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Return of "The Zog" & Others


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Guest Sniffer

Once again a bunch of morons can't understand a post.  You clearly have not watched n'zogbia's performances this season compared to last season. I couldn't give a rat's arse what  excuses are made for the drop in his performance as the overall point is that they were nowhere near good enough. If he comes back at that level then he won't make any kind of impact so I'm not that bothered about him.


Now, of course, we'll hear that he needs the rest of the season to get up to speed as he's just come back from injury.

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I still think his form dropped becuase of what a lot of us feard, Duff coming in. Duff came and instead of Charles getting stuck in and fighting for his place he just seemed to just mope around the pitch when he got a chance to play.

I do feel for him he was class last season and then all of a sudden he is not first chocie any more, but its up to him now to prove he wants to be here and wants that first team place.

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I still think his form dropped becuase of what a lot of us feard, Duff coming in. Duff came and instead of Charles getting stuck in and fighting for his place he just seemed to just mope around the pitch when he got a chance to play.

I do feel for him he was class last season and then all of a sudden he is not first chocie any more, but its up to him now to prove he wants to be here and wants that first team place.


I disagree mate. Young players often have a dip in form in their second full season, it's one of reasons why Duff was a decent enough buy, had he not been injured, that is.


Sniffer is right again imo. I'll be glad to see Zog back but if he performs as crap as he was then he won't justify a place in the team anyway. I think he'll come good though, perhaps the injury lay-off will have done him some good. Time will tell.

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Once again a bunch of morons can't understand a post.  You clearly have not watched n'zogbia's performances this season compared to last season. I couldn't give a rat's arse what  excuses are made for the drop in his performance as the overall point is that they were nowhere near good enough. If he comes back at that level then he won't make any kind of impact so I'm not that bothered about him.


Now, of course, we'll hear that he needs the rest of the season to get up to speed as he's just come back from injury.


Calm down, hasn't he only played about 15 games anyway? Cut out the jibes aswell, might have taken that post seriously without them.

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Guest Sniffer

When you have moronic comments like " never let him wear a black and white shirt again " which I have never said, then yes.


Morph seems to equal moronic.

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He was indeed pretty pants before his injury, but I doubt he can be much worse than Duff. At least he has a spark and some genuine pace. Also, he lifts the place when he gets on the ball, which is always nice. :)

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Thing is that he will get his chance, as no doubt Duff will be injured again soon enough, but will he take it? if he has a poor game first off people will say "well first game back after injury" but then if he is poor say 3 games in a row and the crowd start whinging at him, tthen I think he will ask to be away come the end of the season. That will get Wenger all excited and then we will see an awesome Zoggy next season just not playing for us.

He has not looked happy at all so far this season, remember the photo caption comp, the one where we had scored but Zoggy looked like his dog had been raped? I just get the feeling he is a want away player, and Roeder with all that "velevet glove" stuff makes me think Glenn is having problems with him.

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Guest Sniffer

Providing there is an end product which there hasn't been for most of this season. In fact, I'd say that N'zogbia's attitude and performances have been second only to the loss of Owen as so much was expected of him after a brilliant season.


I'm not defending Duff at all as his overall season so far has been disappointing as well..

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Guest Sniffer

Then fine Skirge. If he wants to go there is no point in keeping him but make Wenger pay if he wants him. Put the money toward MGP from Blackburn.

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I would be gutted to lose The Zog even if we did get a good price for him, he is a class act there is no doubting it, its just does he want to be a class act for us ? Only he can prove he does want that!


He did sign a new 4 year deal did'nt he ?

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Once again a bunch of morons can't understand a post.  You clearly have not watched n'zogbia's performances this season compared to last season. I couldn't give a rat's arse what  excuses are made for the drop in his performance as the overall point is that they were nowhere near good enough. If he comes back at that level then he won't make any kind of impact so I'm not that bothered about him.


Now, of course, we'll hear that he needs the rest of the season to get up to speed as he's just come back from injury.


