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Can't log in? May want to try this...


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Few teething troubles going on at the moment as you can see.


When you get onto the error screen, try pressing the back button, and then click on refresh. You should be logged in hopefully. Also, try doing the same when you want to post something.

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Guest Darth Toon

Having said that, it does give an error message when I try to post, but if I hit the Back button and then return to the forum the message is there.

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I can log in here (work) but couldnt at home, hopefully that is fixed now. The back button thing didnt work because it kept taking me back to a password error screen even though I had entered the correct password. Definitely a few bugs though like showing the wrong last poster and when at the front page where you chose which section to go in it sometimes goes back to show the last thread posted in being something that was posted in ages ago. Im sure this has probably been discussed elsewhere though.

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