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Guest Alan_Shearer

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He's been fucking dreadful recently. I'm not a fan of Dyer at all but he's a better option up top than Sib is


Beyond even the slightest argument in all fairness.


Don't think it's all Sibierski's fault though - even though i do feel he's a bit shit - it's the tactics we play. Sibierski did the job he was told to do, and i'm referring to the Alkmaar game here, reasonably well. But the formula simply didn't work. I use that same argument for Ameobi aswell. Why Roeder feels inclined to enforce long ball tactics whenever there is a big man in the team, is beyond me. Despite his lack of pace, i generally feel that Sibierski is fairly decent with the ball at his feet. He can certainly pick out a pass.


Dyer's just generally effective upfront anyway, i reckon.


Annoyed that Sibierski is getting a two-year extension. One-year, fair enough. With a bit of luck we'll only have to use him very, very sparingly - what with the returns of Owen and Shola and the inevitable introduction of another £8-10m forward. But two years is just nonsencial, and appears to show a long term 'plan'. With that sort of player? Who'll be 35 by the time he leaves in that case? What kind of ambition does that show?


Liek Gemmill says, it's that cringeworthy sentimental value creeping back into our club issues, that doesn't help us one bit (apart from rare cases such as the return of Nobby). Bringing back Pav, Clarkie, Terry Mac, even Roeder. No. You don't see any other top Premiership team doing that do you? They do what's best for the team, not what's all nice and romantic.

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I like him.  He links up really well and i certainly dont think he can picked out as one of the worse players

He's only starting cos we're down to the bare bones upfront - he's essentially a squad player.

Yes, he has been dreadful recently, exactly the same as just about every other player.

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Antoine's fury at the City slights


Mar 31 2007


By Paul Gilder, The Journal



Wearing a black woollen hat, his headgear pulled down almost to his eyebrows, Antoine Sibierski was unrecognisable for an instant when he first entered the capacious indoor barn at Newcastle's training ground yesterday morning.


It would have been no surprise had the Frenchman decided to keep a low profile, so what would have passed for an effective disguise was perhaps a fitting choice of attire. Yet the hat soon came off and with it followed the gloves, the metaphorical ones at least.


As he eased his sizeable frame into a narrow sofa in an adjoining room, the temperature rose, although there was little warmth in his words. Clinical and calculated, Sibierski's views on his former club left his audience compelled.


That Stuart Pearce was criticised was inevitable and the Manchester City manager who decided the midfielder-cum-striker was no longer required at Eastlands was quickly castigated for the manner in which he ended Sibierski's three-year spell in the North-West - an episode that still pains the player.


His thoughts on former team-mates was not so predictable, though, and as he described a dressing room filled with those of mercenary intent, it became clear that those who he misses at the City of Manchester Stadium are small in number.



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"It was difficult to play as a team because not everyone was in it for the club," said the straight-talking 32-year-old, who hopes to face those whose motives he continues to question when they arrive at St James's Park this afternoon.


"When a player comes (to a club) just to be paid every month, and not to win with his team-mates, you're in trouble at the end of the season.


"The main thing for me each month is not to take my wages, but to play my football and enjoy my football. That's it. But it's not always the case at a club, especially at Manchester City.


"Did it upset me? Definitely, definitely. Because when you play for any team you want to beat everyone. You want to enjoy it on the pitch, you want to play football. In England, you have big wages. But it's not the main thing in life.


"That's why I went to see Kevin Keegan in the first year when I wasn't playing. I told him, `If you've made a mistake with me, don't worry. Just be honest with me and I'll go back to France'."


Sibierski's comments bring to mind Richard Dunne's recent outburst. City's Irish captain expressed similar fears - for which censure soon followed - and although his former colleague shared the sentiment, he found fault in the detail.


"Richard Dunne blamed foreigners," he said. "But I'm a foreigner. When I heard what he had said, I texted him and asked, `Did you say the same thing when I was at the club?'


"He said, `No, you got involved with this club, I didn't mean you. It's just about this year'. It's not the case for all foreigners. I know some, like Ousmane Dabo, who are very, very honest."


Sibierski is nothing if not honest, but it is his unshakeable belief that Pearce lacked such qualities when determining his future last summer that are at the root of his problems with the former Newcastle defender.


"I knew in the last two weeks (before joining Newcastle) that I should leave, I knew I had no future at the club and I knew it was better for me to leave," he explained. "It was what he (Pearce) wanted, even if he didn't tell me that face to face. That's why I was upset with him.


"I like people who are honest ... he is honest, but he wasn't with me at that time. I just wanted him to come to me and to tell me, `You have no future here, Antoine'. But he never said that to me."


