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Why sit and whinge? Do something about it...

Guest Bellers

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Guest Bellers

Had enough of Freddy making the wrong appointments? Tired of inept coaches making the same mistakes? Getting bored of players not playing for the club? I am and have been for a years now, the club needs a good clear out, form the board and the management, to the players.


Ourselves, the fans are the only ones who can do anything about it and it's about time they did. That doesn't mean one protest after a poor result, it means sustained pressure.


Too many fans will be satisfied with the current mediocrity surrounding the club, but as soon as the bulk of fans start doing something about it the rest will join in. We need change, not another trophy signing, not another manager, it has to start from the top.


It's about time we started doing something about it, we pay the wages, lets have our say...

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Guest Rodimus Prime

Hit them where it hurts. In the pocket. Only way anything will change. None of this petition, protest bullshit.

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Guest Knightrider

I've already did my bit by not renewing my ST for this season and not getting one next season either, I pick and choose games now and shall continue to do that, as for the pap the club sells, stopped buying all that crap years ago.

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I admire your sentiments, but I'm not sure that the fans really can do anything about it. Possibly if crowds dropped to 30K or so Freddy might have something to think about, but even then he seems very keen to hold on to control.


Can't see a way out of it at the moment, I think our most realistic hope is that Freddy somehow gets lucky next time and appoints the right manager. That's all I can see right now.

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Just sitting in whinging is just about as effective as whatever fan protest could be mounted tbh. We're just not in an era where the fans can actually pressure their clubs.


I'll stick to voodoo. Got some dolls of Freddy and Glen ready. With lots and lots of pins. And a fire. Oh yes.  >:D

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Guest given take

Only thing that bothers the board is low attendances.



Thats given me a great idea! lets boycott the games!!

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Only thing that bothers the board is low attendances.



Thats given me a great idea! lets boycott the games!!


This season though people will have paid for their season ticket and should go to the games.

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Guest Bellers

Boycotting games would only work if a significant amount of fans took part. Currently if a fan gives up his seat there will be another all too willing to take it...

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The majority of ST holders will renew. Although I can see it being another drop next season, it won't be significant enough to worry the board. Earlier in the season someone suggested an organised one match stay away. Our remaining matches are totally meaningless as far as our position in the league is concerned, if a protest like this could be arranged it would certainly raise some eyebrows. Sky would be right on to it and we know how the board love SSN attention.


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Guest Bellers

I suppose a mayor poster/leaflet campaign could work. Handing them out around the city encouraging people to boycott games could give the board a fright...

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Guest killers_perm

Is it really unethical to suggest that all fans chip in £10 and we pay for Mr Shepherd to be removed from this place, taken to another place and left to rot in a pit of his own filth ? >:D

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Guest Knightrider

I think the club will be in for a shock next season, there will be far more seats on general sale next season than ever before, sure we'll fill the ground because there will always be fans ready to take the place of others, but ST sales = money in the bank, and are far more important. I think new strip sales will be down too.

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Guest justin99.

Ah, yes but your all forgetting Shepherd's ace in the sleeve....


Alan Shearer,  expect some announcement of his increased involvement with the club

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I have to say I'm starting to agree with the sentiments in the opening post of this thread. The most frustrating thing about the last few seasons is that me, as nowt more than a fan, can do fuck all about it... except for the time when I caught the ball at the match, I've had no direct influence on anything to do with Newcastle United (:lol:), which is a right fucking ripper when it affects my mood so much on a matchday.


How hard would it really be to get something (anything) rolling?

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Guest justin99.

How many times has this sort of thread been made and what has really been done about it?


I have to be told atleast 3 times to do the washing up before I do it...

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Really, the interesting thing about Shepherd is that even if we choke his purse to the max, what makes you think he'll do the right thing?


The fact is, he doesn't even know what the right thing is.


If the fans look angry about the manager, he'll think "crap, I guess they really want Shearer" and get him in as manager.


If the fans look angry about the squad, he'll think "crap, better get a big name in" and go throw 12m at Darren Bent.


Shepherd simply doesn't have the ability to do smart things. Putting pressure on him will just make him panic and start driving this club down in an even more rapid manner.

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We have 4 more home games this season. How many on here would be willing to stay away from one of them? I think if we could let enough people know it could be pretty effective.

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Guest Bellers

How many times has this sort of thread been made and what has really been done about it?


Thats because there are too many fans such as yourself around, "My club take the piss, but I'll carry on providing them with their well deserved pay every saturday, then laugh off any attemtp to something about it."


I'm not talking a petition or a single protest, this has to be sustained...

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