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Article on BBC Sport, Roeder Rubbish, Big Club?


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Truth. I bet you can't post that pm.


Dee dee dee dee.......still waiting for a response ref GAzza, Waddle, Beardsley, Robson, Lee .....




I can't post the pm, nobody has any pm's going further back than the software update on here, unless it's in the deleted thread forum, I'll be more than happy for a mod to post it or call me a liar if they have the pm's but not the one I'm talking about.

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:lol: :lol: Youre being hired by the club, or are in some way trying to benefit from a "see no evil, hear no evil" crusade to defend Shepherd, arent you? A s*** response full of random ramblings.


"For the record' date=' I am not sure if I agree with you that a manager MUST be foreign."[/quote']


Putting words in my mouth. Nice again.


In case youre a bit thick, which you do seem to be, im referring to getting the best man for the job, regardless of nationality. A continental manager = a manager with continental and domestic success. Sir Bobby was this, and he should have been replaced with a similar calibre manager.


Shepherd, who almost certainly is a bit thick, thinks the manager should be British only. Thats why weve ended up with Souness, Roeder, and tons of humiliation.


You don't have to tell me that Souness was an arsehole. However' date=' there are plenty of people on this board who said we should back him, and now they say Shepherd is stupid, well they must also be stupid as they agreed with him.[/quote']


So some people thought we should back the manager AFTER he was given the job? Big deal, some people just believe that he was in the job and deserved a chance. Its totally f****** irrelevant to the fact that EVERYONE thought Souness to be a s*** manager when we made a move for him, everyone was either sickened or laughing their heads off at the mere suggestion, everyone except Shepherd. Every set of supporters, ours, Blackburns, West Ham's, Liverpools, everyone else, thought if absolutely comical that we were getting such a s*** manager. And only an idiot like Shepherd, a man totally out of touch with football and living on his own planet, would have appointed such a man.


But hey, lets just ignore that because on an internet forum, some people decided to give the manager a chance after the deed was done. Thank f*** for them, boy did they save Fred's face.


As for Dalglish being s**** in europe' date=' I doubt very much the Liverpool team he improved [funny that, taking over a top quality team and improving it, just what we wanted when he took over from Keegan in fact'] wouldn't have done well in europe and may even have won the European Cup again if not for the ban on English teams.


Your opinion of Liverpool under Dalglish doing well in Europe means f*** all, nor does anyone give a s*** about it. It didnt happen, so thats the end of the story. He has no track record of doing well both domestically and in Europe, he only has one and not the other, and his blackburn were shit in Europe, whereas his Pool job was coming close to being a decade ago. We need a manager with both domestic and European competency in his CV, its a requirement for us because its what we expect the person to do here.


Your sentence about Shepherd buying players only really shows you are copying and pasting other peoples comments' date=' who also don't read properly. You will not find any comment from me, anywhere, where I say that the chairman selects who to buy and sell, whether they succeed or fail.[/quote']


What sentance about Shepherd buying players? Go get your senility checked,.

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What sentance about Shepherd buying players? Go get your senility checked,.


To be fair to NE5, you might have said it the past to Leazes Mag or Beermonster, I would check before automatically rubishing his reply.

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What sentance about Shepherd buying players? Go get your senility checked,.


To be fair to NE5, you might have said it the past to Leazes Mag or Beermonster, I would check before automatically rubishing his reply.


Hes replied to my post and said "your sentance" - hes referring to the post itself. Trouble is, hes made something up in his own head, attributed it to me, and is replying to that.

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What sentance about Shepherd buying players? Go get your senility checked,.


To be fair to NE5, you might have said it the past to Leazes Mag or Beermonster, I would check before automatically rubishing his reply.


Hes replied to my post and said "your sentance" - hes referring to the post itself. Trouble is, hes made something up in his own head, attributed it to me, and is replying to that.


Pretty summarises his entire posting history.

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If we were to finish 16th (we're 4 points above that right now) and Bolton and Spurs were to stay where they are atm, 5th and 6th respectively, we would drop to 7th best over the past 5 years.


Glad you understand that the appointment of Souness was a mistake at last.



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Did you not say that Shepherd should go if he got the next appointment wrong, just before appointing Roeder?


dear old thickmick...


I'd be interested in a proper response to this.



/Just as I would from Shepherd if Roeder were to be sacked, as his said something similar himself.

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:lol: :lol: Youre being hired by the club, or are in some way trying to benefit from a "see no evil, hear no evil" crusade to defend Shepherd, arent you? A s*** response full of random ramblings.


"For the record' date=' I am not sure if I agree with you that a manager MUST be foreign."[/quote']


Putting words in my mouth. Nice again.


In case youre a bit thick, which you do seem to be, im referring to getting the best man for the job, regardless of nationality. A continental manager = a manager with continental and domestic success. Sir Bobby was this, and he should have been replaced with a similar calibre manager.


Shepherd, who almost certainly is a bit thick, thinks the manager should be British only. Thats why weve ended up with Souness, Roeder, and tons of humiliation.


