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Memberships (2024/25)


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6 minutes ago, mondonewc said:

A major flaw in most people's input on this is it's very self-serving, naturally, and I'm sure I'm also guilty of this myself. 


I assume as mentioned the main objective of those in charge is to grow the fan base, that's understandable, its a business after all. 


However, there are numerous issues which have no relevance to achieving that objective, and instead are either ill thought out or sheer incompetence. Just a few of what could be many examples: 


- The website is truly an awful experience to use. I would describe myself as being reasonably tech savvy and clearly you don't need to be any kind of advanced level to use the functions of the site but it's absurdly poor. Ton of bugs, loads of random errors, and then you add in the slowroll element of actually try to purchase phantom tickets (I'm not referring to tickets that someone else is buying but tickets that just were never available) which is emotionally draining and frustrating for fans trying to get a ticket they're desperate for is really poor


- I maybe mistaken but the ballot system seems to lack any resemblance of fairness which would be extremely easy to achieve. For example, let's say person A and person B both apply for PSG tickets with the same parameters in a ballot, A is successful and B fails, then Dortmund ballot comes around and rinse repeat the same thing could happen again so A is 2/2 whilst B is 0/2. I see no reasonable argument that anyone could provide to why they couldn't setup what's an extremely basic system so that B would have priority over A in such a scenario, and similar with league games to provide a better, fairer system for all. 


- The away fans experience in regards to fake tickets and having to go to the box office for a replacement is a disgrace. I truly struggle to believe what they're doing in that regard is legal, I'm sure it must be if they're doing it but it's ludicrous and really poor treatment.


- The membership is 100% very poor value. The junior membership especially, at least just send out a fucking pin badge or certificate or some shit that cost basically nothing so there's at least some worth rather than just paying to have access to general sale tickets which is effectively what it currently provides. 


None of the above really affect myself that much personally, I'm not that desperate to go to any home games, I only know how poor the website and ticket experience is from personal experience as I was trying to get tickets to take my nephew to the PSG game.


All of the above feel like they lack much care or thought to the fan experience which should clearly be a priority, and I say that from a running a business point of view and not as a fan.


It's clear though that there's various aspects of the ticketing operation that is flawed and really shouldn't be that difficult to get right. 

Cant disagree with much of that. The sad thing is it really should be a great time to be an NUFC fan yet it’s clear the supply/demand situation is going to cause a lot of disappointment. 

Roll on a better website but more importantly a bigger stadium ?️ 

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4 minutes ago, mondonewc said:

A major flaw in most people's input on this is it's very self-serving, naturally, and I'm sure I'm also guilty of this myself. 


I assume as mentioned the main objective of those in charge is to grow the fan base, that's understandable, its a business after all. 


However, there are numerous issues which have no relevance to achieving that objective, and instead are either ill thought out or sheer incompetence. Just a few of what could be many examples: 


- The website is truly an awful experience to use. I would describe myself as being reasonably tech savvy and clearly you don't need to be any kind of advanced level to use the functions of the site but it's absurdly poor. Ton of bugs, loads of random errors, and then you add in the slowroll element of actually try to purchase phantom tickets (I'm not referring to tickets that someone else is buying but tickets that just were never available) which is emotionally draining and frustrating for fans trying to get a ticket they're desperate for is really poor


- I maybe mistaken but the ballot system seems to lack any resemblance of fairness which would be extremely easy to achieve. For example, let's say person A and person B both apply for PSG tickets with the same parameters in a ballot, A is successful and B fails, then Dortmund ballot comes around and rinse repeat the same thing could happen again so A is 2/2 whilst B is 0/2. I see no reasonable argument that anyone could provide to why they couldn't setup what's an extremely basic system so that B would have priority over A in such a scenario, and similar with league games to provide a better, fairer system for all. 


- The away fans experience in regards to fake tickets and having to go to the box office for a replacement is a disgrace. I truly struggle to believe what they're doing in that regard is legal, I'm sure it must be if they're doing it but it's ludicrous and really poor treatment.


- The membership is 100% very poor value. The junior membership especially, at least just send out a fucking pin badge or certificate or some shit that cost basically nothing so there's at least some worth rather than just paying to have access to general sale tickets which is effectively what it currently provides. 


None of the above really affect myself that much personally, I'm not that desperate to go to any home games, I only know how poor the website and ticket experience is from personal experience as I was trying to get tickets to take my nephew to the PSG game.


All of the above feel like they lack much care or thought to the fan experience which should clearly be a priority, and I say that from a running a business point of view and not as a fan.


It's clear though that there's various aspects of the ticketing operation that is flawed and really shouldn't be that difficult to get right. 

The bit in bold, I don’t think it’s that simple unfortunately.


For example, let’s say someone has bought a membership but they’re only interested in applying for the games against Man Utd and Liverpool.