What the hell are you talking about? You're the one who seems to not have given your opinion much thought or backing by watching the games.


Of course he hasn't been as good as last season but the excuses concerning Zog's performances are very VERY justifiable, and you have got to take them into account. Plus when he did have his run in team he DID look promising at the back end of it.


You are taking his out of formness completely out of context. But if you want to haul an absolute gem of player into the "lazy forgeigner" basket then so be it I guess.

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The Zog wasnt even playing any better than Duff. Like HTL has touched upon and has been said before, its the second season blues.. much like you see with the form of teams that overacheive.


Depending on how Duff gets on from now to the Zogs return, he will be great foil for N'Zog and helping him regain his form.


Bringing duff in might have knocked his confidence a bit, but all the best players thrive on competition, not least the chance to learn from someone like Damien Duff who has done more than well for himself throughout his career.


With Duff's versatility much like with Solano and Milner we can ease them in and out of the team whilst shaping their careers.

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Guest Sniffer

Again,m4tt, I have never called N'gobia a lazy foreigner. So now you've progressed from moronic to just basically making things up. Lies, in fact, as you are too blind to see that N'zogbia has been very poor this season. Or perhaps you haven't seen him who knows. Either way, a player who was indeed a gem in his first season has not been able to repeat it. So IMO, he is still has a lot to prove.

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Guest TampaToon

Yes he hasn't been great, but he has very strong extenuating factors. Him being dropped from the first team to accomodate the new signing being the main issue. But when he did get a run in the side he he got gradually better every game. Leading up to some good displays just before he got injured.


that's not an excuse.  roeder did what was best for the team, and i don't think the club should veer away from upgrades and depth to spare somebody's feelings.  bringing duff in was the right move, and if it affected  n'zogbia then he's missing the point of being part of a high-end club.  plenty of players around this league, especially those who want to be called great players, are expected to work their butt off and win their job in every game and practice.


n'zogbia has 10 more quality years to give newcastle as a premier player if he chooses, duff maybe 3....he'll get his chances and he won't be a burnt-out shell at 28 like ronaldo  (brazilian) thanks to roeder giving the club options on the left side

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Looks like we are hading back to the good old "he has great potential" comments, thing is with Zog he has shown he can be class, so we know he can do it, we must give him the time and the chances to find forefill his potential again.

Its not like Duff has been great, so why he should keep Zoggy out is beyond me.

Lets hope the massive roar he will get when he runs back out for the Toon will be the spark he needs to get going.

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When you have moronic comments like " never let him wear a black and white shirt again " which I have never said, then yes.


Morph seems to equal moronic.


HERE, f*** OFF. Just because I don't like to see our younger players get raped on forums from f****** impatient pricks like you, no need to go and completely blow your top.  f****** eejit.  the lads barely old enough to legally to buy a pint and you want him to run rings around premiership full backs.


Get a grip son.

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Yes he hasn't been great, but he has very strong extenuating factors. Him being dropped from the first team to accomodate the new signing being the main issue. But when he did get a run in the side he he got gradually better every game. Leading up to some good displays just before he got injured.


that's not an excuse.  roeder did what was best for the team, and i don't think the club should veer away from upgrades and depth to spare somebody's feelings.


No of course the club shouldnt!!! But that is the reason why Zog has underperformed... because he has had to go in and out of the first team. Pretty simple to me. I'm sure he probably does understand he is part of the grand scheme, and probably does train hard... I have no doubt. Doesn't mean the reasons he's finding hard to be great aren't valid.


And anyway, Zog has already been better in overall play this season than Duff has.

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Guest Deep456

When you have moronic comments like " never let him wear a black and white shirt again " which I have never said, then yes.


Morph seems to equal moronic.


HERE, f*** OFF. Just because I don't like to see our younger players get raped on forums from f****** impatient pricks like you, no need to go and completely blow your top.  f****** eejit.  the lads barely old enough to legally to buy a pint and you want him to run rings around premiership full backs.


Get a grip son.


BEEF. We should have a last man standing match. :D

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