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Saints receive 10mill Bale Bid

Guest smoggeordie

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i'm well chuffed that we aren't in for him - much too big a risk!


i hope soton reject the bids, and end up losing him for 5m in the summer - serves them right for pulling a coleman!

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The price is crazy but thats what you get for young and British, I think he will turn out to be a top player, he has done well in a poor Welsh team and has had great reviews from Soton, but I would prefer at that price if Man Utd signed him and we tried for Heize, though chances are he is going back to France!

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The transfer market on young players in this country has gone fucking insane. Bale's made, what, 30 appearances or something? Same for that lad at Watford, 20 odd Premiership games and £9.5m! I hadn't even noticed him before the bids went in tbh.


Makes it all the more crazy when people say Martins isn't worth £10m. If he was English, we'd have been talking a good £25m for him and that potential, minimum.


I don't fully understand people saying that the likes of Young are "insanely expensive", £30M for Shevchenko at his age is what I would consider "insane".


Here's why (for Young):


a) The lad has proven himself to be a perfectly good Premiership player already in a very poor Watford team.


b) Unlike Shevchenko, Young's value should increase if he stays relatively on-form (much like Martins for us, even if he just does fairly well here.) I'd like to see Milner's value now after this season, and N'Zogbia/Taylor are probably worth a pretty penny - even Ramage/Hunty/Edgar will have added some value to themselves by just even playing at the top level. Granted, you get the Viana situation where a player turns out to never get a game, despite having obvious talent, and then his value dwindles.


c) Villa could potentially get 10 top-class years out of him, maybe even more. You won't get that when you pay £10M for a 27/28 year old. It's a long-term investment. The only way to make huge gains on young players these days is to make your own.


d) Young was Watford's best player... so it's like Man Utd selling Rooney or Ronaldo, or Chelsea selling Terry. By selling Young they are practically waving goodbye to the Premiership, so obviously he commands a big fee. This is much the same for the likes of Barnes and Bale in the Championship... it's not like these lads are barely getting a game, they are extremely valuable to their teams and so the price goes up. We paid £10m for Martins because he was out of the first team picture at the San Siro, imagine his price-tag the summer previous?


e) He's English. You'll say it won't make any odds, but having top-class English players in an English team is a massive boon and clubs like to be represented at international level. If a player does well for England then it reflects well on his club and increases the club's reputation as somewhere players will want to play. It's all relative here. Obviously buying a young, English player is expensive when you compare it to other countries, but it's a reflection of the market on a whole in this country.


I personally feel that this "insane" price thing is another bandwagon that everyone seems to be jumping on without giving it any proper thought. It's the market these days, folks, it's not completely illogical that Southampton want £10m for their most promising star or that Ashley Young is going for £9.5m. What would people prefer? That we spend massive money on the likes of Luque and Boumsong at a later stage of their careers?


I'd rather we went the young, English route that Sir Bobby seemed keen on taking us than do things the Souness way. Obviously there's a balance, and Roeder has demonstrated this so far (he's done well in terms of the ages of players he has bought, I think.) If the club has the money, then I would like to see the likes of Young/Davies/Bale/Barnes brought in here and slowly integrated into the first team (or thrust in, which will probably be the more likely scenario.) I'm not sure that they'll do too much worse than some of our more senior players, anyway.

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The transfer market on young players in this country has gone fucking insane. Bale's made, what, 30 appearances or something? Same for that lad at Watford, 20 odd Premiership games and £9.5m! I hadn't even noticed him before the bids went in tbh.


Makes it all the more crazy when people say Martins isn't worth £10m. If he was English, we'd have been talking a good £25m for him and that potential, minimum.


I don't fully understand people saying that the likes of Young are "insanely expensive", £30M for Shevchenko at his age is what I would consider "insane".


