, and build from the back. At one point we had the best striker in the country and the most expensive player in the world, and we didn't win anything because of failure to invest similar figures in the defence.


fundamental rule of football. It is easier to defend than score goals. Scoring goals is the hardest part of the game. = attackers have always cost more money than defenders.


In our current position, we need forwards. We have a good defensive record but a poor goalscoring record, and are thin on forwards.


It could be worse, you could support a club with a shit board that don't bother investing much in players and are happy with mediocrity and simply staying in the top league.




This is of course true, but when you have 18 million Owen, 10 Million Martins, 9?m Luque, Sib, Ameobi I think its fair to say that you should sell before you go and spend all your money on another striker.


Right now we need defenders, and in the future if the Owen/Martins partnership doesnt work out.. Sell one of them and then bring in another top name.


PS. I havnt really read all the posts only the last ones so if this is not what you are debating.. sorry

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The question becomes how much for each position. No matter the previous posts in this thread about expensive defenders, attackers generally cost more. The market means we need to focus our resources on the striker position.


GM, as i said, spend whats available on a striker, sell Luque and spend that on defence.


Aye. I'd agree with that wholeheartedly Chez. Some of the names I mentioned in my earlier post would have set us back a good £25M+ all in. But if we end up with someone like Nugent up front, with improvements at left and right back from sale of Luque that would be some pretty smart business. Can only hope...


Don't players normally cost more in January also? I know if I was a Prem manager I wouldn't want to be selling any of my players half way through the season as that would mean I would have to buy replacements.


Can only realistically see Glenn brining in a left back and maybe a striker and selling off Luque.


I'd be more than happy with that.


Baggio does make a good point about the timing of getting a new striker but if we beat Chelsea on weds then we will be looking at 2 definite chances of silverware this season.




I think we'll struggle to find anyone of a high enough standard who isn't already cup tied in either the Carling( :?) cup or Europe, which is the problem with trying to sign anyone in January.


I suggested back in the summer that we should swap Luque for Kanoute but there isn't any chance of that happening now, perhaps offering Luque plus cash for Nikola Zigic? he seems to be doing well in Spain atm.


Well, the situation is as usual not perfect for us. You are right, its not going to be easy finding someone and any of the obvious targets are going to cost a lot. Bent would be available in UEFA, so would Nugent, foreign buys like Zigic and the 2 eastern EU players that were linked a while back would be available for Carling. We will know if both are a priority after weds.


All this does need to be balanced against long term needs and finding a substantial addition to Martins + Owen. Not easy to second guess Roeder on this, his job is not an easy one. Another loan is not ideal either. 

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A Zigic/Luque swap would be fantastic. That would give us goals and much needed height in the squad. Shame it's never going to happen, like.


Yeah, he's had a good start so I can't see Racing Santantar (sp?) selling him or being able to afford Luque's wages, he's the sort of player we need to bring in though, someone big and strong who will give us an option from the bench when Owen returns to fitness.


Nugent won't offer us anything new compared to what Viduka or Beattie would, both are good in the air and have excellent hold up play, also both have spent time on the bench at their current clubs so wouldn't demand first team football every week.


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A Zigic/Luque swap would be fantastic. That would give us goals and much needed height in the squad. Shame it's never going to happen, like.


Yeah, he's had a good start so I can't see Racing Santantar (sp?) selling him or being able to afford Luque's wages, he's the sort of player we need to bring in though, someone big and strong who will give us an option from the bench when Owen returns to fitness.


Nugent won't offer us anything new compared to what Viduka or Beattie would, both are good in the air and have excellent hold up play, also both have spent time on the bench at their current clubs so wouldn't demand first team football every week.



Nugent would offer us youth (21), so perhaps a better purchase for the future? Beattie's 28 and Viduka 31(?) - I think Nugent would leap at the chance to play in the Prem, and Villa will have him if we don't get in there first.

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A Zigic/Luque swap would be fantastic. That would give us goals and much needed height in the squad. Shame it's never going to happen, like.


Yeah, he's had a good start so I can't see Racing Santantar (sp?) selling him or being able to afford Luque's wages, he's the sort of player we need to bring in though, someone big and strong who will give us an option from the bench when Owen returns to fitness.


Nugent won't offer us anything new compared to what Viduka or Beattie would, both are good in the air and have excellent hold up play, also both have spent time on the bench at their current clubs so wouldn't demand first team football every week.



Nugent would offer us youth (21), so perhaps a better purchase for the future? Beattie's 28 and Viduka 31(?) - I think Nugent would leap at the chance to play in the Prem, and Villa will have him if we don't get in there first.


But apart from youth I can't see what he'll offer us that Martins and Owen won't, we need someone who can come from the bench and offer us an alternative to what we've currently got, someone dominant in the air and someone who we can fire long balls to if we're desperate.


We've been linked with Ray Jones from QPR, he's only 18 but he's 6'4 and is supposed to be pretty dominant in the air (only what I've read as I've never seen him play) looks like he could be available for less than a £1 million, bringing in both him and Viduka would be a smart move IMO.

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