You don't have to tell me that Souness was an arsehole. However' date=' there are plenty of people on this board who said we should back him, and now they say Shepherd is stupid, well they must also be stupid as they agreed with him.[/quote']


So some people thought we should back the manager AFTER he was given the job? Big deal, some people just believe that he was in the job and deserved a chance. Its totally f****** irrelevant to the fact that EVERYONE thought Souness to be a s*** manager when we made a move for him, everyone was either sickened or laughing their heads off at the mere suggestion, everyone except Shepherd. Every set of supporters, ours, Blackburns, West Ham's, Liverpools, everyone else, thought if absolutely comical that we were getting such a s*** manager. And only an idiot like Shepherd, a man totally out of touch with football and living on his own planet, would have appointed such a man.


But hey, lets just ignore that because on an internet forum, some people decided to give the manager a chance after the deed was done. Thank f*** for them, boy did they save Fred's face.


As for Dalglish being s**** in europe' date=' I doubt very much the Liverpool team he improved [funny that, taking over a top quality team and improving it, just what we wanted when he took over from Keegan in fact'] wouldn't have done well in europe and may even have won the European Cup again if not for the ban on English teams.


Your opinion of Liverpool under Dalglish doing well in Europe means f*** all, nor does anyone give a s*** about it. It didnt happen, so thats the end of the story. He has no track record of doing well both domestically and in Europe, he only has one and not the other, and his blackburn were shit in Europe, whereas his Pool job was coming close to being a decade ago. We need a manager with both domestic and European competency in his CV, its a requirement for us because its what we expect the person to do here.


Your sentence about Shepherd buying players only really shows you are copying and pasting other peoples comments' date=' who also don't read properly. You will not find any comment from me, anywhere, where I say that the chairman selects who to buy and sell, whether they succeed or fail.[/quote']


What sentance about Shepherd buying players? Go get your senility checked,.


Well, I think you are a bit thick. In fact I think you are very thick. Even more so, I think anybody who thinks that it is easy to find the perfect manager - as if nobody else is trying to do the same - is very thick, and amazingly unrealistic, which means living in a dream world as I doubt you will know this.


It is very sad you think that regularly playing in europe, signing quality international footballers, and filling a huge stadium is "humiliation". You must not really understand what real humiliation is. A fair few clubs could tell you though, the mackems for one, Leeds for another, Sheffield Wednesday for another, and NUFC supporters pre-1992 experienced it in huge volumes, despite what some others say such as thickmick whose memory is certainly playing tricks on him.


How many among our 50,000 gates are paying their money to watch this ritual "humiliation", they must be pretty thick if they are aware they are paying good money and expecting to be "humiliated".


Shame you harp on about Dalglish being "shit" in europe, then dismiss his achievement of improving a Liverpool team that had been winning the European Cup. Sort of shoots your whole argument to shreds .........


As I said, appointing a manager who has improved a good team, when you have a team that has finished 2nd in the league, would be looked on as a good appointment to most sensible people. Oh of course, nobody thought that at the time either did they ? As I said, first things first, we were aiming to move from 2nd to 1st and got a manager who had shown he could do precisely that ..... apart from you I take it ? Despite people saying "We haven't and can't attract good managers" .... you couldn't make it up.



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Did you not say that Shepherd should go if he got the next appointment wrong, just before appointing Roeder?


dear old thickmick...


I'd be interested in a proper response to this.



/Just as I would from Shepherd if Roeder were to be sacked, as his said something similar himself.


I don't believe I did - are you going to ask thickmick for a response to what I ask him about Gazza, Beardsley, Waddle, Pop Robson, and Gordon Lee ?


While you are at it, you could ask him who the replacement for the current board could be that will be better ? And don't say its irrelevant because it isn't, it is pretty stupid to say you want rid of the board, for nobody in particular.



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I don't believe I did - are you going to ask thickmick for a response to what I ask him about Gazza, Beardsley, Waddle, Pop Robson, and Gordon Lee ?


While you are at it, you could ask him who the replacement for the current board could be that will be better ? And don't say its irrelevant because it isn't, it is pretty stupid to say you want rid of the board, for nobody in particular.




What a typical stupid question.


How the hell do I answer who the replacement to the current board could be?  I could easily say Bill Gates of the Sultan of Brunei and you couldn't say that they wouldn't be any better, or could you?

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I don't believe I did - are you going to ask thickmick for a response to what I ask him about Gazza, Beardsley, Waddle, Pop Robson, and Gordon Lee ?


While you are at it, you could ask him who the replacement for the current board could be that will be better ? And don't say its irrelevant because it isn't, it is pretty stupid to say you want rid of the board, for nobody in particular.




What a typical stupid question.


How the hell do I answer who the replacement to the current board could be?  I could easily say Bill Gates of the Sultan of Brunei and you couldn't say that they wouldn't be any better, or could you?


In response to Grass's request in the other thread, I will answer this quite truthfully, although it IS similar to other posts I've made.


I don't think you should be advocating a change in the board of the club without having an idea of who exactly would be better. It isn't as if we were where we were in 1992, because when you are in a position like that, it is fairly certain that you could hardly do worse and almost anyone WOULD be better.



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