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Support all English clubs in Europe.


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i support all the english clubs in european competition, apart from the UEFA this season obviously, as we're still in it so they represent competition. the only times i don't is when nufc are in direct rivalry with the club, for instance liverpool when they won the champions league - we'd been in a top four tussle with them and for 3 years they were our closest rivals, so to see them doing so well when we weren't hurt. even then i wanted them to win once the final kicked off.


it's not only to do with the co-efficient or boosting the prestige of "My" league, though that does count a lot. it's just how relevant it keeps the competition to me, why should i want porto to beat Chelsea? i have absolutely no link to the club, i don't see a lot of their games or watch their highlights on a weekly basis, i don't know or read about all the players on a daily basis, i don't have any porto fans as friends, or bump into porto fans at the pub or even online, if they get through the nation won't be focusing on their games etc


Why should you want Chelsea to beat Porto?


i just said why.


Erm, so because Chelsea are on tv, you've got a few Chelsea fans as friends and they're in the papers often, you should automatically start supporting them?

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i support all the english clubs in european competition, apart from the UEFA this season obviously, as we're still in it so they represent competition. the only times i don't is when nufc are in direct rivalry with the club, for instance liverpool when they won the champions league - we'd been in a top four tussle with them and for 3 years they were our closest rivals, so to see them doing so well when we weren't hurt. even then i wanted them to win once the final kicked off.


it's not only to do with the co-efficient or boosting the prestige of "My" league, though that does count a lot. it's just how relevant it keeps the competition to me, why should i want porto to beat Chelsea? i have absolutely no link to the club, i don't see a lot of their games or watch their highlights on a weekly basis, i don't know or read about all the players on a daily basis, i don't have any porto fans as friends, or bump into porto fans at the pub or even online, if they get through the nation won't be focusing on their games etc


Why should you want Chelsea to beat Porto?


i just said why.


Erm, so because Chelsea are on tv, you've got a few Chelsea fans as friends and they're in the papers often, you should automatically start supporting them?


...though i didn't say this.

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i support all the english clubs in european competition, apart from the UEFA this season obviously, as we're still in it so they represent competition. the only times i don't is when nufc are in direct rivalry with the club, for instance liverpool when they won the champions league - we'd been in a top four tussle with them and for 3 years they were our closest rivals, so to see them doing so well when we weren't hurt. even then i wanted them to win once the final kicked off.


it's not only to do with the co-efficient or boosting the prestige of "My" league, though that does count a lot. it's just how relevant it keeps the competition to me, why should i want porto to beat Chelsea? i have absolutely no link to the club, i don't see a lot of their games or watch their highlights on a weekly basis, i don't know or read about all the players on a daily basis, i don't have any porto fans as friends, or bump into porto fans at the pub or even online, if they get through the nation won't be focusing on their games etc


Why should you want Chelsea to beat Porto?


i just said why.


Erm, so because Chelsea are on tv, you've got a few Chelsea fans as friends and they're in the papers often, you should automatically start supporting them?


...though i didn't say this.



ii have absolutely no link to the club, i don't see a lot of their games or watch their highlights on a weekly basis, i don't know or read about all the players on a daily basis, i don't have any porto fans as friends, or bump into porto fans at the pub or even online, if they get through the nation won't be focusing on their games etc


I might have misread what you wrote but personally speaking just because I read about whatever club in the papers and my friends support them, wouldn't mean I would feel I should support them too. That said I know you said that this "link" you have to Chelsea wouldn't be the only reason you would support them. The co-efficient means something to me too but unless all English clubs started to do terribly in Europe it's not really something thats going to persuade me to start supporting them in Europe. The prestige thing I can also understand, I get where you're coming from and like I said I wouldn't really want all English clubs to go out in the first round because it'd make the Premiership look poor. But I wouldn't want any other English club to win a European trophy, only Newcastle.

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aye, but i never said this means you "automatically" should support british teams, just that this is my reason. i suppose that's why in USA '94 loads of english people took an interest in the Irish national side in the absence of their country being in the finals.

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aye, but i never said this means you "automatically" should support british teams, just that this is my reason. i suppose that's why in USA '94 loads of english people took an interest in the Irish national side in the absence of their country being in the finals.


Meh, to each his own at the end of the day.

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Guest Deep456

by the way, is that list of countries right? 


scotland are 10th?




i mean, it's scotland....how on gods green earth are there not more than 10 better teams in europe than scotland?  maybe puts our standing in the club rankings in a little perspective


Because Celtic and Rangers always do well. :D

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