Here's why (for Young):


a) The lad has proven himself to be a perfectly good Premiership player already in a very poor Watford team.


b) Unlike Shevchenko, Young's value should increase if he stays relatively on-form (much like Martins for us, even if he just does fairly well here.) I'd like to see Milner's value now after this season, and N'Zogbia/Taylor are probably worth a pretty penny - even Ramage/Hunty/Edgar will have added some value to themselves by just even playing at the top level. Granted, you get the Viana situation where a player turns out to never get a game, despite having obvious talent, and then his value dwindles.


c) Villa could potentially get 10 top-class years out of him, maybe even more. You won't get that when you pay £10M for a 27/28 year old. It's a long-term investment. The only way to make huge gains on young players these days is to make your own.


d) Young was Watford's best player... so it's like Man Utd selling Rooney or Ronaldo, or Chelsea selling Terry. By selling Young they are practically waving goodbye to the Premiership, so obviously he commands a big fee. This is much the same for the likes of Barnes and Bale in the Championship... it's not like these lads are barely getting a game, they are extremely valuable to their teams and so the price goes up. We paid £10m for Martins because he was out of the first team picture at the San Siro, imagine his price-tag the summer previous?


e) He's English. You'll say it won't make any odds, but having top-class English players in an English team is a massive boon and clubs like to be represented at international level. If a player does well for England then it reflects well on his club and increases the club's reputation as somewhere players will want to play. It's all relative here. Obviously buying a young, English player is expensive when you compare it to other countries, but it's a reflection of the market on a whole in this country.


I personally feel that this "insane" price thing is another bandwagon that everyone seems to be jumping on without giving it any proper thought. It's the market these days, folks, it's not completely illogical that Southampton want £10m for their most promising star or that Ashley Young is going for £9.5m. What would people prefer? That we spend massive money on the likes of Luque and Boumsong at a later stage of their careers?


I'd rather we went the young, English route that Sir Bobby seemed keen on taking us than do things the Souness way. Obviously there's a balance, and Roeder has demonstrated this so far (he's done well in terms of the ages of players he has bought, I think.) If the club has the money, then I would like to see the likes of Young/Davies/Bale/Barnes brought in here and slowly integrated into the first team (or thrust in, which will probably be the more likely scenario.) I'm not sure that they'll do too much worse than some of our more senior players, anyway.


The argument is pretty decent in supporting the costly transfer of a 20 year old Englishman playing in the Premiership, but doesn't really explain why a club should pay £10m for Bale who has shown more potential than ability, and is completely unproven at playing at the top level. It is one big jump from Championship to Premiership football, and as a defender, Bale is yet to even set the Championship alight.

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A good deal of the principles still apply with Bale, though. He's probably the star player down there and he has already played a few times for his national side, and there are some massive clubs that have been credited with a definite interest in him.


The lad must be fairly decent if Wenger/Ferguson/Jol/Benitez are sniffing around him.


I do agree that his price has been inflated, but surely that's down to the number of interested parties and the financial welly of the interested parties? Think of it like an auction. If you're a normal bloke and are lucky enough to have a valuable item to sell that is coveted by some extremely rich and powerful people, then you're rubbing your hands together because you know you're going to get top-whack.


I know that people like to simply compare £10m with £10m (i.e. Martins .vs. Young/Bale), but there really is more to it than that. There are reasons why players go for the money they do, but like most things on here people just debate it at face-value without delving any deeper.


"£10m, what a fucking rip! We got Martins for that!"


Aye, but Martins was surplus at Inter and there were no big clubs interested in him (amazingly), so it never turned into an auction like it does for these young starlets we have over here. Value isn't merely based on ability alone, it never has been.

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Of course if someone is willing to pay you way too much for something you have you are going to take it, doesn't mean that the thing you are selling is way overpriced though.


In your opinion, aye. Everyone has their valuation of something, to the likes of Man Utd/Spurs/Southampton, Bale might be worth more than me and you, personally, think he is.


There is no set measuring stick for valuation, people are worth what they go for until proven otherwise (Luque, Boumsong, Marcelino...)