They applied for Liverpool and were unsuccessful. When Man Utd comes around should they have some kind of priority over someone who has applied for every game, and maybe been successful three or four times? I think most people would say no.


That’s just one made up example, but you can see how it could get extremely difficult in trying to make it ‘fair’, outside of a straight, unrestricted ballot for every game.


I think a lot of people would agree with most of your other points like. You wouldn’t think some of them were that difficult to improve upon, alas…

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37 minutes ago, SteV said:

You can’t on one hand say let ~30k+ fans have access to 3k tickets and that’ll all be fine, then on the other hand say ~55k fans having access to 10k tickets means ‘nobody has a chance of getting a ticket’.


I do agree though that the proof will be in the pudding of how many renew next year.

If you have last seasons members capped at 30k as a ball park figure, with access to 7k tickets everyone would have roughly a 1 in 4 chance of getting one, not unreasonable odds in a ballot.


If there was another 3k available for new members uncapped there would clearly be little chance of new members getting one.


However, Arsenal have 200k members, maybe they keep them happy by offering other things with the membership, our members got nothing 

The alternative unfortunately now is that hundreds of tickets are on secondary sites at unprecedented levels.


I fully acknowledge the club has to grow but it has to be done responsibly.


If the club decided next summer to scrap all season tickets and make the whole ground members only, it would be interesting to see how many season ticket holders would just be accepting and say the club has to grow.


Many members are loyal fans who’ve followed the club for years and only ditched it because of Ashley, now these folk are in the same category as any Johnny come lately.

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15 minutes ago, SteV said:

The bit in bold, I don’t think it’s that simple unfortunately.


For example, let’s say someone has bought a membership but they’re only interested in applying for the games against Man Utd and Liverpool.


They applied for Liverpool and were unsuccessful. When Man Utd comes around should they have some kind of priority over someone who has applied for every game, and maybe been successful three or four times? I think most people would say no.


That’s just one made up example, but you can see how it could get extremely difficult in trying to make it ‘fair’, outside of a straight, unrestricted ballot for every game.


I think a lot of people would agree with most of your other points like. You wouldn’t think some of them were that difficult to improve upon, alas…

This could be addressed also with some thought I would expect, for example the categories they previously used for ticket prices could be the same for ballots. Would take more than 10 minutes thought haha but I'm sure its achievable, or at least better than the current setup if absolute fairness that suits everyone isn't achievable.

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Just now, mondonewc said:

This could be addressed also with some thought I would expect, for example the categories they previously used for ticket prices could be the same for ballots. Would take more than 10 minutes thought haha but I'm sure its achievable, or at least better than the current setup if absolute fairness that suits everyone isn't achievable.

They tried to get ‘fairness’ for Wembley and that went down like a lead balloon. They start applying criteria to who can apply to this and the meltdown will be like that x100.


That said, it maybe is something for down the line, with tiered memberships etc., but right now they’re best off with just sticking to straight ballots IMO.

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17 minutes ago, SteV said:

They tried to get ‘fairness’ for Wembley and that went down like a lead balloon. They start applying criteria to who can apply to this and the meltdown will be like that x100.


That said, it maybe is something for down the line, with tiered memberships etc., but right now they’re best off with just sticking to straight ballots IMO.

The Wembley situation is different I think, the main error there I would say was they didn't pre-empt the fact that it could happen so it was all a bit haphazard and last minute without any clarity in advance and communication wasn't great. 


Think the membership situation is different and they should be able to make some basic improvements that will definitely make it fairer for all, although I'm definitely not saying everyone will be happy, that's probably impossible to achieve fully.

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Something else that needs to change in my view. Being able to re sell your ticket back to the club so close to KO is not much use to someone wanting to go and favours more someone buying with the wrong intentions but I’m sure others would argue this covers last minute illness. So again another new rule that can be argued both sides.


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17 hours ago, Scoreboard82 said:

I returned a an away ticket a couple of seasons ago and got a refund off the club no problem. Just told them I was unable to go. Maybe they take a different stance these days. Who knows?

And what happens if you dont know early enough to return it? Ie last season my mate found out his lass went into labour two weeks early less than an hour before the bus left. Old rules he gave his ticket to his brother and no money lost which is fair enough and my whole point in this. Now that would be £100 up the shitter because hes subhuman scum that doesnt book refundable travel.....I cant imagine the boxoffice being much help early doors on a Sunday morning.

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10 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

If you have last seasons members capped at 30k as a ball park figure, with access to 7k tickets everyone would have roughly a 1 in 4 chance of getting one, not unreasonable odds in a ballot.


If there was another 3k available for new members uncapped there would clearly be little chance of new members getting one.


However, Arsenal have 200k members, maybe they keep them happy by offering other things with the membership, our members got nothing 

The alternative unfortunately now is that hundreds of tickets are on secondary sites at unprecedented levels.


I fully acknowledge the club has to grow but it has to be done responsibly.