August 31, 2006, was a fraught experience for Sibierski. Desperate in his discontentment, it seemed as though his misery in Manchester would be extended for a further six months before Glenn Roeder made his late move.


The transfer deadline was just two hours and 20 minutes away when an unexpected switch to Newcastle was completed and the relief was overwhelming. "I didn't know what might happen, whether I was going to leave or whether I was going to stay," he recalled. "I imagined leaving and I imagined staying as well. Staying meant difficult days, hard days. I had lost confidence and I lost the pleasure in coming in to train every day. As a player, that's a great shame."


But does Sibierski believe Pearce was mistaken to sanction his departure? He said: "He was right because I left Manchester City for Newcastle and I'm much happier here. Even if I didn't agree with him at the beginning of the season - and I went to tell him that - he is the manager.


"He makes decisions and you have to respect that, even if you don't agree, you have to accept it. For me the best thing to do was find another way. Newcastle came and I'm very happy, that's why I'm saying he was right. Because he has made me happier."


That a City side fighting for their Premiership lives have scored just 22 league goals this season suggests Pearce might have erred, although Sibierski does not expect such an admission will be forthcoming.


Considering the manner in which their uncomfortable parting came, it seems as though even a conciliatory handshake this afternoon could be too much to ask. "I will shake his hand - if he comes over, no problem," he said with a Gallic shrug. "But I'm not sure he will come. He's a strong man, a strong character. But it doesn't matter. The main thing for me is to play well and to beat them."


Happiness is what Sibierski craves and the angst he endured at Eastlands has helped him to appreciate much more the chance he has been given at St James's Park. The striker expects the one-year contract he signed last summer to be extended this summer and the mere prospect prompts a broad smile.


"The main thing for me was to find my pleasure again, the pleasure I lost last season," he added. "It has always been a big challenge, because people didn't expect my signing, I was not a very good player for Newcastle fans when I came to this club. I should have proved them wrong - proved I'm able to play for this club and rediscovered my pleasure again.


"I feel very well towards this club, the supporters, the coaching staff and my team-mates. I didn't think it could happen like this. But it has and I'm so happy about that. I just wanted to prove that, although I'm not the best footballer in the world, I'm still a good player and I think I have done well."



what a refreshing change to hear a footballer talking without any bullshit and being honest for a change.

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Has he been given a new contract? I think i remember he has, in which case we wont be signing any strikers in the summer.

Owen, Martins, Ameobi, Sibierski.


He has been quoted this week saying he is happy with those 4 for next season.

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Has he been given a new contract? I think i remember he has, in which case we wont be signing any strikers in the summer.

Owen, Martins, Ameobi, Sibierski.


He has been quoted this week saying he is happy with those 4 for next season.

owen better watch out as he is not one of roeders players  :tongue:
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Guest Gemmill

He became something of a cult hero to simpletons




Backed up by the fact that you still maintain he's better than Shola tbh.  Roll your eyes all you like, but the bloke isn't good enough - if anyone had told me two seasons ago that Antoine Sibierski would be our 3rd/4th choice striker I'd have laughed at them.  But that's where we find ourselves.

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He became something of a cult hero to simpletons


Backed up by the fact that you still maintain he's better than Shola tbh.  Roll your eyes all you like, but the bloke isn't good enough


Which he clearly is. We'll see how things are on the pitch when Bambi gets back. It's the condescension in that first post that is annoying though.

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Ameobi has scored as many league goals as Sib all season, and he hasn't played since about November! Shola is hardly top class, but Siberski is rubbish and however nice a bloke he may be he's not good enough.

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Guest Gemmill

He became something of a cult hero to simpletons


Backed up by the fact that you still maintain he's better than Shola tbh.  Roll your eyes all you like, but the bloke isn't good enough


Which he clearly is. We'll see how things are on the pitch when Bambi gets back. It's the condescension in that first post that is annoying though.


No need to take it seriously unless you personally consider him a cult hero.  And anyone that does could appropriately be termed a simpleton, condescending or not.

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Ameobi has scored as many league goals as Sib all season, and he hasn't played since about November! Shola is hardly top class, but Siberski is rubbish and however nice a bloke he may be he's not good enough.


Ameobi and Sibierski are about on a par - the Championship.

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Guest thenorthumbrian

He's been f****** dreadful recently. I'm not a fan of Dyer at all but he's a better option up top than Sib is


Agreed and it shows how desperate we are when fans are chanting his name.

Remember when we had Ginola, Ferdinand, Beardsley, and Shearer as our forwards ? Sigh. 

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