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Bottom line is not every day some 17 years old kid is playing for his national team and even manage to score a goal :)


He plays for Wales. Its not every day Wenger spunks £10m on a young striker who completely flops but he did with Jeffers!

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Bottom line is not every day some 17 years old kid is playing for his national team and even manage to score a goal :)


He plays for Wales. Its not every day Wenger spunks £10m on a young striker who completely flops but he did with Jeffers!


He plays for Wales so...

How many players who are 17 can you tell me who are playing for their national teams?

And yes there is always risk with transfers especially with transfers of young players

Jeffers was a waste of money but what about Senderos,Eboue,Toure,Clichy,Fabregas,Djourou,Flamini...

thats why Wenger is the best manager who can find talents and turn them into a top players

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Shows there is still a risk and even the best managers can mess up.


Who exactly is Bales competition to get into the Wales squad? If he was beating Bridge, Cole and Baines I might be a little more impressed.


There is no doubting he has some talent but this whole getting into the national squad (with I doubt any great competition and scoring the odd good freekicks completely hypes him up something stupid!

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In your opinion ;)


That's what it's all about, you think he's hyped because he's played for Wales and is adept at set-plays and so isn't worth over £5m. Other people, like Ferguson and Jol, think otherwise ;D

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10m for a 21 year old internationally proven striker with roadrunner pace suddenly seems a bargain :-)


it doesn't matter how you try turning this - 10m for a 17 year old championship player is fucking ridiculous!

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10m for a 21 year old internationally proven striker with roadrunner pace suddenly seems a bargain :-)


it doesn't matter how you try turning this - 10m for a 17 year old championship player is fucking ridiculous!


In your opinion, once again. Until you have some facts to back it up, I won't be agreeing.


Ferguson/Jol both think the lad is worth £8m/£6m, at the least, and Burley rates him at over £10m - these are people who deal with the transfer market almost every day of their lives. Not saying they are intrinsically correct, or even right 99% of the time... but they generally know what they're doing more than the likes of us, fans who post on a message board.


You have to look at it from the club's perspective, not your own, £6/8/10m is a lot of money to the average Joe, or to the struggling football club, but to the likes of Man Utd/Spurs it's a solid investment that they have made a calculated decision on.


You have nothing but your own opinion with which to argue it, so it just doesn't carry much weight. From a NUFC perspective I actually agree with you and Jon in that I think it would be madness to spend our entire budget on a 17-year-old who might never prove to be worth it. But Man Utd can afford to take that gamble because they have Silvestre, Heinze and Evra. We're looking for a first choice defender, while Man Utd already have that and are at the next level to us.


A level where they can afford to play high-risk/high-gain with their assets and run the gauntlet a little bit.

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10m for a 21 year old internationally proven striker with roadrunner pace suddenly seems a bargain :-)


it doesn't matter how you try turning this - 10m for a 17 year old championship player is fucking ridiculous!


He is worth so much(im not saying he is worth 10m)because he is only 17 years old and has a HUGE talent and a great future ahead of him


Why Babayaro isnt worth 10m or Evra who joined Man Utd for less then 6m


Bale's price is so high because there is big possibility in 3-4 years time his price to be 15m

There is also a chance that after 3-4 years he is an average left back playing for Wales

It depends how is he going to develop over the next 3-4 years.

Young gifted players are always expensive,maybe not that overpriced like in this case but generally :)

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I don't think 10m is overprice for Bale. When you take into consideration everything The Janitor wrote, 10m is a decent fee. However, that does not mean that we should be in for him. We need a proven LB, not one that will be good in 4 years. And we certainly can't take the risk either, but there are others that can.