If the club decided next summer to scrap all season tickets and make the whole ground members only, it would be interesting to see how many season ticket holders would just be accepting and say the club has to grow.


Many members are loyal fans who’ve followed the club for years and only ditched it because of Ashley, now these folk are in the same category as any Johnny come lately.


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Tiered memberships can fuck off. Its just going to be more money fleeced and people paying more for a better chance of ticket.


They should be cut off at the start of the season but I cant really think of a fairer way that just picking everyone out of the hat. Whatever system you implement, you're going to have the same problem. Demand massively outstripping supply. Thats just the way it is. Anyway, whatever they implement will be in the interest of taking more money, as if Silverstone and the likes give the first fuck about fairness. They've got commercial targets to hit and thats all they're arsed about. 


And I say that as 0/3 for ballots this season. 

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42 minutes ago, Fezzle said:

And what happens if you dont know early enough to return it? Ie last season my mate found out his lass went into labour two weeks early less than an hour before the bus left. Old rules he gave his ticket to his brother and no money lost which is fair enough and my whole point in this. Now that would be £100 up the shitter because hes subhuman scum that doesnt book refundable travel.....I cant imagine the boxoffice being much help early doors on a Sunday morning.

You’d be breaking the T&Cs of the previous conditions doing that as has been explained before. You’ve NEVER been able to legally give your away ticket to someone else regardless the situation without notifying the club first. 

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15 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

Never officially been able to pass a season ticket on either though. That was happening even more and they’ve now made it possible for half the season while cracking down on away games.

Yep. They’ve done this because people were hoarding STs and selling individual games. I would like to think most were doing this at face value (same as aways) but the minority that don’t will only increase with success and that’s probably what the club are targeting early to a degree. 

Ultimately though (and not just NUFC) clubs more and more want to know who’s in what ground. Wether this is to help with marketing, judging genuine demand or reducing criminal activity within the ground I’ve no definitive answer. It’s certainly more than just trying to make a system fairer but that is a big part too. West Ham away going to 5 points this afternoon giving more people a chance to go and experience an away.

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7 minutes ago, Bellis80 said:

Hope they enjoy it after making no effort to go for the last 20 years.

I get your point as much as most however that doesn’t really take into consideration younger fans. Not solo travellers but ones needing parenting still.


Also the ones feeling they are now missing out because of the reinforcement of the longstanding T&Cs have had the same timespan to secure a ST & points during that time span.


Its a never ending argument of two sides of the coin unfortunately. 



Edited by LFEE

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1 minute ago, Bellis80 said:

Aye, agree with you generally just feels a lack of consistency across ticketing. Also have the issue now of someone with loyalty points can’t wait for someone with none, like a child, and go in the ballot with them.

That last bit definitely needs changing. I can’t think of a benefit of excluding someone from a ballot because they didn’t buy a ticket initially.


Especially when they could have been in the last points band to qualify, and missed out because they sold out in minutes.

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2 minutes ago, SiLvOR said:

Apologies, probably been asked before, but is there no chance of away games going to members at all? 

It’s probably unlikely at the moment, given the demand there seems to be from ST holders with low points.


I think the Man Utd cup game will be a good gage. If we get an allocation of 7k for a midweek game, and it still doesn’t go to members, I can’t see any other games making it.

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5 hours ago, Fezzle said:

And what happens if you dont know early enough to return it? Ie last season my mate found out his lass went into labour two weeks early less than an hour before the bus left. Old rules he gave his ticket to his brother and no money lost which is fair enough and my whole point in this. Now that would be £100 up the shitter because hes subhuman scum that doesnt book refundable travel.....I cant imagine the boxoffice being much help early doors on a Sunday morning.

There'll always be unfortunate and exceptional circumstances stopping people from using their own ticket but the thing is the club has to have something in place to try and allocate a ticket to the applicant only, and other tickets going to those with fewer pts as a consequence . If someone can't make it they'll be genuine in a lot of cases but the club can't tell who is and isn't. Whether we like it or not the system has been in place for years. Tickets go to ST holders and those with the most pts 1st. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I say that through gritted teeth because I lost loads of pts and now don't have any. In the eyes of the club I've no record of loyalty despite going home and away for 47 years, but I knew the risks when I gave my ticket up. It's only now become an issue because of the increased demand.

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51 minutes ago, jonny1403 said:

At the end of the day I don't think anyone can argue that the current system for away games is any less fair than last seasons. 

It hasn’t changed at all. They are just reinforcing the T&Cs that have always been the same. The only difference is those who’ve risked their points in the past are less comfortable doing it so now.

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Anyone using season ticket on an older phone? My mum has S7, I've added her ticket to her Gmail account but it doesn't show in the phone. Yet when I login to her account on my phone season ticket shows. Club website says latest version of Android her phone is Android 8. Guess she'll need a newer phone to get it to work? 

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