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Id be happy to pay 10m for Bale as i think he is a excellent prospect and at his age you really cant lose for that money however in our current predicament i wouldnt pay the money, 10m can go a canny way if you try id rather pay say 6m for Bridge or Baines and i would use the other 4m to try and prise Luke Young away from Charlton.  In the right Circumstances 10m is money well spent unfortunatley however were not in the right place to spend that cash on him.      Just my opinion of course  :)

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Ferguson/Jol both think the lad is worth £8m/£6m, at the least, and Burley rates him at over £10m - these are people who deal with the transfer market almost every day of their lives. Not saying they are intrinsically correct, or even right 99% of the time... but they generally know what they're doing more than the likes of us, fans who post on a message board.


You have to look at it from the club's perspective, not your own, £6/8/10m is a lot of money to the average Joe, or to the struggling football club, but to the likes of Man Utd/Spurs it's a solid investment that they have made a calculated decision on.



conduction transfer business is not an excact science, thus they will very very rarely "know what they are doing". Did you think souness knew what he was doing when he wasted a shitload of money on luque and boumsong? or even bobby on the likes of carl cort? and this is not a nufc factor - i agree that some managers have been better than ours at making the right transfers, but it will always be a very risky business.


a solid investment and a calculated decision - please mate, you cannot even believe that yourself?


if by this you mean ferguson having a chat with glazer saying "he is a great prospect, his value may even increase", well then you are right. but solid investment based on a calculated decision - no way!


finally, you ask for facts, but what are your facts.... this lad has proven absolutely nothing yet! and i am not saying that he never will, but there is a pretty big risk of that!

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Ferguson/Jol both think the lad is worth £8m/£6m, at the least, and Burley rates him at over £10m - these are people who deal with the transfer market almost every day of their lives. Not saying they are intrinsically correct, or even right 99% of the time... but they generally know what they're doing more than the likes of us, fans who post on a message board.


You have to look at it from the club's perspective, not your own, £6/8/10m is a lot of money to the average Joe, or to the struggling football club, but to the likes of Man Utd/Spurs it's a solid investment that they have made a calculated decision on.



conduction transfer business is not an excact science, thus they will very very rarely "know what they are doing". Did you think souness knew what he was doing when he wasted a shitload of money on luque and boumsong? or even bobby on the likes of carl cort? and this is not a nufc factor - i agree that some managers have been better than ours at making the right transfers, but it will always be a very risky business.


a solid investment and a calculated decision - please mate, you cannot even believe that yourself?


if by this you mean ferguson having a chat with glazer saying "he is a great prospect, his value may even increase", well then you are right. but solid investment based on a calculated decision - no way!


finally, you ask for facts, but what are your facts.... this lad has proven absolutely nothing yet! and i am not saying that he never will, but there is a pretty big risk of that!


So Alex Ferguson doesn't see it as a solid investment? And him bidding £8m wasn't a calculated decision? He just did it for a laugh then, yeah? Hardly.


I agree that transfers are not an exact science, but there is more to it than you say. As for facts, my facts are that Martin Jol bid £6m for Bale and Ferguson bid £8m, these are facts. An unknown club has also bid £10m for him, that is a fact. It's the same thing I base my entire argument upon, yet it seems to have gone completely over your head.


You say he's not worth the money, at least two Premiership managers think he is and one from the Championship agrees. Those are my facts, you have nothing but opinion. Not that you won't turn out to be right, there is, of course, a chance of that. But the odds are certainly in Bale's favour.


The price Bale gets sold for will be his current value, that will also be a fact.

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Ok here is a FACT.


Manchester United and Tottenham both have big squads with lots of quality players, we don't therefore Bale isn't worth £10m as we dont have another decent left back if he fails where as the other 2 clubs mentioned has.


There he isn't worth £10m to us. Evra didnt cost £10m because he is french basically!


I don't know how anyone can argue british players arent overrated! You only have to look at £18m Carrick and £10.5m Alonso, £7-£9m Jenas and £3.8m Emre, £10.9m Martins and Spurs turned down £12m for Defoe from Pompey.


Of course there are exceptions but in general you get players in similar or sometimes better quality abroad for less than you do if you buy them from England.

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